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    unit5 Revealing nature Revealing nature words ppt课件(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.rar

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    unit5 Revealing nature Revealing nature words ppt课件(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第一册.rar

    1、Vocabulary expansion and exercisesUnit 5 VocabularlyLearning aims1. listen to the audio and imitate the pronunciation.2. Recite the expansion of words3.Finsh the exercisesprofit1.vt. vi.有益于,对有益的,得益,创利润 profited;profiting;profited;profit from/by 因.受益profit sb.试某人获益2.n. 利益,得益,利润 profit表示“利益”时,只有单数形式,前

    2、不可加a。而表示“利润”时,可同时有单复数形式。We hoped to sell the goods at a profit.我们希望卖掉这些产品能有所收益.Part of the profits were devoted to charity.利润的一部分捐给了慈善会。常见搭配 a rise/an increase in profits受益上升 a drop /fall in profits 受益下降 make a profit 赚取利润1.Not just the people of our nation,but the people of the world_have profited_

    3、his invention.2.This company_(利润下降)last yearby/fromhad a drop /fall in profitsRevisiondistant/distance distant adj. 遥远的;冷漠的;远隔的;不友好的,冷淡的a distant relative 远亲in the distant/near future 在遥远的/不远的未来distance n. n. 距离;远方;疏远; distance between.之间的差距/距离in the distance 在远处keep sb at a distance 与某人保持距离distantl

    4、y adv. 远离地,遥远地;疏远地,冷淡地1. The telescope reveals _ to our sight. 望远镜把许多遥远的星球显现在我们的眼前。2. The coldness and _ in her voice took me by surprise. 她话语中透出的冷淡和疏远使我感到意外。 many distant starsdistanceRevisionseed seed n. 种子,(作集合名词时为不可数名词)a grain of mustard seed 有极大发展前途的小东西birdseed 鸟食go/run to seed 退化;花谢结子;变得不修边幅so

    5、w/plant a/the seed of doubt (in someones mind) (在某人心中)播下怀疑的种子Good seed makes a good crop. 好种子才有好收成。1. Hes seventy now, and is beginning to _. 2. He is planting _ in your mind. go to seeda seed of doubt他现在七十岁了,开始变得不修边幅了。他正在你令你起疑心。predict n. prediction 预言 adj.predictive 预测的 预言的 predictable 可预见的 可预料的反义

    6、词unpredictable常见搭配 It is predicted that.1.He said he could _(predict)the earthquake severval days ahead of time but some experts said that the _(predict) was ridiculous because the earthquake is _(predict)predictunpredictablepredictionRevisionfascinate v.n. fascination 魅力C. / 着迷U. 搭配 fascination wit

    7、h/for sb./sth.hold /have a fascination for sb.对某人有吸引力 adj. fascinated 入迷的 fascinating 迷人的 be fascinated by /with 被.迷住 fascinate sb. 使某人着迷 1.Reading was the entrance into a _world where we all feel_by books fascinatingfascinatedRevisioncrowded adj.拥挤的 bewith 挤满拓展 crowd n. C. 人群 观众 一伙人 a crowd of / cr

    8、owds of 一大群.很多. vt. 挤满.、涌上. crowd into ones mind 涌上某人心头 crowd into.大批涌入(狭小空间) _(crowd)of students _the school bus ,and in a while it was too _to hold anyone else.Crowdscrowded intocrowededdisgrace disgrace n. 耻辱,丢脸的事be a disgrace to sb 对某人来说是一个耻辱in disgrace 不光彩地disgraceful adj. 可耻的,不名誉的,丢脸的1. His be

    9、haviour was absolutely _(disgrace)! 2. That sort of behaviour is _(是.的耻辱) the legal profession. disgracefula disgrace toinspire inspire inspiration n. U.灵感 C.启发灵感的人或事 inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的 启发灵感的 inspired adj.被启发的Revisionsuspectsuspect that.怀疑.觉得.suspect sb. of (doing )sth. 怀疑某人做了某事suspect sb./sth. to

    10、 be .猜想某人/某物.n. C.嫌疑犯 可疑对象1.丽萨的朋友怀疑她偷了他的手机两种翻译:Lisas friend suspected that she had stolen his mobile phoneLisas friend suspected her of stealing his mobile phone.Revisioncharacteristic n.C.特征 特点 adj.典型的 独特的 特有的beof 是.特有的 It is characteristic of sb. to do sth.做某事正像是某人的风格拓展 charater C.性格 品质 C.人物角色 C.文

    11、字decline vi+n. 下降decline by.下降了.(后常接分数或百分数)decline to.下降到了.(后常接具体数字)decline in.下在某方面下降/减少了.in decline=on the decline 在下降1.The number of tourists declined _10% last year.2As the economy was_decline ,some people in the town had lost their jobs.byindeclare n. declaration 宣布vt.宣布 公布declare war on .像.宣战d

    12、eclare for/against 声明支持/反对declare oneself 表明身份 发表意见declare sb./sth. (to be )+n.宣布.为.declare sb./sth. +adj宣布.为.1.The law has gone into effect since its _2She declared _(her)in favor of the proposal.declarationherselfRevisionblame n. 责备;责任;过失 bear the blame 承担责任take the blame 承担责任blame vt. 责备;归咎于;blam

    13、e sb for(doing) sth 因为某事而责备人blame .on sb./sth.把.归咎于某人某事someone is to blame for(doing) sth 某人应为某事承担责任(主动形式表被动意义)1. She was partly to blame for _(fail) to look as she crossed the road.2. No one present made an answer when asked who had broken the window, so he didnt know who _(应该承担责任). 3. Im not going

    14、 to sit around and _(承担责任) for a mistake he made. failingwas to blametake the blameRevisionlink link n. 联系,关系;链接;v. 连接起来;联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来a link between.之间的联系_吸烟和肺癌之间的关系link sth with sth 把.与.联系起来link.to.把.连接到.上 1. The video cameras _(被连接到.上) a powerful computer. 2. Available in English, French, German and Italian, it has _(link) to other relevant tourism sites.a link between smoking and lung cancer它有可供阅读的英文、法文、德文和意大利文版本,也有通向其它相关旅游网站的链接。are linked tolinks


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