1、Project板块教学设计(此部分教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Speaking 主题语境人与社会中外不同民族文化习俗与传统节日内容分析本项目实践活动以主题节日庆祝为依托,围绕世界各地节日展开。学生用书的活动步骤启迪思路,激发学生寻找自己感兴趣的节日,调查其起源、历史和庆祝方式等,并基于调查内容设计宣传海报。通过实践调查方式,学生能够增强对更多节日文化的了解,并提高搜集整理信息的能力以及创造性思维能力。教学目标1. 从兴趣出发,多渠道获取节日相关信息;2. 将所学知识迁移运用,全面系统地介绍节日;3. 自主探究并小组合作制作节日海报,并以小组为单位向班级展示合作成果。教学重点1. 引导学生
2、利用单元所学,上网查找资料,多渠道获取信息;2. 引导学生进一步了解节日的内涵。教学难点引导学生明确小组分工,制作节日海报。教学策略任务型教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityInvestigateT asks Ss to share the festival information they have investigated before class with group members. Ss work in groups and share the information abo
3、ut the chosen festival. Develop skills in searching information.PlanT asks Ss to organise the information into categories for their posters.1. Ss work in groups and organise the information into categories for their posters, including:(1) Why is the festival celebrated?(2) When and how often is it c
4、elebrated?(3) What are its origins and history?(4) How has it changed over time? Organise the structure of a poster. Create1. T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about each piece of information, and find some pictures accordingly.2. While Ss making their posters, T provides guidance to Ss if necess
5、ary.Ss make their posters in groups after class.Practise group work.PresentT arranges time in later periods for Ss to show their posters to the class and do presentations.1. Each group show their poster to the class and do presentation.2. Ss make comments on each groups poster.Practise skills in giving a presentation, and learn from each other.