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    Unit 6 Developing ideas 教案-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.doc

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    Unit 6 Developing ideas 教案-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.doc

    1、Developing ideas板块教学设计(建议时长8090分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。)课型Reading + Writing主题语境人与自然灾害防范、自然灾害与防范内容分析本文是一篇记叙文,从一个孩子的视角讲述了受“卡特里娜”飓风的影响,一个普通的美国家庭的遭遇。该语篇以时间顺序展开,共分为飓风袭击时、飓风过后、几天之后、一年之后四个阶段,主要描述了主人公在不同阶段生活环境的变化以及随之引起的恐惧、担忧、充满希望、喜悦再到乐观积极等一系列心理活动的变化,旨在向读者传递面对自然灾害时要团结一致,保持积极乐观的态度和对未来充满希望的信息。该语篇主要使用一般过去时,有大量的感情词汇以及意

    2、象来描述事件后所遇和所思所想,教师应引导学生关注这种写作手法。读写部分的语篇是与主题相关的飓风安全指南,语言简练,使用了大量祈使句来提供建议,教师需要引导学生对该安全指南进行学习,关注安全指南的结构和语言特点,并进行仿写。通过这一板块的学习,学生能够加深对记叙散文的理解,学习安全指南的问题特点和写法。教学目标1. 读懂语篇大意,获取文章的主要信息,体会作者在经历灾害前后的境况变化和相关心理感受;2. 分析标题和语篇中的意向,并联系自身生活,培养积极乐观的人生态度;3. 通过完成阅读任务了解安全指南的写法和语言特点;4. 运用所学内容,参照飓风安全指南写一则防洪安全指南;教学重点1. 引导学生读

    3、懂文章,利用思维导图,分析主人公在灾害前后的心理感受变化,体会语篇的主旨;2. 引导学生梳理安全指南的篇章结构和语言特点,运用所学词汇和祈使句进行类主题安全指南的写作。教学难点1. 引导学生分析主人公在灾难前后的境遇变化以及心理活动变化;2. 引导学生掌握安全指南的篇章结构和实用表达。教学策略交际教学法、任务型教学法Teaching contentsProceduresPurposes Teachers activityStudents activityActivity 11. T asks Ss to talk about Hurricane Katrina by observing the

    4、 map and answering the questions in Activity. 2. T invites some Ss to share their opinion with the class. Ss look at the map and talk about Hurricane Katrina from different aspects including its origin, lasting time and effects.Create a positive atmosphere for learning, introduce the theme of the le

    5、sson and activate Ss prior knowledge of the topic.Activity 21. T guides Ss to analyze the title, especially what “stars” represent in it.2. T asks Ss to read the passage quickly and check their understanding of the title.3. T invites several Ss to share their understanding with the class. 1. Ss anal

    6、yze the title, especially what “stars” represent in it.2. Ss read the passage and check their understanding of the title.Make Ss generate a general idea of the passage. Activity 31. T asks Ss to read the passage again and find out words and expressions from it to complete the diagram in Activity2. T

    7、 checks the answers with the whole class.3. T directs Ss to focus on the emotional words and imagery in this passage to identify and interpret the thoughts and feelings of the main character of the passage (Learning to learn). 4. T asks Ss to retell the story according to the diagram and what they h

    8、ave analyzed. 1. Ss read the passage and complete the diagram in Activity 2. Ss identify and interpret the thoughts and feelings of the main character of the passage by focusing on the emotional words and imagery in the passage. 3. Ss retell the story according to the diagram and what they have anal

    9、yzed. Promote their reading skill of getting specific information from the text; help Ss focus on details of the text and understand it better; enable Ss to have a deeper understanding of the message intended to convey to them in the text.Think & Share1. T asks Ss to discuss the four questions in “T

    10、hink and Share”.2. T invites some Ss to share their opinions.Ss discuss the four questions in groups and then share their own thoughts with the class.Develop Ss higher order thinking skills; make connections between them and the text. Activity 41. T asks Ss to work in pairs and act out an interview

    11、with the author about their experience of Hurricane Katrina. 2. T invites several pairs to present their interview in front of the class. 1. Ss read the passage again and underline the important information.2. Ss work in groups and prepare questions for the interview using the information they under

    12、lined. 3. Ss decide the roles of interviewer and interviewee, and then act out the interview. Consolidate and apply the language and content learnt to real situations.Activity 51. T invites Ss to recall how dangerous a hurricane is. 2. T guides Ss to read the hurricane safety guidelines and answer t

    13、he questions: What is the purpose of safety guidelines? What type of language is used in safety guidelines?3. T guides Ss to summarize the writing features of proper safety guidelines.1. Ss share their impressions of hurricanes with the class.2. Ss read the hurricane safety guidelines quickly, and a

    14、nswer the questions.3. Ss summarize the writing features of safety guidelines.Read to extract and summarize the writing features of safety guidelines.Activity 61. T asks Ss to discuss in groups and make notes for flood safety guidelines based on the hurricane safety guidelines in Activity 2. T asks

    15、Ss to write flood safety guidelines according to the notes, and reminds them to use the useful expressions they have learned in this unit. 1. Ss complete the notes with their own experiences and exchange notes with group members.2. Ss write their flood safety guidelines according to the notes. Pract

    16、ice safety guidelines writing and apply what they have learned to real situation in a creative way.Activity 71. T shows some basic criteria of a good writing, demonstrates how to evaluate a writing and invites Ss to add more criteria if necessary.2. T asks some Ss to show their flood safety guidelin

    17、es to the class, and invites the rest to make evaluations.Ss present their flood safety guidelines to the class while the rest making evaluations.Provide Ss with the opportunity to receive feedback from peers so that they can receive more suggestions and ideas for revisions, potentially increasing the quality of their writing.


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