1、、Encysted on the fresh water vegetation-water chestnut, water caltropThe way of infection with the man consumed raw or peeled with teeth. reservoir host: pigs, dogs, rabbit 病病人人:西西藏藏日日喀喀则则人人,男男性性,60岁岁,自自诉诉排排节节片片30余余年年, 颠颠痫痫史史1020年年,近近年年因因颠颠痫痫发发作作次次数数逐逐渐渐增增多多至至昏昏迷迷,自自带带一一节节片片转转成成都都就就诊诊。MRI结结果果: 右右額額叶
2、叶、颞颞叶叶、顶顶 叶叶见见多多个个大大小小不不等等的的结结节节影影。2002年年11月月6日日服服用用南南瓜瓜子子、槟槟榔榔各各100g,50%硫硫酸酸镁镁,驱驱虫虫10余余条条。卵 囊 3)3).gondii .gondii T. solium T. saginata猪带绦虫和牛带绦虫对消化道损伤猪带绦虫和牛带绦虫对消化道损伤Lung infected with Paragonimus westermani Human patient with paragonimiasis(并殖(并殖/肺吸虫病人)肺吸虫病人)CysticercosisThe fish are raised in fish ponds that are commonly fertilized with human and animal feces. eat raw fish or uncooked fish frequently