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    Unit 1 My School 第三课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip

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    Unit 1 My School 第三课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip

    1、Unit 1 My School 第三课时第三课时 习题习题一、选择题。一、选择题。1.Whats _ your school? A.on B.at C.in2.Is there _ library? A.a B.some C.an3.There are _ chairs. A.a B.two C.an4.There is _ art room. A.an B.a C.three5.What _ in your school? A.is B.has C./二、填空题。二、填空题。A: 1 your school?B: 2 is a big library. A: 3 many books 4

    2、there? A: 5 10000 books. 3、连线题。连线题。1. Whats in your home? A. No, there isnt a gym. 2. Is there a gym? B. Thank you. 21 教育网3. How many classrooms are there? C. There are 24 classrooms. 4. Are there three books? D. There are many rooms. 5. Your school is good. E.Yes, there are. 21 世纪教育网版权所有4、阅读下面对话,判断

    3、句子,正确的写阅读下面对话,判断句子,正确的写“T” ,错误的写,错误的写“F”。My name is Tom. Im a student. My school is not very big, but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. Its very bright. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys. My school has two libraries. The big o

    4、ne is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. Theres a big playground in the school. I like to play football there. I like my school very much.21cnjycom1.Toms school is very big and beautiful. ( ) 2.Toms classroom is very bright. ( ) 3.Theres a computer in the classroom. ( ) www.21-cn-4

    5、.There are twenty-four girls in Toms class. ( ) 5.The big library is for the teachers. ( ) 5、写作。写作。你的学校里有什么?请用五句话描述你的学校。_Unit 1 My school 第三课时第三课时 答案答案一、【解析】1.询问学校里有什么,考查介词 in 的使用。2.is 后面加名词单数,library 使用冠词 a.3.are 后面加名词复数。 二、【解析】1.询问学校里有什么,考查固定搭配的使用。2. 对应提问使用 there.3. 考查固定搭配 how many 询问数量。4. 考查 are+

    6、名词复数的使用。5. 对应提问使用 there are.【答案】1.Whats in 2.There 3.How many 4.are 5.There are三、 【解析】本题考查句型和单词的掌握。【答案】1-D 2-A 3-C 4-E 5-B四、【解析】1.学校并不大,故错误。2. 正确,由“this is my classroom. Its very bright.”可知。3. 错误,由“There is a computer on the teachers desk. ”可知。21cnjy4. 正确,由“There are 46 students in my class. 22 girl

    7、s and 24 boys.”可知。5. 错误,由“ The big one is for the students.”可知。【答案】FTFFF五、【解析】本题考查重点句型的实际运用。【答案】略广东开心版英语四年级下册广东开心版英语四年级下册 Unit 1 第三课时教学设计第三课时教学设计课题 My School单元Unit 1学科英语年级四年级学习目标知识与技能目标:掌握本单元单词、句型;学习运用状语在句子中不同位置的转换。过程与方法目标:能够在学校的情境下使用新句型进行相关对话。情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。重点巩固练习本单元所学单词和句型

    8、。难点通过复习 Sounds and words 中已学含有字母 oo 的单词,总结字母 oo 在单词中的常见读音规则并初步感知音标知识,最终提高认读和记忆单词的能力。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Listen to the chant In my school. 认真听歌谣并尝试理解内容。促进学生灵活运用之前所学。讲授新课1. Chant activities.(1) Read the chant and try to comprehend . (2) Learn the key points. In my school,theres a . = Theres a . in

    9、 my school. 我的学校有一个For Example: In my school,theres a gym.Theres a gym in my school. 我的学校有一个体育馆。(3) Listen again and chant together.(4) Listen to the part 2 of the chant and write.In my school, theres a library. Theres a library in my school. 认真思考并做出相应的回答。听录音,学习歌谣并能独立演唱。对话、唱歌等活动不仅有趣,还能促进学生实际应用所学知识。T

    10、heres a playground in my school. In my school, theres a playground. Theres a teachers office in my school. In my school, theres a teachers office. (5) Lets chant. (6) Play a game. synonymous sentences transformation: Point at the picture and talk about it with the sentences we learned in the chant.

    11、2. ActivitySay and point. Talk like this: A: Look at Picture A. Its my school. Theres one art room, one gym, and two classrooms. B: How many chairs are there in your classrooms? A: There are sixteen. 3. Sounds and words(1) Have a think of the translation. room, moon, cool, classroom, school, noodles

    12、(2) Listen to the words and find out the same pronunciation. oo-u:(3) Listen again and repeat. 4. Add-activities (1) Listen to the chant The cool moon. (2) Lets chant. (3) Play a game. 同伴间根据图片进行同义句转换。与同桌根据提示完成练习。朗读单词,总结发音规律。巩固状语的使用。及时进行巩固练习。通过聆听朗读,培养学生自主学习的能力。 Pass the parcel with the chant. When it

    13、s paused, say a word with oo.(4) Practice-那里是我们的学校。 -_-学校里有什么?-_-那里有一个操场,一个图书馆,教室。-_-有多少间教室?-_-那里有 19 间教室在学校。-_Theres our school. Whats in your school? Theres one playground, one library and classrooms. How many classrooms are there? There are nineteen classrooms in the school. 3. SummaryDiscuss in

    14、your group: In this unit, What have we learned?根据板书复述今天学习的内容:a teachers office, a classroom, a hall, a library, a music room, an art room, a gym, a playground 击鼓传花,轮到时说出带 oo 的单词。根据要求完成练习。总结复习本单元所学。巩固对单词歌谣掌握的同时,考查学生额外的词汇量。及时练习,检测学习成果。帮助学生整理思路,进行系统化的学习。1. 背诵本课的单词、课文。2. 总结 Unit 1 知识点。3.完成Unit 1 Period

    15、3课后作业。预习 Unit 2: 熟读 Period 1 的课文、单词。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是帮助学生系统性的理解总结本单元,进一步巩固前两节课学习的成果。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。板书Unit 1 My schoola teachers office, a classroom, a hall, a library, a music room, an art room, a gym, a playground (1)Theres a hall, a gym.(2) How many classroom

    16、s are there? There are twenty-five classrooms.Unit1MySchool(3)英语广东开心版 四年级下WarmupListentoaChantListentoaChantIn my school, theres a gym. Theres a gym in my school. Theres a hall in my school. In my school, theres a hall. There are twenty classrooms in my school. In my school, there are twenty classro

    17、oms. ReadIn my school,thereIn my school,there is/are is/are a a/an/(s)/an/(s) . .= There = There is/areis/are a a/an/(s)/an/(s) . in my school. . in my school. 我的学校有我的学校有For Example: For Example: In my school,thereIn my school,there s a s a gym.gym.Theres a gym in my school. Theres a gym in my schoo

    18、l. 我的学校有一个体育馆。我的学校有一个体育馆。LetslearnIn my school, theres a gym. Theres a gym in my school. Theres a hall in my school. In my school, theres a hall. There are twenty classrooms in my school. In my school, there are twenty classrooms. LetschantListenandWriteListenandWriteIn my school, theres _. _ librar

    19、y in my school. _ playground in my school. In my school, theres _. _ teachers office in my school. In my school, _ teachers office. a library Theres a Theres a a playgroundTheres a theres a LetslearnLetschantIn my school, theres a library. Theres a library in my school. LookandchantLookandchantThere

    20、s a playground in my school. In my school, theres a playground. Theres a teachers office in my school. In my school, theres a teachers office. Letstalk.Pickone!OK.Thereisalibraryinmyschool.Inmyschool,thereisalibrary.Pairwork.-Pickone!-OK.-Inmyschool,thereisa/an.-Thereisa/an.inmyschool.Practiceinpair



    23、andTalkNow,itisyourturn!LetslearnHaveaThinkHaveaThink任务 :单词互译1. moon _ 2. cool _ 3. room _ 4. classroom _ 5. school _ 6. noodle _ 月亮凉爽房间教室学校面条ListentotheWordsListentotheWordsooroommooncoolclassroom schoolnoodlesLetslearnReadtheWordsReadtheWordsooroommooncoolclassroom schoolnoodlesu:LetslearnLetslist

    24、enListentotheChantThecoolmoonRoom, room, room. A room on the moon. School, school, school. A school on the moon. Noodles, noodles, noodles. Noodles on the moon. Oh, it is cool! What other words do you know with letters oo?你还知道哪些带字母“oo”的单词? Letstalk look book cook poor good fool LetsplayRulesRulesPas

    25、s the parcel with the chant. When Pass the parcel with the chant. When its paused, say a word with its paused, say a word with oooo. . 击鼓传花,当音乐停下时说一个有击鼓传花,当音乐停下时说一个有oooo的单词。的单词。LetsplayStartNow!StartNow!Practice请完成Unit 1 Period 3 随堂检测!Practice- -那里是我们的学校。那里是我们的学校。 -_-_- -学校里有什么?学校里有什么?-_-_- -那里有一个操场

    26、,一个图书馆。那里有一个操场,一个图书馆。-_-_- -有多少间教室?有多少间教室?-_-_- -那里有那里有1919间教室在学校。间教室在学校。-_-_There is our There is our schoolschool. . Whats in your school? Whats in your school? Theres one playground, one library. Theres one playground, one library. How many classrooms are How many classrooms are there? there? The

    27、re are nineteen classrooms in the school. There are nineteen classrooms in the school. DiscussDiscussDiscuss in your group: In this unit, What have we learned?小组讨论:本单元我们学习了什么? SummarySummaryThere is a .How many 名词(s) is/are there? There is/are + 数量 + 名词(s). alibraryaclassroomaplaygroundahallateachersofficeamusicroomanartroomagymVocabularyVocabularySummary1. 背诵本课的单词、课文。2. 总结Unit 1 知识点。3.完成Unit 1 Period 3课后作业。预习Unit 2: 熟读Period 1的课文、单词。Homework


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