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    2022年高考英语语法专题复习:英语时态 专项练习题精选汇编(Word版含答案).docx

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    2022年高考英语语法专题复习:英语时态 专项练习题精选汇编(Word版含答案).docx

    1、第 1 页 共 24 页2022 年高考英语语法专题复习:英语时态 专项练习题精选汇编1. Here _the bus!A is comingB comesC has comeD has been coming2. Its the third time I _him this month.A had seenB seeC sawD have seen3. If you go to the western suburbs of the city , you _a lot of newbuildings .A will seeBhave seenC seeD are going to see4.

    2、- I have bought an English -Chinese dictionary.- When and where _you_ _it?A do buyB did buyC have boughtD had bought5. She showed him the photo she _the day before.A has takenB tookC was takingD had taken6. While Tom _, his sister is writing.A readsB has readC has been readingD is reading7. By the t

    3、ime he was ten, Edison _experiments in chemistry.A had alreadydoneB already had doneC was already doingD alreadydid8. I dont know if it_or not tomorrow.A will snowB snowsC has snowedD is snowing9. He was sixty-eight. In two years he _seventy.A was going to beB would be第 2 页 共 24 页C had beenD will be

    4、10. Tom _for more than a week.A has leftB has gone awayC went awayD has been away11. He said that honesty _the key to success.A wasB will beC isD is being12. She _in London till nest Monday.A will have stayedB has stayedC is stayingD has been staying13. We _each other since I left Shanghai.A havent

    5、seenB hadnt seenC didnt seeD wouldnt see14. Ill return the book to the library as soon as I_it .A will finishB am going to finishC finishedD have finished15. She has bought some cloth, she _herself a dress.A makesB is going to makeC would makeD has made16. Dont go and bother him. He _in the room.A w

    6、ritesB has writtenC is writingD has been writing17. _you _?A Do;marryB Have;married第 3 页 共 24 页C Have;been marriedDAre;married18. Tom: This is a terribly heavy box.John: I _you to carry it.A will helpB am going to helpC had better to helpD had rather help19. She told me that her father _to the post

    7、office when I arrivedA just wentB has just goneC had just goneD had just been going20. Dont get of f until the bus _.A stoppedB will stopC will have stoppedD stops21. Peter said that he _home the next day.A was going toB will goC would goD had gone22. He _with us since he returned last month.A lives

    8、B livedC had livedD has lived23. They _to help but could not get here in time.A had wantedB have wantedC was wantingD want24. They will go to work in the countryside when they _school nextyear .A will leaveB will have leaveC are leavingD leave第 4 页 共 24 页25. I didnt know when they _again.A cameB wer

    9、e comingC had comeD had been coming26. The fence _near the window.A standB is standingC have stoodD stands27. They _here for more than a month.A have arrivedB have reachedC have comeD have been28. We _a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.A had hadB would haveC werehavingD had29. She told us she

    10、 had met you in London last year. _ you _hersince ?A Had; metB Did; seeC Would; meetD Have; seen30. If it _tomorrow, we wont go to the school farm.A is to rainB will be rainingC will rainD rains31._you _to the 6:30 broadcast?A Have; listenedB Did; listenC Had; listenedD would; listen32. I _Tom has m

    11、ade a mistake.A am thinkingB shall thinkC thinkD have been thinking33. I _writing the article now.第 5 页 共 24 页A finishB is finishingC finishedD have finished34. When _you_ to study English?A have;begunB did;beginC had;begunD do;begin35. He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _ill for three

    12、months.A has beenB has gotC had fallenD had been36. Ill look after your children after you _.A will goB will have goneC are goneD went37. He _of how he could do more for the people .A will always thinkB is always thinkingC has always thoughtD does always think38. The foreign friends _here just now.A

    13、 leftB have leftC have been away fromD hadleft39. The teacher said that we _ten lessons by the end of this term.A should studyB have studiedC were going to studyD should have studied40. We _there when it_ _to rain.A were getting;would beginB were about to get;beganC had got;had begunD would get;bega

    14、n41. Hans Christian Anderson _a lot of fairy tales.第 6 页 共 24 页A had writtenB wroteC was writingD has written42. It _ten years since he left Shanghai.A wasB isC had beenD will be43. We _ about two thousand English words by the end of last term.A learnedB have learnedC hadlearnedDwouldlearn44. Since

    15、when _you _so many young trees?A have;plantedB do;plantC did;plantD had;planted45. It _long before we celebrate the New Years Day.A isntB hasnt beenC wasntD wont be46. -Where have you been? -I _to the railway station.A have goneB have beenC wentD am going47. I _along the road when suddenly some patt

    16、ed me on the shoulderfrom behind.A walkedB had walkedC was walkingD would walk48. My brother _Tom quite well, they were introduced at a Party.A is knowingB was knowingC knowsD had been knowing49. I didnt know a thing about the verbs, for I _them.A wouldnt studyB havent studiedC hadnt studiedD wasnt

    17、studying第 7 页 共 24 页50. Dont be late, Mary, the train _at 8 a.m.A is startingB has startedC would startD starts51. There will come a day when the people of the whole country _ahappy life .A liveB will liveC will have livedD are living52. If I had enough money, I _a trip.A tookB would takeC had taken

    18、D would have taken53. My father, who died fifteen years ago, _very kind to me.A isB wasC had beenD would be54. We _our seats till the party had begun.A hadnt foundB didnt findC havent foundD wouldnt fine55. We _that you would be able to visit us.A hopeB were hopingC have hopedD hoped56. By 1914 Eins

    19、tein _world fame.A gainedB would gainC had gainedD was gaining57. The man put on his hat and _away.A had goneB would goC has goneD went58. Comrade Wang _the Party for about three years.A has attendedB has joinedC has been inD has taken part in59.-_ you _to New York?第 8 页 共 24 页-Yes, I _there three y

    20、ears ago.A Have;been;wentB Did;go;have beenC Have;gone;wentD Have;been;had gone60. she was praised for what she _A didB has doneC would doD had done61. The book _on the floor for ten minutes, but no one has picked itup.A is lyingB has lainC has been lyingD lay62. The boy _. A bullet _through his che

    21、st on the left sideA.had died ;passedB died;had passedC died ;passedD had died;had passed63. It _and the streets were still wet.A had been rainingB rainedC has rainedD would rain64. If I _when he comes, wake me up.A sleepB will sleepC am sleepingD will be sleeping65. Hardly _the bell _when the teach

    22、er came in.A did -ringB would -ringC has-rungD had -rung66. I _from him so far.A didnt hearB dont hearC havent heardD hadnt heard67. The students went out before the bell _.第 9 页 共 24 页A had rungB has rungC didnt ringD hadnt rung68. It was two years since I _with here.A had dinedB was diningC dinedD

    23、 had been dining69. By this time next year, we _all the land onto rice fields.A had turnedB will have turnedC have turnedD have been turning70. What_ you _this time tomorrow morning?A will; doB have; been doingC are; doingD will; be doing71. In the past it _people two years to go round the world.A h

    24、ad takenB has takenC tookD was taking72. Great changes _in my hometown in the past few years.A were taken placeB have been taken placeC took placeD have taken place73. His father _several times during the war of liberation.A had been woundedB was woundedC woundedD had wounded74. This novel _well.A s

    25、ellsB is soldC will be soldD has been sold75. _ the new color film _this year?A Will; be shownB Did; showC Are; shownD Has; been shown第 10 页 共 24 页76. The work _ in two days.A has been finishedB will finishC will be finishedD are finished77. I shouldnt trust him because he _the police.A is known byB

    26、 knowsC has known toD is known to78. Thousands of people took part in the work when the Three Gorgesproject _.A would be builtB was buildingC were being builtD had been built79. This sick man _to hospital right away.A must sendB will sendC ought be sentD must be sent80. Do you know when the Chinese

    27、Communist Party _?A is foundB foundC has been foundedD was founded81. When I got to his home, I_ that he _to Beijing.A told; had goneB was told; wentC was told; had goneD told; had been82. we _to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish.A warnedB have warnedC have been warnedD w

    28、ere warning第 11 页 共 24 页83._you _in the heavy rain last night?A Were; caughtB Did; catchC Had; been caughtD Have; caught84. How long _the concert _?A has ;been lastedB did;lastC will;be lastedD was;lasted85. when sugar _ enough, a black substance appears.A heatsB is heatedC will beatD will be heated

    29、86. The fire of London _on the right of September, 1666.A was broken outB had broken outC broke outD broken out87. The police _outside the ball in large numbers.A have stationedB were stationedC stationedD has been stationed88. -Why does Mary look to be so sorry? -Because she _by herclassmates.A has

    30、 been laughedB has laughed atC was laughedD has been laughed at89. English textbooks _in that publishing house.A were publishedB have been publishedC are publishedD had been published90. The story _, and everybody knows about it.第 12 页 共 24 页A has got roundB got roundC was got roundD has been got ro

    31、und91. She wondered what _over here.A has happenedB was happenedC had been happenedD had happened92. _this dictionary _to your brother?A Does; belongB Is; belongedC Has; been belongedD Is; belonging93. During the illness of their mother, the children _by a neighbor.A took care ofB were taken careC w

    32、ere taken care ofD have been taken care94. For this he _on twice.A has operatedB operatedC had been operatedD has been operated95. Water _into steam if it is heated to its boiling point.A is going to be turnedB will be turnedC has been turnedD is being turned96. Wed better do our Christmas shopping.

    33、 Time _A is running outB is run outC have been ran outD is running out of第 13 页 共 24 页九、独立主格结构1.Ford tried dividing the labor_each worker a separate taskA.assigningB.assignedC.was assignedD.would be assigned2.The lecture_he left his seat so quietly that no one complained thathis leaving disturbed th

    34、e speakerA.beganB.beginning C.having begunD.being beginning3.Such_the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaintsA.beingB.is C.wasD.to be4.Darkness_in, the young people lingered on merrymakingA. setB. settingC. has set D. was set5.With all factors_, we think this program may excel all the

    35、others inachieving the goalA.being considered B.consideringC. consideredD.are considered6.A new technique_,the yields as a whole increased by 20 percentA.to have been worked out B.having worked outC.working out D.having been worked out7.On the top was the clear outline of a great wolf sitting still,

    36、 ears_,alert, listeningA.pointedB.pointingC.are pointedD.are pointing8 Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but ourwork_,we declined the offerA.not being finishedB.not having finished第 14 页 共 24 页C.had not been finished D.was not finished9There are various kinds of metals, each_

    37、its own propertiesA. hasB. hadC. to haveD. having10The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports,each_one major point in contrast with the otherA. makesB madeC. is to makeD.making独立主格结构巩固练习1.The thief stood before the policeman, _ admitting what he had doneA.with his drooping he

    38、adB.drooping his headC.raising his headD.with his head down2._,he cant go out for a walk as usualA.With so much work to doB.With so much work doingC.With so much work doneD.Without so much work to do3.Its quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth _ and his eyes_.A. closed;openB. closed;opened

    39、C. closing;openD. closing;opening4.All things _,the plan trip will have to be called offA.be consideredB.consideredC.consideringD.having considering5._,we have to get down to business right awayA. As there was no time leftB.There is no time left第 15 页 共 24 页C.There being no time leftD.There to be no

    40、 time left6._ yesterday,we went out for a walkA.As a fine dayB.It was a fine dayC.It being a fine dayD.For it was a fine day7.The old man stood there,_.A.with back against the wallB.with his back against the wallC.with back against wallD.his back against wall独立主格结构加强练习1. _ no bus, we had to walk hom

    41、e.A. There wasB. There beingC. Because there being2. _, Ill go there with you tomorrow afternoon.A. Time permitsB. If time permittingC. Time permittingD. Timespermitting3. _, we all went home happily.A. Goodbye was saidB. Goodbye had been saidC. Goodbye saidD. When goodbye said4. _, we all went swim

    42、ming in high spirits.A. It being fine weatherB. It fine weatherC. It was fine weatherD. It being a fine weather5. _, the bus started at once.A. The signal was givenB. The signal givingC. The signal givenD. When the signal given第 16 页 共 24 页6. She stood there, _ from her cheeks.A. tears rolling downB

    43、. tears rolled downC. with tears rolled downD. tears rolling down7. _, the leaves are turning green.A. When spring coming onB. Spring coming onC. Spring came onD. Spring being come on8. _, I had to buy a new one.A. My dictionary losingB. My dictionary having been lostC. My dictionary had been lostD.

    44、 Because my dictionary lost9. I used to sleep with the window _.A. openedB. openC. openingD to open10. _, the hunter went into the forest.A. A gun on shoulderB. A gun was on his shoulderC. Gun on shoulderD. A gun being on shoulder11. _ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellentyear.

    45、A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through12. With a lot of work _, I have to sit up tonight.A. doB. doingC. doneD. to do13. He stood there silently, his lips_.A. tremblingB. trembledC. were tremblingD. weretrembling第 17 页 共 24 页14. _, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.A. All things consideringB. All

    46、things consideredC. All things were consideredD. With all things were considered15. _, we will surely succeed.A. The teacher helping usB. The teacher to help usC. The teacher will help usD. With the teacher helping十、强调句、It 用法、省略和插入语1. My bike is missing. I cant find _ anywhere.A. one B. ones C. it D

    47、. that2. - Whos that? - _ Professor Li.A. Thats B. Its C. Hes D. Thiss3. _ was Jane that I saw in the library this morning.A. It B. He C. She D. That4. - Have you ever seen a whale alive? - Yes, Ive seen _.A. that B. it C. such D. one5. The color of my coat is different from _ of yours.A. this B. th

    48、at C. it D. one6. _ will do you good to do some exercise every morning.A. It B. There C. Those D. You7. We think _ our duty to pay taxes to our government.A. that B. this C. its D. it第 18 页 共 24 页8. The climate of Shanghai is better than _ of Nanjing.A. that B. it C. which D. what9. _ four years sin

    49、ce I joined the Army.A. There was B. There is C. It was D. It is10. How long _ to finish the work?A. youll take B. youll take it C. will it take you D. will take you11. It was through Xiao Li _ I got to know Xiao Wang.A. who B. whom C. how D. that12. It was in the rice fields _ we had our league mee

    50、ting.A. where B. that C. in which D. on which13. It was on October 1st _ new China was founded.A. which B. when C. as D. that14. Was it because he was ill _ he asked for leave?A. and B. that C. thats D. so15. Mary speaks in a low voice; _ is difficult to know what she is saying.A. it B. that C. so D


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