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    Unit 1 A new start Using languages PPT课件(2021新外研版必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).pptx

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    Unit 1 A new start Using languages PPT课件(2021新外研版必修第一册(高一上学期英语)).pptx

    1、 Unit 1 A new start Using language 01 Basic sentence structures 1.Observe the sentences and find out what the sentence patterns are and write them down. Example: I saw a white-haired man. O(宾)(宾)S (主)(主) V(谓)(谓) I saw a white-haired man. I replied. He gave me a smile. I breathed deeply. I looked at

    2、them in panic. I was embarrassed. His words made me a lot more relaxed. 主主+ +谓谓+ +宾宾 主主+ +谓谓 主主+ +谓谓+ +间宾间宾+ +直宾直宾 主主+ +谓谓+ +状状 主主+ +谓谓+ +宾宾+ +状状 主主+ +系系+ +表表 主主+ +谓谓+ +宾宾+ +宾补宾补 Activity 1 a He was friendly. b The exam made me quite nervous. c I passed him a book. d She agreed. e He wrote a long le

    3、tter. f He talked loudly. g She looked after her sister patiently. I saw a white-haired man. I replied. He gave me a smile. I breathed deeply. I looked at them in panic. I was embarrassed. His words made me a lot more relaxed! e d c f g a b Match the sentences that share the same structures. Activit

    4、y 2 eg. A boy was playing basketball in the classroom. (SVOA) badminton drama band debate gym piano stage science photography Activity 3 School clubs Badminton gym Drama stage piano band Debate SciencePhotography Work in pairs. Talk about the school clubs you would like to join and the activities yo

    5、u can do in them. 40% Activity 4 Listen to the conversation and decide what the speakers are mainly talking about. Making a plan Activity 5 1. The clubs they have joined and the activities they do after school. 2. The things they should do to manage their time well. 3. The challenges they face in th

    6、eir new school. Listen again and complete the plan. List the time (it takes) do one thing important things Activity 6 02 Language point 1. curious adj. P1 It is childrens nature to be curious about the people and things around them. 对周围的人和事物感兴趣是孩子们的天性。 I was curious to find out what she had said. be

    7、 curious about sth. 对对感到好奇感到好奇 be curious to do sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事; ; 急于做某事急于做某事 curiosity n. out of curiosity 出于好奇出于好奇 satisfy ones curiosity满足某人的好奇心满足某人的好奇心 2. proud adj. P1 be proud of take pride with 对对.感到自豪感到自豪 follow a tradition/traditions遵循传统遵循传统 break with tradition打破传统打破传统 by tradition按照传统习俗按照

    8、传统习俗 3. tradition n. P1 traditional adj. It is traditional( for sb. ) to do sth. impression n. leave/have/make a(n) . impression on sb. impress v. impress sb. with sth. be impressed by/with . 4. impressive adj. P1 5. moment n. 某一时刻 P2 at the moment目前目前, , 现在现在 for a moment 片刻片刻, , 一会儿一会儿 1. eagernes

    9、s n. Para.1 渴望某物渴望某物/ /渴望做某事渴望做某事 be eager for sth. / to do sth. be dying for sth. / to do sth. be thirsty for sth. / to do sth. long for sth. / to do sth. eager adj. Language points in text 2. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me. Para.2 我正看着布告栏里的照片我正看着布告栏里的

    10、照片, , 这时我听到身后传来一个声音。这时我听到身后传来一个声音。 sb. was doing sth. when. . . 某人正在做某事某人正在做某事, , 这时这时( (突然突然) 其中when表示表示“这时这时/ /那时那时( (突然突然) )”, ”, 为并列为并列连词连词, , 连接两个并列分句。连接两个并列分句。 when作并列连词时还常用于以下句型作并列连词时还常用于以下句型: : We were about to start/were on the point of leaving when it began to rain. I had just finished my

    11、exam paper when the bell rang. 归纳总结归纳总结 be doing . when. . . 某人正在做某事某人正在做某事, , 这时这时 be about to do . . . when 正要做正要做这时这时 be on the point of doing . . . when 正要做正要做这时这时 had just done . . . when. . . 刚做完刚做完这时这时 3. Turning around, I saw a white-haired man. Para.2 我转身我转身, , 看到一位白发老人。看到一位白发老人。 【句式解构】【句式解

    12、构】 该句是简单句。该句是简单句。 Turning around是现在分词短语是现在分词短语作非谓语作非谓语, , 置于句首置于句首, , 作时间状语作时间状语, , 相当于时间状语从句相当于时间状语从句When I turned around。 _, the mouse ran off. =When the mouse saw the cat, it ran off. 一看到猫一看到猫, , 老鼠就逃走了。老鼠就逃走了。 Seeing the cat 现在分词作时间状语三注意现在分词作时间状语三注意 (1)(1)分词的分词的逻辑主语逻辑主语为句子的主语为句子的主语; ; (2)(2)可以转换

    13、成可以转换成时间状语从句时间状语从句; ; (3)(3)分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作动作一般一般 同时或几乎同时发生。同时或几乎同时发生。 5. Im wondering what life is going to be like here. 我想知道这里的生活会是什么样子。我想知道这里的生活会是什么样子。 7. When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was surprised to see the same man I had met earlier. 当我的英语老师走进教室时,

    14、当我的英语老师走进教室时, 我惊讶地发现他就是我之前见过的那个人!我惊讶地发现他就是我之前见过的那个人! Para.2 6. How ture these words were! Para.3 这些话真是太对了!这些话真是太对了! Para.3 8. Before we start, please come to the front one by one and introduce yourself to the class. Para.4在我们开始之前在我们开始之前, , 请依次到前面来向同学们做一下请依次到前面来向同学们做一下 自我介绍。自我介绍。 【词块积累】【词块积累】 step by

    15、 step 逐步地逐步地side by side 并肩并肩; ; 并排并排 face to face 面对面面对面 back to back 背靠背背靠背 arm in arm 臂挽臂臂挽臂 hand in hand 手牵手手牵手 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩肩并肩 9. With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. 我心里七上八下、紧张万分我心里七上八下、紧张万分, , 所以我深呼吸了一口气。所以我深呼吸了一口气。Para.6 breathe v. breathe in/out吸吸/ /呼气呼气 breath n.

    16、hold ones breath屏住呼吸屏住呼吸 take a deep breath 深呼吸深呼吸 lose ones breath喘不过气来喘不过气来 9. With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. 该句为简单句该句为简单句, , 句中句中with复合结构作原因状语。复合结构作原因状语。 The old man walked with a stick in his hand. He just sat there with his mouth open. He fell asleep with the light on. With

    17、so many people watching her, she felt at a loss. He stood for an instant with his hand raised. With so much homework to do, the boy cant watch TV. 【归纳总结】【归纳总结】 透视透视with的复合结构:的复合结构:with+宾语(名词宾语(名词/代词)代词)+宾补宾补 with+宾语宾语+prep./介介短短(表表方式方式) with+宾语宾语+adj. /adv. (表表状态状态) with+宾语宾语+to do(表表动作动作未做将做未做将做) w

    18、ith+宾语宾语+doing(表表动作动作正在发生或主动正在发生或主动) with+宾语宾语+done(表动作表动作已经完成或被动已经完成或被动) 10. I have been too nervous to pay attention when he introduced himself! Para.6 我刚才太紧张了,竟然没有仔细听老师的自我介绍我刚才太紧张了,竟然没有仔细听老师的自我介绍。 You should pay attention to protecting the environment. to 为介词的短语:为介词的短语: look forward to doing sth.

    19、 be devoted to doing sth. be equal to doing sth. be/get used to doing sth. be addicted to doing sth. 11. challenge n. Para.7 13. calm adj. Para.7 stay/keep/remain calm保持镇静保持镇静 calm (sb. ) down ( (使某人使某人) )平静下来平静下来; ; 镇静下来镇静下来 face a challenge 面临挑战面临挑战 meet the challenge of. . . 迎接迎接的挑战的挑战 12. pressu

    20、re n. Para.7 put pressure on sb. (to do sth. ) 给某人施加压力给某人施加压力( (以做某事以做某事) ) California restaurants are eager _(reopen) as state starts lifting restrictions. He demonstrates _(eager) to play in the game. Obama is _(eager) looking forward to a 17-day Hawaii vacation. With a lot of work _(do), I cant g

    21、o camping with you. With all the work _(do), I went home happily. Practice to reopen eagerness eagerly to do done 1.1.你能帮我拿一下行李吗?你能帮我拿一下行李吗? Could you _with the luggage? 2.2.如何充分利用你的周末?如何充分利用你的周末? How do you _your weekends? 3.3.最后一次看一次笔记,你感到十分紧张,心里七最后一次看一次笔记,你感到十分紧张,心里七 上八下,喉咙发紧。上八下,喉咙发紧。 Looking th

    22、rough your notes one last time, you feel _and notice your throat tightening up. give me a hand make the most of butterflies in your stomach 4.4.如果你想在考试里得第一名,你需要全力以赴。如果你想在考试里得第一名,你需要全力以赴。 If you want to be No. 1 in the exam, you need to _. 5.5.他们一个接一个地走进教室。他们一个接一个地走进教室。 They entered the classroom _. 6.6.我们正在进行考试,这时突然停电了。我们正在进行考试,这时突然停电了。 We were taking an exam _ the power went off. 7.7.汤姆刚要出门,这时突然开始下雨了。汤姆刚要出门,这时突然开始下雨了。 Tom was about to go out _ it began to rain. go all out when one by one when Tnank you!


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