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    Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:200e9).doc

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    Unit 7 How much -Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(配套课件编号:200e9).doc

    1、1 Lesson planning Teaching contents Charity, Sound time,Song time &Checkout time, Grade 4. 1. Topic: Charity 2. Function: Use the structures “How much.”and“How many.”to sell and buy things. 3. Emotion: Love needs us to pass. Teaching aims and learning objectives 1. (Knowledge aims) By the end of thi

    2、s lesson, students will know the sound of letter “V” and be able to use the the structures “How much.”and“How many.”to sell and buy things. 2. (Skills aims) Students will be able to read and spell the words with “v”,sing the song The clothes shop and use the structures “How much.”and“How many.”in th

    3、e real situations. 3. (Affective aims) Students will know love needs us to pass and be willing to help others. Teaching focus 1. To buy and sell thing with the relevant sentence patterns. 2. To know the sound of letter “V” and be able to read the word with “V” that havent been learned. Predicted are

    4、a of difficulty 1. Students may have difficulty in using the sentence patterns in the real situations. 2. Students may feel difficult to use the pronunciation rules of “V” to learn new words. Teaching aids PPT, love coins, love cards, pictures,etc 2 Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1.Previous of S

    5、tory time Students watch the picture to previous of Story time. 【设计意图】前情回顾,话题延续。学生观看 Story time 的图片,教师轻声回 顾主要内容,复现本单元慈善募捐主题,将学生引入本课情境,体现学习的延续性。 2. Introduce the rules of love coins. T invites students to the charity sale, encourage them to earn love coin by themselves. Emotional education: Students

    6、shouldnt spend too much money. 【设计意图】发出邀请,规则介绍。教师对学生发出邀请,欢迎一起来参加老 师和朋友们的慈善募捐,介绍本课情境的主要人物,为后续任务埋下伏笔。学生了 解爱心币的赚取方法,激发参与的积极性,增强课堂的互动,同时进行品质教育: 学生不应该乱花钱。 Step 2 Pronunciation 【设计意图】任务分解,积累货币。在此环节中,学生通过完成四个相互关联 又层层递进的任务,学习,巩固和运用语音,并赚取相应的爱心币,为最终的爱心 义卖积累货币。随着任务难度的增加,学生获得的爱心币的面值增大,激发孩子学 习的内驱力,有助于学生形成正确的价值观。

    7、 Task 1: Guess about me 1. Ask and answer Students guess the information about the teacher. In this part, they can get love 3 coins of two yuan. 【设计意图】猜谜赚币,旧知复习。学生根据所给提示,猜测 5 个有关教师的 问题的答案,不仅是对数字表达的复习和运用,而且训练学生的推理能力,促进思 维品质的发展,更拉近了教师与学生的距离,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2. Learn the sound of “V” Students read the five w

    8、ords and find the same “V”, watch the video and imitate the sound of “V” 【设计意图】 跟读观察,归纳发音。引导学生观察上一环节出现的 five,seven, eleven,twelve,thirty-seven 这五个数字,找出其中共同的字母“V”。再跟着视频进 行发音的模仿和学习。在节奏和视觉冲击共同作用下,感受和习得英语的韵律美。 Task 2: Read my friendsnames Students play the game called “change, change, change” to read th

    9、e name out. 【设计意图】游戏操练,见词能读。在游戏中,学生运用学会的“V”的发音 读出人物的姓名。由三个字母到五个字母,设计一定的梯度,对学生的能力逐步提 升,满足不同层次的孩子成功的体验。这一环节是对学生见词能读能力的训练,也 是对课堂习得的检测和反馈。 Task 3: Look and say (Sound time) Students read the picture and fill in the chant. Then read after the recording . Emotional education: We cant swim in the river,its

    10、 dangerous. 【设计意图】描述图片,词汇运用。延续五位朋友的话题,引导学生观察图中 五人的位置和动作,完成句子填空,进行语言的输出,并引出 Sound time 的学习。 提升学生的读图能力和思维能力。在此环节中渗透安全教育,提醒学生不要在河里 4 游泳,注意安全。 Task 4: Listen and order Students listen and write down the words . The letters of the each word are provided. 【设计意图】内化运用,听音能拼。学生听单词发音,将提供的字母进行组合, 拼写出正确的单词,使本课时的

    11、语音得以运用,训练听音能拼的能力。再通过拼出 的单词 van(货车)过渡到下一板块的义卖场景。 Step 3 Checkout time and Song time 1. Checkout time Students listen and choose the price of the goods. 【设计意图】进入情境,句型复现。引导学生进入义卖情境,通过听录音,获 取物品价格,提升学生获取具体信息的能力。同时对 How much 句型进行复现,唤 醒学生大脑中的旧知,有助于后续对话的输出。 2. Song time Students understand and learn the new

    12、 phrases and sing the song after the tape. 【设计意图】词汇学习,歌曲学唱。在情境中让学生感知和学习新的词汇短语, 根据录音模仿、学唱歌曲,引导学生学习正确的语音语调并体会英语的韵律美。学 唱时采用多种展示方式:小组,男女生,接龙等,增强课堂的趣味性,提高学生的 参与度与学习兴趣。 3. Make dialogues Students make dialogues in pairs to sell and by things. 【设计意图】教师示范,对话操练。教师先行示范购物过程,帮助学生理解任 5 务的形式。同时搭建语言的框架,通过大量的输入,用以丰

    13、富学生的表达。给予足 够的时间,鼓励学生创造性的自编对话,并及时进行课堂评价和反馈,激发学生的 表现力和创造力。 Step 4 Application and production 1. Group work Students buy and sell things with the love coins in the group. Two of them to be the salesmen and others are the customer. 【设计意图】小组活动,真实运用。学生在小组内组织爱心义卖,各小组安排 两位售货员,其余同学为顾客,利用各自赚取的爱心币进行自由购物,让学生在真

    14、实的情景中用语言自由交流,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 2. Count the money. Students count the love coin and write it down. 【设计意图】前后呼应,承上启下。学生完成小组义卖后,对本组义卖赚取的 爱心币进行清点和统计,并填写爱心汇款单。本环节是在真实的情境中对数字的运 用,体现语言的交际功能,也有助于学生形成良好的理财观。 3. Donate the money Students show their remittances and stick them on the blackboard. Emotional education: Love needs us to pass. 【设计意图】活动总结,情感升华。学生按小组展示爱心汇款单,并贴在黑板 上完成爱心捐赠,体验捐赠的仪式感,进行情感教育:爱需要我们大家的传递。 Step 5 Homework 1. Sing the song and try to make a new song. 6 2. Learn more words with “V”. 【设计意图】作业布置,巩固延伸。布置学生课后复习歌曲和字母“V”的发 音,培养良好的复习习惯。并对课堂进行延伸,鼓励学生利用所学词汇创编歌曲, 对相关词汇进行整理,培养整理归纳的学习习惯。 Board design


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