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    (2021新外研版)高中英语必修第一册 Unit 6 At one with nature Language points1课件ppt.ppt

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    (2021新外研版)高中英语必修第一册 Unit 6 At one with nature Language points1课件ppt.ppt

    1、 1. During Autumn, these same mountains are gold, and in winter they are covered in sheets of white frost. 秋收,满山金黄;而隆冬,它们又披上了冰秋收,满山金黄;而隆冬,它们又披上了冰 霜做成的雪白毛毯。霜做成的雪白毛毯。 cover v. 撒上,洒上撒上,洒上; 盖盖,覆盖覆盖 The players were soon covered in mud. 那些运动员很快就浑身那些运动员很快就浑身溅溅满了泥。满了泥。 Cover your seed with soil. 用用泥土泥土把把种子

    2、种子遮盖住遮盖住。 cover sth (with sth) 用用遮盖遮盖 cover sb/sth in sth 撒上,溅上撒上,溅上 2. So why did these people go to so much trouble to turn the entire mountains into terraces? 为什么当地人要如此费大力气去将整片山地变为什么当地人要如此费大力气去将整片山地变 成梯田呢?成梯田呢? Please dont go to so much trouble to help me, or Ill feel Im being treated as a strang

    3、er. 你你费这么大力气帮费这么大力气帮我,倒有点见外了。我,倒有点见外了。 Why did the Egyptians go to so much trouble to create this sky map? 为什么埃及人为什么埃及人费大力气创建费大力气创建这个天空图?这个天空图? go to so much trouble to do 费大力气去做某事费大力气去做某事 turninto 把把变成变成 The sun heats the water and turns it into vapor. 太阳把水加热,使它太阳把水加热,使它变成变成水蒸气。水蒸气。 Water turns int

    4、o ice when it freezes. 天气极冷时水能天气极冷时水能变成变成冰。冰。 The farmers are turning waste land into rice fields. 农民们正在农民们正在把把荒地荒地变成变成稻田稻田。 1. Please dont go to so much trouble, I dont want to put you out (给你添麻烦给你添麻烦). 请不要请不要费费那么那么大力气大力气,我不想给你添麻烦。,我不想给你添麻烦。 2. 十年艰苦生活使他变成了一个老头。十年艰苦生活使他变成了一个老头。 Ten years of hard lif

    5、e had turned him into an old man. 3. The flat terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed away. 水平的梯田能够储存雨水,防止土壤流失。水平的梯田能够储存雨水,防止土壤流失。 prevent from 阻止阻止做做 Further treatment will prevent cancer from developing. 进一步的治疗将进一步的治疗将阻止阻止癌症恶化。癌症恶化。 Who prevents the plans from being car

    6、ried out? 谁谁阻止阻止了这个计划的实施?了这个计划的实施? 4. The terraces are cleverly designed, with hundreds of waterways that connect with each other. 这些梯田设计巧妙,其间有几百条相互连通的水这些梯田设计巧妙,其间有几百条相互连通的水 渠。渠。 The program designed to help jobless people just didnt work out as planned. 这个这个旨在旨在帮助失业人员的项目没有按计划奏效。帮助失业人员的项目没有按计划奏效。 Th

    7、e house is specially designed for the old people. 这类房子是这类房子是专为专为老人老人设计设计的。的。 Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by design? 你认为这座大楼是偶然起火还是有人你认为这座大楼是偶然起火还是有人蓄意蓄意纵火?纵火? design v. 设计设计; 意欲意欲 designed to 旨在旨在;目的在于目的在于 by design 故意地;蓄意地故意地;蓄意地 specially designed for 专为专为设计设计 5. Today,

    8、 the Longji Rice Terraces attract thousands of visitors who come to admire this great wonder created by people and nature working together. 今天,成千上万的游客慕名而来,欣赏这由人今天,成千上万的游客慕名而来,欣赏这由人 与自然共同创造的壮丽奇观。与自然共同创造的壮丽奇观。 The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders Of the world. It is no wonder that you cant sleep

    9、 when you eat so much. 吃得这么多,睡不着觉吃得这么多,睡不着觉也不也不奇怪奇怪。 wonder n. 奇迹奇迹,奇观奇观; 惊讶惊讶,奇怪奇怪 长城是世界七大长城是世界七大奇观奇观之一。之一。 She wondered at her own stupidity. 她她惊讶惊讶自己竟会这样愚蠢。自己竟会这样愚蠢。 I dont wonder youre tired. Youve had a busy day. 你累了,这我一点儿不你累了,这我一点儿不诧异诧异。你已经忙了一整天。你已经忙了一整天。 wonder v. 1)想知道,想弄明白想知道,想弄明白 wondered

    10、(at sth) 感到诧异;非常惊讶感到诧异;非常惊讶 I wonder who she is. 我我想想弄明白弄明白她到底是谁。她到底是谁。 I wonder where we should go next. 我我想知道想知道接下来我们应该去哪儿。接下来我们应该去哪儿。 2)感到诧异感到诧异 1. Where there are wonder and adventure, there is growth. 哪里有奇迹和冒险,哪里就有发展。哪里有奇迹和冒险,哪里就有发展。 2. 我刚才正想知道你上哪儿了呢。我刚才正想知道你上哪儿了呢。 I was just beginning to wonde

    11、r where you were. “go”在英语中是一个十分常用的单词,在英语中是一个十分常用的单词, 我们几乎每天都离不开它,但它与汉语我们几乎每天都离不开它,但它与汉语 中中“去去”的意思不完全一致,在许多情的意思不完全一致,在许多情 况下和不同的词搭配会有不同的意思。况下和不同的词搭配会有不同的意思。 Victory wont come to me unless I go to it. M. Moore 胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向 胜利。胜利。 穆尔穆尔 试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词试着翻译下面的英文,注意单词go的用法。的用法。 1. W

    12、e went by train. 我们坐火车我们坐火车去去。 2. They have gone boating. 他们划船他们划船去去了。了。 3. The milk went sour. 牛奶牛奶变变质了。质了。 4. His eyesight is going. 他的视力正在他的视力正在衰退衰退。 5. This paint doesnt go. 这漆的颜色不这漆的颜色不合适合适。 6. This clock does not go. 这钟不这钟不走走了。了。 7. This luggage wont go in the car. 车子车子放放不下这行李。不下这行李。 8. This p

    13、aragraph must go. 这段得这段得删去删去。 9. She is going to have a baby. 她她就要就要生小孩了。生小孩了。 10. How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样我们该怎样着手做着手做这件工作?这件工作? 11. Dont go by what she says. 别别听听她的。她的。 12. They went for each other in the papers. 他们在报上互相他们在报上互相指责指责。 13. Go on with your work. 继续继续干你的工作。干你的工作。 Work in pai

    14、rs and make up sentences as many as possible with go in English, then well check which group is the most productive. 现学现用现学现用 cover sb/sth in sth cover sth (with sth) go to so much trouble to do turninto prevent from 撒上,洒上撒上,洒上 用用遮盖遮盖 费大力气去做某事费大力气去做某事 把把变成变成 阻止阻止做做 Self-evaluationSelf-evaluation Do

    15、you know the meanings of the following words and expressions? Can you use them correctly? 各个击破各个击破 design wonder cover sb/sth in sth cover sth (with sth) go to so much trouble to do turninto prevent from wonder prevent from cover design go to so much trouble to 1. The wind blew in from the desert an

    16、d _ everything with sand. 2. The method is specifically _ for use in small groups. 3. I was _ whether youd like to come to a party. 4.Why do they _ hide the cars? 5. Do not let making a living _ _making a life. designed covered go to so much trouble to prevent you I. Fill in the blanks with the righ

    17、t forms of the words given. wondering from II. Translate the following sentences into English. 一年内,她把一个问题儿童变成了模范学一年内,她把一个问题儿童变成了模范学 生。生。(turn.into.) _ _ 2. 他用湿布捂住脸。他用湿布捂住脸。(cover .with.) _ 3. 人们常常心存疑虑,为什么历史学家要费人们常常心存疑虑,为什么历史学家要费 大力气保存数以万计的书籍、文献和记录。大力气保存数以万计的书籍、文献和记录。 (wonder, go to so much trouble to do) _ _ _ In one year she turned a problem child into a model student. He covered his face with a wet cloth. People often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records. Try to memorize these useful expressions.


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