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    人教版(新起点)六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation-lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:f10ba).zip

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    人教版(新起点)六年级上册Unit 6 Winter Vacation-lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:f10ba).zip

    1、Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 2 The winter vacation is coming! Jan 21Jan 21st st-Feb 19 -Feb 19th th Enjoy and read Enjoy and read learn to make dumplinglearn to make dumplings s learn to skilearn to ski help parenthelp parents s do some choredo some chores s play in the snow play in the snow s st t

    2、ay ay at homeat home go to the bookstorego to the bookstore c celebrate Spring Festivalelebrate Spring Festival v visit grandparentisit grandparents s g go to concerto to concerts s g go to the cinemao to the cinema b buy clothes, toyuy clothes, toys s and present and presents s The winter vacation

    3、is coming. The winter vacation is coming. I have a plan.I have a plan. In this winter vacation, I In this winter vacation, I am am going togoing to and and I I am also going toam also going to Talk about our plans for winter vacation Look at the list and guess what Lily is going to do. Maybe Lily is

    4、 going to The winter vacation is coming. ? ? I am going to Ask some questions Ask some questions place place Activities Activities The winter vacation is coming. I am going to Q1:Where is she going in this winter vacation? Listen and tick Q2:What is she going to do there? Lily is going to. Talk abou

    5、t Lily s plan Read the dialog,think and underline Why doesnt Lily like cold weather? Why is she going to bring back Harbin sausages? read the dialog Enjoy American Enjoy American students winter students winter vacationvacation ActivitiesActivitiesActivities travel to_go back to hometowngo to the ci

    6、nema go to the museumgo shoppinggo to the bookstore go to the librarygo swimminggo running go to _classesgo skatinggo roller skating go to concertsplay chessplay computer games play the piano/_play with friends / _watch a _match watch TVread booksdo art project do homeworklisten to musicpaint pictur

    7、es learn to dance/_learn to cooklearn to ski learn Englishcelebrate Spring Festivallearn to make dumplings buy toys / presents/ _help parents do choresvisit grandparents/_ be a volunteer in a community 自愿者 go to a winter camp 冬令营 Do a survey about our winter vacation the 1st friend: Lily_ the 2nd fr

    8、iend: Bill _ Task 1: make a dialog. Task 2: make an introduction. Where are you going in this winter vacation? I am going to What are you going to do there? I am going toand I am also going to The winter vacation is coming. My friend_is going to _. He /She is going to _. My friend_is going to _. He/

    9、 She is going to _. 3句 4-5句 3句 4-5句 6句 A survey of our winter vacationA survey of our winter vacation 17人 16人 15人 _students are going to_. 7人 6人 5人 1人 4人 1人 4人 4人 p the 1st plan the 2nd plan This winter vacation is coming. I have a plan. Im going to Sanya with my family by plane. Im going to eat sea

    10、food there. Im also going to read books. * In this winter vacation, Im going to Sanya with my family by plane. * Im going to eat seafood there. * Im also going to read books, do chores and do sports. The moreThe more we share.we share. The more we learn.The more we learn. MMake plans colorful!ake pl

    11、ans colorful! A A wonderful winter vacation wonderful winter vacation is waiting for you! is waiting for you! 1.Listen and read the dialog. 2.Finish Part C. The winter vacation is coming. My friends and I have many plans. _is going to _. He /She is going to _. _is going to _. He/ She is going to _.

    12、I am going to _. Thank youThank you! ! 1 教学设计个人信息 姓名单位电话 设计者 教学基本信息 课题小学英语人教版 2011 课标版六年级上册 Unit 6 Winter Vacation Lesson 2 学科英语学段小学高段年级6 年级 教材出版社人民教育出版社出版时间2014 年 10 月第一版 指导思想与理论依据 新课程义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版)指出:“现代外语教育注重语言学习的 过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在 此基础上学习和运用语言。 ”本节课我始终贯彻这一理念,努力体现创设情境,帮助学 生

    13、联系实际生活,在语言实践活动中,发展学生语言能力、思维和情感态度。 教学背景分析 2 教材分析:教材分析: 本课选自人民教育出版社义务教育教科书英语(一年级起点) 六年级上册第六 单元 Winter Vacation 的第二课时,属于会话学习课。本课教材分为三个部分:教材在 A 项呈现了听力练习和对话文本,在对话中,提出了寒假去哪和做什么的功能交际用 语。B 项提供了对话练习示范语言和一个调查表,学生通过调查活动,开展对话练习, 以此来初步运用功能句;C 项设计了书写练习,了解以及练习介绍他人和自己的寒假 计划。 学情分析:学情分析: 本课授课对象为我校六年级学生,经过五年多的学习,他们已经具

    14、备了一定的语 言能力、抽象思维能力、自主学习和小组讨论交流能力。就本课而言,学生在六年级 时学习了一些国家和城市,五年级时学过家务劳动、旅游话题,四年级学过体育运动、 周末活动、旅游话题,三年级学过娱乐活动,本课功能句型在中年级也学过,这些内 容能成为学生提出一些寒假计划的必要条件。 通过前期调研,我发现学生们在假期对于娱乐活动非常感兴趣,而对家务、社区服 务等方面不太关心,在展示学习成果时,有 20 名学生选择介绍他人寒假计划,还有 23 名学生喜欢自己设计写作卡完成写作。因此,我认为在本课教学中,如何引导学生借 鉴他人计划,制定合理的假期生活是教学的重难点,鼓励学生选择喜欢的学习方式完 成

    15、汇报和写作。在语言实践活动中,促进学生语言能力和思维综合发展,提升学生情 感体验。 教学目标 教学目标:教学目标: 能够朗读对话及听录音勾出相应的寒假计划信息, 能够在调查活动中,运用功能句型 Where are you going in this winter vacation? What are you going to do? 与他人就自己的寒假计划进行交流。 能够在同伴活动中,体会分享的快乐,借鉴他人计划,合理制定自己的假期生活。 教学重点:教学重点: 3 学习对话。 操练功能交际用语。 制定并分享寒假计划。 教学难点:教学难点: 单词 afraid of, hear 的发音与含义理解

    16、。 有条理地描述自己及同伴的寒假计划。 教学准备 教师准备:教师准备: PPT 课件、录音机、单词卡、美国学生寒假活动视频、学生资料 学生准备:学生准备: 英语书、自制写作卡 教学流程示意 活动二:自主提问,启发思维。 活动一:主题交流,激发兴趣。 活动四:阅读文本,提取信息。 活动三:整体感知,完成听力。 活动一:朗读对话,熟悉文本。 活动二:观看图片,朗读词汇。 活动一:情景导入,猜测人物。 活动三:交流作业,初次分享。 4 教学过程与教学资源设计 Step 1 导入主题,谈论寒假计划。 1主题交流,激发兴趣。 T:This winter vacation is coming. Its f

    17、rom January 21st to February 19th. We are very excited because we have a long holiday. Today we continue to talk about winter vacation. 2. 观看图片,朗读词汇。 活动一:欣赏视频,拓宽视野。 活动三:归纳句型,关注功能。 活动二:开展调查,体验运用。 活动二:借助板书,复述文本。 朗读词汇和句型,布置作业。 活动四:同伴问答,强化句型。 活动三:自主选择,汇报调查。 活动四:分享调研,渗透情感。 活动五:联系实际,完善计划。 11 学生在欢快的音乐声中,朗读

    18、所学词汇,活跃了课堂气氛。 已学词汇:learn to make dumplings, learn to ski, help parents do some chores, play in the snow, stay at home, go to the bookstore, celebrate Spring Festival, visit grandparents, go to concerts, buy clothes, toys and presents. 3. 交流作业,初次分享。 学生拿出上节课写的寒假计划作业,互相朗读并请部分学生展示。 【设计意图】在热身环节,通过师生交流,自然

    19、地引出本课话题。在欢快的音乐伴奏 下,学生不仅复习了已学词汇,而且也活跃了课堂气氛。通过分享上节课的家庭作业, 进一步激发学生想了解和谈论寒假计划的愿望。 Step 2 整体呈现,了解他人寒假计划。 1 情景导入,猜测人物。 课件出示 Lily 和 Miss Wu 谈论寒假计划的情境图,引导学生观察并猜测 Lily 打算做的 事情。 T:We like winter vacation. How about our friend Lily? Look, Lily is talking about her winter vacation with Miss Wu. Lets look at the

    20、 list and guess what she is going to do in her winter vacation. You can say: Maybe Lily is going to 12 2. 自主提问,启发思维。 根据 Lily 寒假计划,鼓励学生用 be going to 句型提问,培养学生的问题意识,发散思 维。 T:What do you want to know about her winter vacation? Can you ask some questions? 3. 整体感知,完成听力。 学生打开书,边听录音勾出相应寒假活动,在生生交流后核对答案,出示词组

    21、。 T: Where is Lily going in this winter vacation? What is Lily going to do there? Lets listen and tick. 4. 阅读文本,提取信息。 学生带着问题 Why doesnt she like cold weather? Why is she going to bring back Harbin sausages? 学生自主阅读对话文本,画出关键句,在生生交流后核对答案,学习 be afraid of 和 hear. 师生对话如下: T: Why is she going to bring back

    22、 Harbin sausages? S: Lily doesnt like cold weather. She is afraid of getting a cold. What does it mean? 学习 be afraid of T: Why is she going to bring back Harbin sausages? S: She hears they are famous in Harbin. Do you know the meaning of “hear”? 学习单词 hear 13 【设计意图】在学习对话文本时,首先引导学生看图猜测 Lily 的寒假活动,激发了学

    23、 生的学习兴趣;其次鼓励学生根据人物计划提出问题,培养了学生的问题意识,然后, 通过听录音勾出活动、阅读文本提取信息、问答交流的方式,帮助学生整体感知和理 解对话文本,体现了对话教学先整体后学习理解的教学理念。 Step 3 聚焦主题,操练功能句型。 1 朗读对话,熟悉文本。 2. 借助板书,复述文本。 学生借助板书上的关键词,尝试介绍 Lily 的寒假计划. Ss: In this winter vacation, Lily is going to Harbin with her parents. She is going to see ice lanterns and play in th

    24、e snow. She is also going to visit her uncles family, ski and bring back Harbin sausages. 3. 归纳句型,聚焦功能。 出示句型 Where are you going in this / the / your winter vacation? 教师用红色粉笔圈出 this, 启发学生拓展问句,用 the 或者 your 提问。 出示句型 I am going to with my I am going to stay in Beijing / at home. What are you going to

    25、do there? I am going to . I am also going to. We are going to 4. 同伴问答,强化句型。 学生两人一组练习对话,请部分学生展示对话。 对话评价标准:3 句一颗星、4-5 句 两颗星、6 句以上三颗星,学生自评。 【设计意图】在对话学习后,通过分角色朗读、复述 Lily 寒假计划、归纳句型、同伴 9 问答的方式,引导学生聚焦语言结构,进一步巩固交际用语。 Step 4 创设语境,分享并完善寒假计划。 1. 欣赏视频,激发兴趣。 T:We like to do many things in our winter vacation. Ho

    26、w about American students? Lets enjoy。 2. 开展调查,体验运用。 (1)示范调查,布置任务。 在教师与一名学生示范调查后,布置调查任务,学生下座位调查 1-2 名朋友,用钩表 示第一个朋友信息,用圈表示第二个朋友信息。 T: Wow, so many activities. I think their winter vacation is colorful. What do you think of their vacation? Do you want to know your friends winter vacation? Now, Lets do

    27、 a survey. (2)调查同伴,运用语言。 学生下座位采访并填写调查表,为学生提供在活动语境中运用语言的机会。 9 3. 自主选择,汇报调查。 课件呈现汇报方式,学生选择编对话或介绍方式,合作完成汇报,并请部分学生展示。 Task 1: make a dialog. Task 2: make an introduction. You can choose one and talk with friend. 4. 巧用调研,渗透情感。 课件出示调研数据,在教师示范后,学生阅读数据,思考如何制定有意义的寒假计划, 从爱父母到爱朋友和亲人,再到爱社区和国家,帮助学生增强社会责任感。 T: Lo

    28、ok, this is a survey of our winter vacation. Can you read the data? One student is going do chores at home. One student wants to be a volunteer. Can you read the chart? students are going to 教师进一步与学生交流:Do you how to make a good plan? In the winter vacation, we can do some interesting things. We can

    29、also show love for dad and mom. Friends and relatives, community and country, We can help parents do some chores. We also can be a volunteer in a community. 9 5. 快乐分享,完善计划。 (1)教师示范,布置任务。 T: Look, this is my first plan. I want to change my plan. And this is my second plan. Is it good? (2)修正计划,交流展示。 学

    30、生在第一次寒假计划基础上,继续完善自己的寒假计划。 T: Lets change and make our plans better. 【设计意图】调查活动给学生提供了在语境中运用语言的机会。在教学中,我调整了 B 项调查表的形式,有利于学生填写,在收集信息的过程中,促进了同伴间的真实交 流,其次,学生选择编对话或口语介绍方式汇报他人寒假计划。然后,通过阅读调研 数据,思考如何制定有意义的寒假计划,从爱父母到爱朋友和亲人,再到爱社区和国 家,帮助学生增强社会责任感,提升学生的情感体验。学会借鉴他人计划,合理制定 9 自己的假期生活。 Step 5 梳理所学,布置作业。 1 朗读本课词汇和功能句

    31、。 2 布置作业。 (1) Listen read the dialog. (2) Finish Part C. 学生用自己设计的仿写卡完成写作。 The winter vacation is coming. My friends and I have many plans. My friend_is going to_ He / She going to_. I am going to_. _ 【设计意图】家庭作业是课堂教学的延伸,课下朗读对话和写作练习,再次帮助学生 巩固课堂学习成果。个性化的写作卡,既激发了学生的写作兴趣,也循序渐进地发展 学生的语用能力。 板书设计 9 学习效果评价设计

    32、 小学英语课程的评价应以形成性评价为主,注重过程评价,关注学生的体验。因此, 在教学中,我采用了激励性评价方式,通过教师的体态语言、口头激励、启发引导等 方式,激励学生学习,及时肯定和鼓励学生的课堂表现。其次,学生通过画星级方式 来评价自己的学习效果,以此来鼓励自己,增强信心。 教学反思 这节课高年级会话学习课最大的亮点就是围绕“快乐分享,完善计划”这一主题 展开了一系列活动,注重联系学生生活实际,让学生在语境中接触、体验和运用语言, 这些都为课堂教学增添了几分新意。 1. 围绕主线情景,巧妙设计活动。 本节课以分享并完善寒假计划为主线,将各个教学活动有机地融合到一起。从课前 交流家庭作业,到

    33、对话中的人物 Lily, 之后到生活中的同伴,最后落到完善自己的寒假 计划,使得情景创设有主线,话题谈论有重点。 2. 联系生活实际,提升情感体验。 课堂教学中的情感教育要避免贴标签式的说教。为了提升学生的情感体验,在教学 中,学生通过调查他人寒假计划、观看美国孩子寒假生活视频以及阅读调研数据,学 会丰富假期活动。 3. 把握文本结构,渗透阅读技巧。 在学习对话时,通过看图预测、自主提问、画关键信息、复述等方式,帮助学生理 解对话内容,也为后面的汇报和写作表达提供的有效支持。 9 1. Listen and tick. _ (能够听录音,选出(能够听录音,选出 Lily 的寒假活动。的寒假活动

    34、。 ) 2. Read the dialog. _ ( 能够朗读能够朗读 B 项对话。项对话。 ) 3. Make a dialog. _ (能够与同伴编对话。(能够与同伴编对话。 ) Where are you going in this winter vacation? Im going to Harbin / travel to. Im going to stay in Beijing. What are you going to do there? I am going to.and 4. Do a survey. _ ( 能够调查同伴的寒假计划。能够调查同伴的寒假计划。) the 1

    35、st friend: _ the 2nd friend: _ Activities ActivitiesActivities travel to_ go back to hometown go to the cinema go to the museumgo shoppinggo to the bookstore go to the librarygo swimminggo running go to _classesgo skatinggo roller skating go to concertsplay chessplay computer games play the piano/_p

    36、lay with friends / _watch a _match watch TVread booksdo art project do homeworklisten to musicpaint pictures learn to dance/_learn to cooklearn to ski 课上发言课上发言 - - - - - - - Share our plans for winter vacation learn Englishcelebrate Spring Festivallearn to make dumplings buy toys / presents/ _help p

    37、arents do choresvisit grandparents/_ be a volunteer in a community 自愿者自愿者 go to a winter camp 冬令营冬令营 5. Choose and report the survey. _ ( 选择对话或介绍形式,汇报调查结果。选择对话或介绍形式,汇报调查结果。 ) Task 1: make a dialog. Task 2: make an introduction. The winter vacation is coming. My friend is going to He / She is going t

    38、o 6. Change our plans for winter vacation. _ ( 能够根据第一个计划,完善自己的寒假计划。能够根据第一个计划,完善自己的寒假计划。 ) In this winter vacation, I am going to_ I am also going to _ Winter Vacation Activities 课前调研 1 The winter vacation is coming. What are you going to do in this winter vacation? 会读单词打钩,打算做的事情画笑脸。 Activities Activ

    39、itiesActivities travel to_ go back to hometown go to the cinema go to the museumgo shoppinggo to the bookstore go to the librarygo swimminggo running go to _classesgo skatinggo roller skating go to the concert音乐会play chessplay computer games play the piano/_play with friends / _watch a basketball /

    40、_match watch TVread booksdo art project do homeworklisten to musicpaint pictures learn to dance/_learn to cooklearn to ski learn Englishcelebrate Spring Festival learn to make dumplings buy toys / clothes / presents/ flowers/_ help parents do chores visit grandparents/_ be a volunteer in a community 2. 你认为什么样的寒假生活有意义? _ 3. 你喜欢怎样的方式来分享寒假计划? A编对话 B. 口语介绍他人及自己的寒假计划 4. 你喜欢什么样的写作方式来介绍寒假计划? A. 老师提供写作卡 B自己设计写作卡


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