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    (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 3 同步导学(课件+讲义+检测).zip

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    (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 3 同步导学(课件+讲义+检测).zip

    1、Period FiveWritingA blog post 本单元的写作任务是博客写作(blog post),博文就是网络日志中的短小美文。必须具备 以下要求: 1标题引人注目; 2内容新颖; 3短小精悍; 4融思想性、知识性、趣味性、艺术性于一体。 1Im not an expert,but many years as a blogger have taught me a thing or two. 2First of all. 3When it comes to. 4This is something I failed to. 53 ways to improve your. 6Have

    2、you had any bad experiences.? 7Do you have any good advice for.? 8Post your comments below! 随着网络的发展,人们消费观念的转变,购物方式也在悄然地发生变化。 “网购”已成 为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入网购群体。请你根据以下提示,在你的博客上写一篇 关于“网上购物”的文章。 优点: 1足不出户;节约时间。 2价格通常比较便宜。 3可供选择的范围广,种类多。 缺点: 1只能看到图片,看不到商品本身。 2容易购买大量不太需要的东西,造成浪费。 审题 写作要求是介绍“网上购物” ,写作时应注意下面几点:

    3、1确定文体:这是一篇博文。写作时注意博文的写作特点。 2主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3主体人称:第二人称。 谋篇 第一段:开篇引出博客的话题。 第二段:具体介绍网上购物的优点。 第三段:具体介绍网上购物的缺点。 第四段:鼓励读者发表评论。 核心词汇 1互联网 the Internet 2网购 shopping online 3各种各样的货物 varieties of goods 4与不同 be different from 连词成句 1由于互联网的发展,很多人习惯了网上购物。(as;be used to) As the Internet has developed,many peopl

    4、e are used to shopping online. 2不用外出,你就能买到你感兴趣的东西。(what 引导的宾语从句;be interested in) You can buy what youre interested in without going outdoors. 3当你网上购物时,你可以从更多种类的商品中进行选择,这些商品的价格通常较低。(时 间状语从句;varieties of;并列句) When you are shopping online,you can choose from more varieties of goods,and their prices ar

    5、e generally lower. 4你很容易买到与你在网上看到的图片不一样的商品。(its adj.for sb. to do sth. ) Its very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the Internet. 5网上购物可能会导致人们买一些不太需要的商品。(cause sb. to do sth. ;定语从句) Shopping online may cause people to buy goods that are not badly needed. 句式升级 1请用 with

    6、介词短语作状语改写句 1。 With the development of the Internet,many people are used to shopping online. 2请用状语从句的省略形式和定语从句改写句 3。 When shopping online,you can choose from more varieties of goods,whose prices are generally lower. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 With the development of the Interne

    7、t,many people are used to shopping online. Shopping online has many advantages.Just by a click of the mouse,you can buy what you re interested in without going outdoors.When shopping online,you can choose from more varieties of goods,whose prices are generally lower. Its disadvantages are obvious,to

    8、o.First,its very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the Internet.Second,shopping online may cause people to buy goods that are not badly needed. Whats your opinion about shopping online?Post your comments below! Unit 3The Internet PART 1技法点拨 PART 2写作训练 PeriodFiveWriting

    9、Ablogpost PART 1 技法点拨 文体分析 把握写作动脉 本单元的写作任务是博客写作(blog post),博文就是网络日志中的短小美 文。必须具备以下要求: 1.标题引人注目; 2.内容新颖; 3.短小精悍; 4.融思想性、知识性、趣味性、艺术性于一体。 写作指导 1.Imnotanexpert,butmanyyearsasabloggerhavetaughtmeathingor two. 2.Firstofall. 3.Whenitcomesto. 4.ThisissomethingIfailedto. 5.3waystoimproveyour. 6.Haveyouhadanyb

    10、adexperiences.? 7.Doyouhaveanygoodadvicefor.? 8.Postyourcommentsbelow! 常用表达 PART 2 写作训练 弄清文络 写作妙笔生花 随着网络的发展,人们消费观念的转变,购物方式也在悄然地发生变 化。“网购”已成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入网购群体。请你根 据以下提示,在你的博客上写一篇关于“网上购物”的文章。 优点: 1.足不出户;节约时间。 2.价格通常比较便宜。 3.可供选择的范围广,种类多。 缺点: 1.只能看到图片,看不到商品本身。 2.容易购买大量不太需要的东西,造成浪费。 审题 写作要求是介绍“网上购物”,写

    11、作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一篇博文。写作时注意博文的写作特点。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3.主体人称:第二人称。 谋篇 第一段:开篇引出博客的话题。 第二段:具体介绍网上购物的优点。 第三段:具体介绍网上购物的缺点。 第四段:鼓励读者发表评论。 审题谋篇 1.互联网_ 2.网购 _ 3.各种各样的货物 _ 4.与不同 _ 核心词汇 遣词造句 theInternet shoppingonline varietiesofgoods bedifferentfrom 连词成句 1.由于互联网的发展,很多人习惯了网上购物。(as;beusedto) _ 2.不用外出,你就能

    12、买到你感兴趣的东西。(what引导的宾语从句;be interestedin) _ 3.当你网上购物时,你可以从更多种类的商品中进行选择,这些商品的价格 通常较低。(时间状语从句;varietiesof;并列句) _ _ AstheInternethasdeveloped,manypeopleareusedtoshoppingonline. Youcanbuywhatyoureinterestedinwithoutgoingoutdoors. Whenyouareshoppingonline,youcanchoosefrommorevarietiesofgoods ,andtheirprice

    13、saregenerallylower. 4.你很容易买到与你在网上看到的图片不一样的商品。(itsadj.for sb.todosth.) _ _ 5.网上购物可能会导致人们买一些不太需要的商品。(causesb.todosth.;定 语从句) _ Itsveryeasyforyoutobuygoodsdifferentfromthepicturesyouseeonthe Internet. Shoppingonlinemaycausepeopletobuygoodsthatarenotbadlyneeded. 1.请用with介词短语作状语改写句1。 _ _ 2.请用状语从句的省略形式和定语

    14、从句改写句3。 _ _ 句式升级 Whenshoppingonline,youcanchoosefrommorevarietiesofgoods,whose pricesaregenerallylower. WiththedevelopmentoftheInternet,manypeopleareusedtoshopping online. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇80词 左右的英语短文。 组句成篇 WiththedevelopmentoftheInternet,manypeopleareusedtoshopping online. Shoppingonli

    15、nehasmanyadvantages.Justbyaclickofthemouse,youcan buywhatyoureinterestedinwithoutgoingoutdoors.Whenshoppingonline, youcanchoosefrommorevarietiesofgoods,whosepricesaregenerallylower. Itsdisadvantagesareobvious,too.First,itsveryeasyforyoutobuygoods differentfromthepicturesyouseeontheInternet.Second,sh

    16、oppingonlinemay causepeopletobuygoodsthatarenotbadlyneeded. Whatsyouropinionaboutshoppingonline?Postyourcommentsbelow! 参考范文 Period FourListening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress & Video Time .Read the passage on P32 and judge whether the following sentences are True(T) or Fals

    17、e(F) 1If you see or read something that makes you feel uncomfortable,please post comments or click on anything.(F) 2Dont give out your address or phone number,or someone might use the information to steal your identity.(T) 3The more polite you are online,the more likely it is you will be attacked.(F

    18、) .Read the passage on P32 carefully and choose the best answer. 1Whats the best title of the blog post? ARules of the Internet. BOnline safety. CA troll online. DHow to post online. 答案B 2What does the writer tell readers in Paragraph 1? ADefinition of online safety. BThe writers knowledge. CBackgro

    19、und information. DThe topic of the post. 答案D 3How does the writer end the post? ABy asking questions. BBy answering questions. CBy asking and answering questions. DBy asking readers to write comments. 答案D .重点单词 1function n功能;作用;机能 vi.起作用;正常工作;运转 2battery n电池 3confirm vt.确认;使确信 4press vt.按,压;敦促 5butt

    20、on n按钮;纽扣 6discount n折扣 vt.打折 7account n账户;描述 8click vt. & vi.点击 9upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt.使烦恼;使生气;搅乱 10author n作者;作家 11tip n忠告;诀窍;实用的提示 12familiar adj.熟悉;熟知 13case n盒;箱;情况;案件 14rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的rudely adv.无礼地;粗暴地rudeness n无礼;粗暴 15particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的particularly adv.特别;格外 掌握规律巧记单词 rude adj.粗鲁的

    21、;无礼的nessrudeness n.无礼;粗暴 如:illness n.病;疾病happiness n.快乐;高兴laziness n.懒惰kindness n.善良 particular adj.特别的lyparticularly adv.尤其;格外;特别 如:carefully adv.仔细地easily adv.容易地quickly adv.快速地immediately adv.立刻;马 上 .核心短语 1in shape 状态良好;保持体形 2keep track of 记录;跟踪 3give out 分发;公布;发表;用尽 4make trouble 惹是生非 5make fun

    22、of 取笑;戏弄 6share.with.与分享 7be/get familiar with 熟悉/通晓 8keep.in mind 牢记 9rather than 而不是 10build up 逐步建立;增进,增强 .经典句式 1in order to do 作目的状语 A troll is a person who posts comments or questions in order to stir up trouble online. 发挑衅帖子的人是指为了在网上惹事而发表评论或提出问题的人。 2the more.,the more.越,就越 However,the more pol

    23、ite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked. 但是,你越有礼貌,就越不可能被攻击。 3 “疑问词to do”结构 Do you have any more tips for how to surf the Internet safely? 你有更多关于如何安全上网的建议吗? 4rather than 的用法 Rather than going out to stores weekly or even daily,more and more people order things from clothes to toys to f

    24、oods online and have them delivered directly to their homes.越来越多的人从网 上订购从衣服到玩具和食物之类的东西,并让人把它们直接送到家里来,而不是每周甚至每 天去商店了。 重点词汇 Have you confirmed the Wi-Fi password?你能确认 Wi-Fi 密码吗? confirm vt.确认;使确信;证实;证明;批准 confirmsth. /that 从句/wh-从句尤指通过提供更多证据证实 confirm sb. in sth. 使某人确信某事 It has been confirmed that.已证实

    25、 (1)The expression on her face confirmed her sadness.她脸上的表情证明了她很难过。 (2)The latest evidence confirmed me in his honesty.最新的证据让我坚信他是诚实的。 (3)It has been confirmed that it is the most effective treatment.已证实它是最有效的治疗方法。 Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.劳拉需要一个会帮助她打折的计算机应 用程序。 discount n

    26、折扣 vt.打折;贴现 give/allow/make a discount of. 打折 with/at a discount of 10% 打九折 (1)The employees who work at the shop can get a discount of 10%.商店员工购物可打九折。 (2)In this shop,everything is sold at a discount to attract customers. 在这家商店,为了吸引顾客所有的东西都打折卖。 (3)They will give a discount of 10% if they pay in cas

    27、h.如果付现金的话 ,他们将给予九折优惠。 注意:“打九折”正确的英语表达法为:a discount of 10%。 Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account.劳拉需要一个会把钱增加到她 的银行账户上的计算机应用程序。 account n账户;描述;理由;账目 vi.& vt.解释;说明;考虑 account to sb. for.向某人说明 account for 解释;是的原因;(在数量和比例上)占,占据 on account of 由于;因为 on no account 决不(放在句首时句子用部分倒装) take

    28、.into account 把考虑或计算在内;考虑 (1)He has to account to the chairman for all the money he has spent. 他必须向主席说明他所花掉的所有钱的去向。 (2)We should take his health into account and then make a decision. 我们应该先考虑他的健康状况,然后再做决定。 (3)His illness accounts for his absence from the meeting. 他因为生病而缺席会议。 (4)She cant work on acco

    29、unt of her too young children.她因为孩子太小而不能工作。 (5)On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened. 士兵们决不该为所发生的事而受到责难。 注意:on account of 的同义短语有:because of,due to,owing to,thanks to,as a result of 等。 Being online is no excuse for being rude,and you dont want to become a target for a troll or

    30、 cyberbully.在网上也不是你粗鲁无礼的理由,并且你也不想成为发挑衅帖子的人或网霸们 攻击的对象。 rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的 be rude to.对粗鲁或没有礼貌 Its rude of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事很粗鲁。 rudeness n粗鲁;粗野 rudely adv.无礼地;粗暴地 (1)You were so rude to your parents for which we could not forgive you. 你对父母这么没礼貌,对此,我们不能原谅你。 (2)It was rude of you to say that to your f

    31、ather just now.你刚才对你父亲讲那种话太不礼貌了。 (3)Its important that you should apologize to her for your rudeness(rude) 你应该为你的粗鲁向她道歉,这是重要的。 (4)Can you prevent him from treating others rudely(rude)?If so,I would appreciate it.你能阻止 他粗鲁地对待别人吗?如果能,我将非常感激。 Like a troll,a cyberbully will also write something mean but

    32、it is usually directed at particular people.就像一个发挑衅帖子的人,网霸也会写一些刻薄的东西,但是通常都是指 向特定的人。 particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的 in particularparticularly 特别地;尤其地 be particular about 对挑剔 (1)What I particularly dislike about this lesson is that it is really boring. 我特别不喜欢这节课的地方是它的确令人乏味。 (2)I am not particular about my

    33、 clothes while my wife minds what I wear. 我对我的衣服不挑剔,而我的妻子却很在乎我穿什么。 (3)Many tourists have a travel to Hainan during the year,in winter in particular. 一年四季都有大量的游客到海南旅游,尤其是在冬季。 It seemed like a joke at first,but the girl was very upset.起初,这好像是个玩笑,但是这个 女孩很生气。 upset adj.心烦意乱的;苦恼的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦;打翻;打乱

    34、 be upset over/about/at.对感到不安/难过/心烦 be upset that.对感到不安 It upsets sb. that.让某人心烦的是 (1)They were very upset that their child hadnt given them any reply to their letter. 孩子仍没有给他们回信,他们很不安。 (2)The bad weather will upset our plan for a picnic. 这恶劣的天气会打乱我们的野餐计划。 (3)He failed in the exam,which made him ups

    35、et.(upset adj.) He failed in the exam,which upset him.(upset vt.) 他没通过考试,这使他心烦意乱。 注意:upset 作动词时,过去式和过去分词形式皆为 upset;其现在分词形式为 upsetting。 Use a website you are familiar with.使用一个你熟悉的网站。 (sb. ) be/get familiar with sth. (某人)熟悉,通晓某物/事 sth.be/get familiar to sb.某物/事为某人所熟悉 (1)I am familiar with your work a

    36、s a professional archaeologist. 我熟悉你作为一名专业考古学家的工作。 (2)The image of a dragon is familiar to most Chinese people but none have seen a real one.龙的形 象为大多数中国人所熟悉,但没有人见过一只真的。 It s my wallet and my mobile phone case.这是我的钱夹和手机盒。 case n情况;病例;案例;容器;箱子 in case 万一;以防;以免 in case of 如果发生;假设;万一 in any case 无论如何 in

    37、 no case 决不;在任何情况下都不(放在句首时,用部分倒装) in that/this case 假使那样/这样的话 as is often the case (with.)对来说是常有的事 (1)Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow in case I forget. 请明天再提醒我关于会议的事,以免我忘了。 (2)In that case,ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry.假如是那样,请尽快地 亲自(向对方)说出并表示歉意。 (3)As is oft

    38、en the case,he is ready to help others. 他乐于助人,这是常有的事情。 经典句式 However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.但是,你越有礼 貌,就越不可能被攻击。 此句型为“the more.the more/less.越就越/就越不” 。这是一个复合句,其中前面的 句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the 用在形容词和副词的比较级前,more 代表形容词和 副词的比较级。主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。若主句的时态用一般将来时,则 从句的时

    39、态要用一般现在时表示将来时。 (1)The more he gets,the more he wants. 他得到的越多,想要的就越多。 (2)The higher the ground is,the thinner air becomes.离地面越高,空气就越稀薄。 (3)The more she flatters me,the less I like her. 她越是奉承我,我就越不喜欢她。 (4)The harder you work(work),the greater progress you will make(make) 你越用功,进步就越大。 Rather than going

    40、out to stores weekly or even daily,more and more people order things from clothes to toys to foods online and have them delivered directly to their homes.越来越多 的人从网上订购从衣服到玩具和食物之类的东西,并让人把它们直接送到家里来,而不是每 周甚至每天去商店了。 rather than 而不是;与其;不愿;与其说倒不如说(连接两个并列成分)。 rather than 连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语与 rather than 前面的成分在

    41、人称和数上保 持一致。 rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带 to,也可以不带 to,但当 rather than 位于句首时, 只能接不带 to 的不定式。 (1)These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子与其说漂亮,不如说舒服。 (2)She likes dancing rather than singing(sing) 她喜欢跳舞,而不喜欢唱歌。 (3)I think Tom,rather than you,is(be) to blame. 我认为是汤姆,而不是你应受到责备。 (4)At last I decid

    42、ed to write rather than (to) telephone. Rather than telephone I decided to write at last. 最后我决定写信而不是打电话。 注意:常见的含 rather than 的句型: Error!宁愿做 A 而不愿做 B (5)I would rather laugh on the backseat of a bicycle than cry in a BMW car. I would laugh on the backseat of a bicycle rather than cry in a BMW car. I

    43、preferred to laugh on the backseat of a bicycle rather than cry in a BMW car. 我宁可坐在自行车后座上微笑,也不愿意坐在宝马车里哭泣。 .单句语法填空 1It upsets me to hear(hear) the news of his being fired from his first job. 2The more times you practice,the more(much) easily you will memorize something. 3The latest evidence confirmed

    44、 that his conclusion was right. 4In order to attract more customers,many supermarkets usually sell their goods at a discount at weekends. 5I cant imagine the boy speaking so rudely(rude) to you. 6I enjoyed the play,particularly(particular) the second half. 7One must take the audience into account wh

    45、en making speeches. 8Leave your key with your neighbor in case you lock yourself out one day. .完成句子 9He believes it is important to study rather than (to) make friends. 他认为重要的是学习而不是交朋友。 10She has already tried her best.Please dont be too particular about her job. 她已经尽最大努力了,请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。 11They start

    46、ed early in order to get there in time. 他们早些出发是为了及时到达那里。 12The more often you do sports,the healthier you will become. 你越是经常锻炼身体,你就会变得越健康。 .课文缩写概要写作 下面是根据课文内容写的一篇 60 词左右的内容概要,请根据括号内的汉语提示完成短 文。 Here is a blog post to give us 13.some advice on how to surf the Internet safely(一些有关如何 安全上网的建议)First,when

    47、seeing or reading something 14.that makes you feel uncomfortable (使你感到不舒服的),please leave the site immediately.Whats more,15.dont give out your address or phone number(不要泄露你的地址或电话号码)Otherwise,your identity might be stolen by someone 16.who uses the information(利用这些信息的人)Last but not least,be polite on

    48、line. Dont become a troll to stir up trouble online or a cyberbully to be mean to others.17.The more polite you are(你越有礼貌),the less likely it is you will be attacked. 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30% discount,which was cheaper than expected. 2Even though he looks like a gentleman,he

    49、is often rude to his wife in fact. 3She earns only 1,000 yuan a month but is particular about her clothes. 4The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body. 5If you agree,please select “I agree” and then click“Next” 6It has been confirmed(确认) that he wasnt the person who stole your cow.

    50、7He arrived an hour late and upset(打乱) all our arrangements. 8The village lies beside a main road,making it an easy target(目标,对象) for theft. 9This weeks magazine has some tips(忠告,建议) on how to stir up the childrens interest in reading. 10Our bus wont start because the battery(电池) is out of order. .单


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