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    (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 1 同步导学(课件+讲义+检测).zip

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    (2021新人教版)高中英语必修第二册Unit 1 同步导学(课件+讲义+检测).zip

    1、Period FiveWritingA news report 新闻是对新近发生的事实的报道。新闻反映新发生的、重要的、有意义的、能引起广 泛兴趣的事实,具有迅速、明了、简短的特点。 一、新闻报道写作的语言特点 1具体。新闻用事实说话,五个 W 和一个 H (when,where,who,what,why 和 how)是 构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素,这就需要记叙具体的时间、地点、人、事、经过、因果 等。 2准确。新闻语言不能含糊其词、模棱两可,也不能夸大或缩小事实。 3简练。新闻语言要简明扼要、直截了当。 二、新闻写作的结构 新闻文体的主体结构主要由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。 标题(he

    2、adline):标题是文章的眼睛,浓缩概括全文的中心问题,要简洁、生动、具有概括 性。 导语(lead or introduction):导语是新闻的开头,通常为文章的第一段。要求用极简明的文字 概括新闻的主要事实。 正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展 开评论,进而得出结论。 1The accident occurred shortly after the plane took off. 2Authorities in Northeast Chinas Jilin Province have announced a new target fo

    3、r improving the water quality of the Songhua River,one of the most heavily polluted rivers in the country. 3According to a new survey,Moscow is the worlds most expensive city for the second year in a row. 4As the summer vacation is coming,many students in Xiamen are planning to go traveling,while ot

    4、her students are going to take training courses for different reasons. 5With the rapid increase of Chinas population,the housing problem is becoming more and more serious. 6The two countries agreed to reach a final agreement on the travel restrictions. 7.If you are to get to Sydney by five,you must

    5、start at once. 请根据下面的信息写一篇 80 词左右的新闻报道。 四月十二日北京遭遇沙尘暴,当天交通事故比平时多出二十余起,人们开始关注这一 灾害性天气。下面为专家得出的结论: 频发时间:3、4 月份 危害:交通事故;土壤沙漠化;肺部疾病 直接原因:天气干燥;气温骤变 根本原因:人类活动,如过度用水,有些地方草原退化;人口增长 解决方法:国家应鼓励科学利用资源等 参考词汇:sandstorm 沙尘暴;desertification 土壤沙漠化 审题 1确定文体:这是一篇新闻报道,属于应用文,内容是报道发生在北京的沙尘暴,主体部 分要写清楚沙尘暴带来的危害以及解决方案。 2主体时态

    6、:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3主体人称:以第三人称为主。 谋篇 第一段:交代沙尘暴发生的时间、地点、过程以及所带来的危害; 第二段:解释原因; 第三段:提出解决办法。 核心词汇 1由于可怕的沙尘暴 owing to the terrible sandstorm 2把人们的注意力转向 turn peoples attention to 3对交通安全构成威胁 a threat to traffic safety 4与土壤沙漠化密切相关 be closely related to desertification 5导致 result in 连词成句 1沙尘暴对交通安全构成威胁,因为沙尘暴会让驾驶员的

    7、眼睛难以看清楚。(原因状语从句; it 充当形式宾语) Sandstorms are a threat to traffic safety because they make it difficult for drivers to see clearly. 2在中国北方,沙尘暴经常发生在 3 月到 4 月之间。(主谓结构) Sandstorms frequently occur in Northern China between March and April. 3更糟糕的是,空气质量差会导致人们患肺癌。 What is worse,the bad air quality can cause

    8、people to develop lung cancer. 4沙尘暴会造成空气质量差。 Sandstorms can produce the bad air quality. 5人类活动是沙尘暴的罪魁祸首。(responsible) Human activities are responsible for sandstorms. 6专家说,中国应该鼓励明智和科学地利用资源。(宾语从句) Experts say China should encourage wise and scientific use of resources. 句式升级 1用定语从句把 1、2 句连接起来 Sandstor

    9、ms,which frequently occur in Northern China between March and April,are a threat to traffic safety because they make it difficult for drivers to see clearly. 2用过去分词作定语连接 3、4 句 What is worse,the bad air quality produced by sandstorms can cause people to develop lung cance r. 3用 with 复合结构连接 5、6 句 With

    10、 human activities being responsible for sandstorms,experts say China should encourage wise and scientific use of resources. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 Hit by Troublesome Sandstorms Again April 12thTwenty more traffic accidents than usual happened in Beijing today owing to the

    11、terrible sandstorm.This has suddenly turned peoples attention to the causes of such disastrous weather.Sandstorms,which frequently occur in Northern China between March and April,are a threat to traffic safety because they make it difficult for drivers to see clearly.Also,according to scientists,the

    12、y are closely related to desertification.What is worse,the bad air quality produced by sandstorms can cause people to develop lung cancer. What are the causes of sandstorms? Dry weather and sudden changes in temperature can result in the widespread dust.However,some scientists believe that the root

    13、cause of sandstorms lies in human activities. With human activities being responsible for sandstorms,experts say China should encourage wise and scientific use of resources. Unit 1Cultural Heritage PART 1技法点拨 PART 2写作训练 PeriodFiveWritingAnewsreport PART 1 技法点拨 文体分析 把握写作动脉 新闻是对新近发生的事实的报道。新闻反映新发生的、重要的

    14、、有意义 的、能引起广泛兴趣的事实,具有迅速、明了、简短的特点。 一、新闻报道写作的语言特点 1.具体。新闻用事实说话,五个W和一个H (when,where,who,what,why 和how)是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素,这就需要记叙具体的时间、地 点、人、事、经过、因果等。 2.准确。新闻语言不能含糊其词、模棱两可,也不能夸大或缩小事实。 3.简练。新闻语言要简明扼要、直截了当。 写作指导 二、新闻写作的结构 新闻文体的主体结构主要由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。 标题(headline):标题是文章的眼睛,浓缩概括全文的中心问题,要简洁、生 动、具有概括性。 导语(lead or i

    15、ntroduction):导语是新闻的开头,通常为文章的第一段。要求 用极简明的文字概括新闻的主要事实。 正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详 实、具体,并展开评论,进而得出结论。 1.Theaccidentoccurredshortlyaftertheplanetookoff. 2.Authorities in Northeast Chinas Jilin Province have announced a new targetforimprovingthewaterqualityoftheSonghuaRiver,oneofthemost heavily

    16、pollutedriversinthecountry. 3.Accordingtoanewsurvey,Moscowistheworldsmostexpensivecityfor thesecondyearinarow. 4.Asthesummervacationiscoming,manystudentsinXiamenareplanningto go traveling,while other students are going to take training courses for differentreasons. 常用表达 5.Withthe rapid increase of C

    17、hinas population,the housing problem is becomingmoreandmoreserious. 6.Thetwocountriesagreedtoreachafinalagreementonthetravelrestrictions. 7.IfyouaretogettoSydneybyfive,youmuststartatonce. PART 2 写作训练 弄清文络 写作妙笔生花 请根据下面的信息写一篇80词左右的新闻报道。 四月十二日北京遭遇沙尘暴,当天交通事故比平时多出二十余起,人们开 始关注这一灾害性天气。下面为专家得出的结论: 频发时间:3、4月

    18、份 危害:交通事故;土壤沙漠化;肺部疾病 直接原因:天气干燥;气温骤变 根本原因:人类活动,如过度用水,有些地方草原退化;人口增长 解决方法:国家应鼓励科学利用资源等 参考词汇:sandstorm沙尘暴;desertification土壤沙漠化 审题 1.确定文体:这是一篇新闻报道,属于应用文,内容是报道发生在北京的沙尘 暴,主体部分要写清楚沙尘暴带来的危害以及解决方案。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3.主体人称:以第三人称为主。 谋篇 第一段:交代沙尘暴发生的时间、地点、过程以及所带来的危害; 第二段:解释原因; 第三段:提出解决办法。 审题谋篇 1.由于可怕的沙尘暴_ 2.把人

    19、们的注意力转向 _ 3.对交通安全构成威胁 _ 4.与土壤沙漠化密切相关 _ 5.导致 _ 核心词汇 遣词造句 owingtotheterriblesandstorm turnpeoplesattentionto athreattotrafficsafety becloselyrelatedtodesertification resultin 连词成句 1.沙尘暴对交通安全构成威胁,因为沙尘暴会让驾驶员的眼睛难以看清楚。( 原因状语从句;it充当形式宾语) Sandstormsareathreattotrafficsafety_ . 2.在中国北方,沙尘暴经常发生在3月到4月之间。(主谓结构)

    20、 _ 3.更糟糕的是,空气质量差会导致人们患肺癌。 ,thebadairqualitycancausepeopletodeveloplungcancer. becausetheymakeitdifficultfor driverstoseeclearly SandstormsfrequentlyoccurinNorthernChinabetweenMarchandApril. Whatisworse 4.沙尘暴会造成空气质量差。 _ 5.人类活动是沙尘暴的罪魁祸首。(responsible) Humanactivities. 6.专家说,中国应该鼓励明智和科学地利用资源。(宾语从句) Expe

    21、rtssay. Sandstormscanproducethebadairquality. areresponsibleforsandstorms Chinashouldencouragewiseandscientificuseofresources 1.用定语从句把1、2句连接起来 _ _ _ 2.用过去分词作定语连接3、4句 _ _ 3.用with复合结构连接5、6句 _ _ 句式升级 Whatisworse,thebadairqualityproducedbysandstormscancausepeople todeveloplungcancer. Sandstorms,whichfre

    22、quentlyoccurinNorthernChinabetweenMarch andApril,areathreattotrafficsafetybecausetheymakeitdifficultfor driverstoseeclearly. Withhumanactivitiesbeingresponsibleforsandstorms,expertssayChina shouldencouragewiseandscientificuseofresources. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇80词 左右的英语短文。 组句成篇 HitbyTroubleso

    23、meSandstormsAgain April12thTwentymoretrafficaccidentsthanusualhappenedinBeijing today owing to the terrible sandstorm.This has suddenly turned peoples attention to the causes of such disastrous weather.Sandstorms,which frequentlyoccurinNorthernChinabetweenMarchandApril,areathreatto traffic safety be

    24、cause they make it difficult for drivers to see clearly.Also, accordingtoscientists,theyarecloselyrelatedtodesertification.Whatisworse ,thebadairqualityproducedbysandstormscancausepeopletodeveloplung cancer. 参考范文 Whatarethecausesofsandstorms?Dryweatherandsuddenchangesin temperaturecanresultinthewide

    25、spreaddust.However,somescientistsbelieve thattherootcauseofsandstormsliesinhumanactivities. With human activities being responsible for sandstorms,experts say Chinashouldencouragewiseandscientificuseofresources. Period FourListening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress & Video Tim

    26、e .Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage in Page8. 1The Mogao Caves were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout Chinas ancient history.(T) 2It is over 25 years since the international project started.(F) 3The Mogao Caves are not as important as be

    27、fore.(F) 4The Getty Museum is in America.(T) 5The group hopes to promote wider interest in Chinas ancient history,culture and traditions by taking photos of the Mogao Caves.(F) .Choose the best answer. 1The researchers and scientists are trying to . Aincrease knowledge and appreciation of Chinas anc

    28、ient cultural heritage Bdig out Chinas ancient cultural heritage Cprotect Chinas antiques Dhold a meeting about how to protect Chinas ancient cultural heritage 答案A 2What have been finished since the international project started? ANearly 500,000 antique coins have been found. BNearly 500,000 photogr

    29、aphs have been produced. CNearly 500,000 mummies(木乃伊) have been dug out. DNearly 500,000 ancient tombs have been protected. 答案B 3What is the purpose of this passage? ATo tell people how to protect the cultural heritage. BTo show that ancient China is great. CTo promote culture through digital images

    30、. DTo inform people of the importance of the cultural heritage. 答案C .重点单词 1sheet n一张(纸);床单;被单 2mirror n镜子 3roof n顶部;屋顶 4dragon n龙 5digital adj.数码的;数字显示的 6cave n山洞;洞穴 7throughout prep.各处;遍及;自始至终 8. opinion n意见;想法;看法 9contrast n对比;对照 vt.对比;对照 10forever adv.永远;长久地 11professional adj.专业的;职业的 n专业人员profes

    31、sion n专业;职业;行业 12forgive v原谅;宽恕;对不起;请原谅forgiveness n宽恕;原谅 13image n形象;印象imagine v想像imaginary adj.想像的 14quality n质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的quantity n数量 15tradition n传统;传统的信仰或风俗traditional adj.传统的 16further adv.更远;进一步far(原级)furthest/farthest (最高级) 17historic adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的history n历史 18quote vt.引

    32、用quotation n引文;引言 19comparison n比较;相比compare v比较 20identify vt.确认;认出;找到identity n身份;本身 掌握规律巧记单词 比较级和最高级的不规则变化: many/muchmoremost;good/wellbetterbest;littlelessleast;bad/illworseworst identity n身份;本身fyidentify vt.确认;认出 如:beautify 使美化;simplify 使简 化;classify 将分类 .核心短语 1all over the world 在世界各地 2beg you

    33、r pardon 对不起;请再说一遍 3tell .from.辨别和 4raise money 募捐 5end with 以结束 6come up with 提出 7be familiar with 对熟悉 8speed up 加速 9. take care of 照顾 10fall into ruins 变成废墟 .经典句式 1It is said that.据说 It is said that its a mirror that can tell right from wrong!据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子! 2动名词作主语 Appreciating ones own cultural

    34、 heritage is very important for understanding oneself. 欣赏自己国家的文化遗产对于了解自己的国家很重要。 3make宾语宾补(名词充当) This makes it an important cultural heritage site not just for China,but for all people around the world. 这使得它不仅是中国的重要文化遗产,也是全世界人民的重要文化遗产。 4beadj.to do sth. Every part of the Great Wall is easy to find an

    35、d see. 长城的每一部分都很容易找到、看到。 重点词汇 Forgive me for asking,but.原谅我问一下, forgive v原谅;宽恕;对不起;请原谅 forgive sb. sth. 原谅某人某事 forgive ones doing sth. 原谅某人做了某事 forgive sb. for (doing) sth. 原谅某人做了某事 forgiveness n宽恕,原谅 (1)Please forgive me if I have left any of your questions unanswered. 如果你的问题我有任何没回答的,请原谅。 (2)Forgiv

    36、e my interrupting but I really dont agree with that. 请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。 (3)I shall never forgive myself(I) for failing to help you when you were in danger.我永远不会原谅 自己在你处于危险时没有帮助你。 (4)I hope,after today,I can have your forgiveness (forgive).希望今天之后,我能得到你的原 谅。 Nearly 500,000 high-quality digital photog

    37、raphs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.自 1994 年国际项目启动以来,已经制作了近 50 万张高质量数码照片。 quality n质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的 of high quality 优质的;素质好的 in quality 在质量上 (1)This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.这就是我怎样参与

    38、慈善工作,以提高残疾人的生活质量。 (2)This plastic is inferior in quality to glass. 这种塑料的质量比玻璃差。 (3)Our candidate is a man of quality,of status,of caliber. 我们的候选人是个素质好、有身份和有能力的人。 What do you think of the researchers opinion in the last paragraph?你认为研究者在最后 一段的观点如何? opinion n意见;想法;看法 ask sb. for opinion 征求某人的意见 have a

    39、 high/low/good/poor opinion of sb. /sth. 对某人/某事评价高/低/好/坏 in ones opinionin the opinion of sb. 在某人看来 (1)When they asked him for his opinion,he declared strongly against the policy. 他们向他征求意见时,他声明强烈反对这项政策。 (2)In my opinion,some measures which are able to control the rate of increasing cars can be taken

    40、.依 我看来,应该采取一些措施控制汽车增长的速度。 句型转换 (3)Personally,most people learn best by doing,not by sitting in the classroom and reading about it. In my opinion,most people learn best by doing,not by sitting in the classroom and reading about it. Words to show comparison and/or contrast表示比较和/或对比的单词 comparison n比较;相

    41、比 in/by comparison 相比之下;比较起来 in comparison with 与相比 compare v比较;对比;比喻 compare.to 把比作;喻为 compare (.) with 与相比 compared with/to 和比起来 (1)The comparison of her life to a sea voyage simplifies her rich experience. 把她的人生比作一次海上航行不足以说明她丰富的经历。 (2)In comparison with other students,Mike is more diligent. 和其他学生

    42、相比,麦克更加勤勉一些。 (3)I compared the copy with the original,but there was not much difference. 我比较了复印件和原件,但是差别不是很大。 (4)Compared(compare) with French,English is easy to learn.英语比法语好学。 contrast n对比;对照 vt.对比;对照 by/in contrast 对比之下 in contrast with/to 与对比起来;与形成对比 contrast .with.与对比 (5)There is an obvious cont

    43、rast between the cultures of East and West. 东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。 (6)Most people work because its unavoidable.By/In contrast,there are some people who actually enjoy work.很多人工作是因为它是不可避免的,相反,有一些人是的确喜欢工作的。 (7)In this book,the writer contrasts good with evil.在这本书中,作者将善恶进行对比。 Underline the relative clauses t

    44、hat the writer uses to identify the following. 在作者用来标识以下内容的关系句下面划线。 identify v确认;认出;找到 identify.as.确认为 identification n辨认;鉴定;证明 identity n.身份;特征 identity card (ID)身份证 (1)The family of the missing girl has been called in by the police to identify the body. 失踪女孩的家人已被警察叫来认尸。 (2)The identification(ident

    45、ify) of the crash victims was a long and difficult task. 鉴别坠机意外伤亡者的工作费时而且困难重重。 经典句式 It is said that its a mirror that can tell right from wrong!据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子! 该句型中,It 是形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引导的从句。常用于这个句型的动词过去分词 有:said,believed,supposed,thought,known,reported,confirmed,hoped 等。 该句型中的过去分词也可以是 suggested,r

    46、equested,required,ordered,advised,insisted,但 当是这些动词时,从句的谓语动词要用“shoulddo” ,should 可以省略。 该句型还可改为:sb. /sth. be said不定式。 (1)It is said that Physicist Stephen Hawking has participated in the ice bucket challenge. 据说物理学家史蒂芬霍金参加了冰桶挑战。 (2)It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put(put) off.有人建议会议延期召开。

    47、 句型转换 (3)It is said that Mary is leaving for London tomorrow. Mary is said to be leaving for London tomorrow. People say that Mary is leaving for London tomorrow. (4)He is said to have gone abroad. It is said that he has gone abroad. Every part of the Great Wall is easy to find and see.长城的每一部分都很容易找到

    48、、看到。 在“主语beadj.动词不定式”结构中,如果主语是不定式的逻辑宾语,要用不定式的 主动形式表示被动意义。能用在这个结构中的形容词很多,如: hard,difficult,easy,heavy,interesting,pleasant,safe,comfortable,expensive 等。 如果此结构中的不定式中的动词是不及物的,则应在动词后加上一定的介词。 (1)I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good to breathe. 我喜欢在夏天很早起床。早晨的空气呼吸起来太爽了。 (2)In m

    49、any peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant to deal with. 在许多人看来,这家公司虽然规模相对较小,但很好打交道。 (3)The room is comfortable to live in.这间屋子住起来很舒适。 .单句语法填空 1The question in this book is hard to answer(answer) 2It is reported in the newspaper that another meeting will be held between the

    50、 two sides. 3In my opinion,people cannot do anything without money,but money is not everything. 4In contrast with your belief that we shall fail,I know we shall succeed. 5I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died. 6Comparison(compare) with his previous movies shows how Lee has


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