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    外研版(三起)六年级下册Reading for Pleasure-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:b3362).zip

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    外研版(三起)六年级下册Reading for Pleasure-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:b3362).zip

    1、L ve you forever! A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she held him, she sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. Thebabygrew.Hegrewand hegrewandhegrew.Hegrew untilhewastwoye

    2、arsold, andheranallaroundthe house.Hepulledallthebooks offthe shelves. He pulledall thefoodoutoftherefrigerator andhetookhismotherswatch andflusheditdownthetoilet. Sometimeshismotherwould say,thiskidisdrivingme CRAZY! Butatnighttime,whenthat two-year -oldwasquiet,she openedthedoor tohisroom, crawled

    3、acrossthefloor, looked upoverthesideofhisbed;and ifhewasreally asleepshe picked himupandrockedhim backandforth,backandforth, backandforth.Whileshe rockedhimshesang: Ill loveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Thelittleboygrew.Hegrew andhegrewandhegrew.He grewuntilhewas n

    4、ineyears old.Andheneverwantedto comeinfordinner,henever wantedtotakeabath,and whengrandmavisitedhe alwayssaidbadwords. Sometimeshismotherwanted tosellhimtothezoo! Butatnighttime,whenhewas asleep,themotherquietlyopened thedoortohisroom,crawled across thefloorandlookedup overthe sideofthebed.Ifhe wasr

    5、eally asleep,shepickedup thatnine-year-oldboyandrocked himbackandforth,backand forth,backandforth. Andwhile sherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Butatnighttime,whenhewas asleep,themotherquietlyopened thedoortohisroom,crawled across thefloorandl

    6、ookedup overthe sideofthebed.Ifhe wasreally asleep,shepickedup thatnine-year-oldboyandrocked himbackandforth,backand forth,backandforth. Andwhile sherockedhimshesang: Ill loveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Theboygrew.Hegrew andhegrewandhegrew. Hegrewuntilhewasa teen

    7、ager. Hehadstrange friendsandhewore strangeclothesandhe listenedtostrangemusic. Sometimesthemother feltlikeshewasina zoo! But atnighttime,whenthat teenagerwasasleep,themother openedthedoortohisroom,crawled acrossthefloorandlookedupover thesideofthebed.Ifhewas really asleepshepickedupthatgreatbig boy

    8、androckedhimbackandforth, backandforth,backandforth. Whilesherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. But atnighttime,whenthat teenagerwasasleep,themother openedthedoortohisroom,crawled acrossthefloorandlookedupover thesideofthebed.Ifhewas really asle

    9、epshepickedupthatgreatbig boyandrockedhimbackandforth, backandforth,backandforth. Whilesherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Thatteenagergrew. Hegrewandhegrew andhegrew.Hegrew untilhe wasagrown- upman.Helefthome andgotahouseacross town. Butsomet

    10、imesondarknightsthe mothergotintohercaranddrove acrosstown. Ifallthelightsinhersonshouse wereout,sheopenedhisbedroom window,crawledacrossthefloor, andlookedupoverthesideofhis bed.Ifthatgreatbigmanwas reallyasleepshepickedhimupand rockedhimbackandforth,back andforth,backandforth.And whilesherockedhim

    11、shesang: Illloveyouforever, Ill likeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Well,thatmother,shegotolder. Shegotolderandolderandolder. Onedayshecalleduphersonand said,“Youdbettercomeseeme becauseImveryoldandsick.”So hersoncametoseeher.Whenhe cameinthedoorshetriedtosing thesong.Shesang: Ill love

    12、youforever, Ill likeyouforalways . Butshecouldntfinishbecauseshe wastoooldandsick. Thesonwenttohismother. Hepickedherupandrocked herbackandforth,back andforth,backandforth. Andhesangthissong: Ill loveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving myMommyyoullbe. Whenthesoncamehomethatnight,hestoo

    13、d foralongtimeatthetopof thestairs. Thenhewentintotheroomwhere hisverynewbabydaughterwas sleeping.Hepickedherupinhis armsandveryslowlyrockedher backand forth,backandforth, backandforth. Andwhilehe rockedherhesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. In this story,

    14、 which passage do you like best? Please read it with emotion. What do you want to say by reading this passage? Love you forever! 活动名称:欣赏绘本 Love you forever! 活动目标:1、了解父母给予自己的爱; 2、能够大胆地、完整的描述自己看到的图画,展开适当的联想; 3、体验爱=给予的情感,怀有一颗感恩的心; 活动准备:绘本图片、PPT 活动过程: 一、导入活动 T: Good morning, everyone! Its a nice day. Do

    15、 you love your mum? Ss: Of course! T: Good. You have to believe that your mother is always the one who loves you the most. Well, I often ask you to tell me an English story before class. Today I want to share a good story with you. Please enjoy! (PPT 播放故事视频)播放故事视频) 二、主要活动 T: Its a good story. I like

    16、 it very much. Okay, do you understand the content of the story? Lets have segments to listen and repeat. Okay? (PPT 播放段落播放段落 1) 学生认真听读,然后跟读。老师板书新单词与重点句子(呈现图片(呈现图片 1,并板书)并板书) Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. (PPT 播放段落播放段落 2) 学生认真听读,然后师生朗读并板书, (呈现图

    17、片(呈现图片 2,并板书)并板书) (PPT 播放段落播放段落 3) . (PPTPPT 依次播放插图及朗读,学生跟读,教师依次呈现插图并板书)依次播放插图及朗读,学生跟读,教师依次呈现插图并板书) 读后感 理解并朗读故事后,请学生有感情地朗读出最喜欢的一段,并说说为什么喜欢,有什么感 想。 板书设计: Love you forever! Grow-grew Ill love you forever, hold-held Grown-up Ill like you for always, rock- rocked Leave-left As long as Im living back and

    18、 forth Come-came my baby youll be. Crawl-crawled 活动反思: 绘本阅读的重要意义 著名教育学家苏霍姆林斯基在“不要让能力和知识关系失调”一节中讲到:凡是没有 学会流利地、有理解地阅读的人,他是不可能顺利掌握知识的。而他所提供的练习方法, 最重要的一点就类似于我们的绘本阅读。所谓流利地、理解阅读,就是一下子能用眼睛和 思想把握住句子的一部分或整个较短的句子,然后是眼光离开书本,念出所记住的东西, 而且同时进行思考不仅思考眼前所读的东西,还要思考与所读材料有联系的某些画面、 形象、事实和现象,而绘本正是这种训练的最初阶段,简单的故事,简单的对话,有时

    19、甚 至连情节也没有,但正是这种全无压力、轻松愉快,由浅入深的绘本阅读,留给了孩子们 广阔的思考和想象空间,为孩子们提供了一个无形的强大智力背景。 阅读绘本的好处之一:帮助孩子学习语言 好的绘本,图画发挥着强大的功能,文字部分的创作比较诗歌化,有的像奇幻的童话 诗, 有的像叙事散文诗。经常为孩子读着富有诗意与想象力的语言,可以帮助孩子学习语言。 同时,给孩子读图画书,也是孩子们的积极性。从这当中,老师也是受益者,能了解学生, 增进师生间亲密关系,一起从故事书中得到快乐。 阅读绘本的好处之二:陶冶孩子的艺术情操 绘本是以图画为主,借助丰富的图画使孩子在阅读文字时觉得更简单。绘本对孩子的 视觉震撼比

    20、知识效果更为直接。目前绘本中的图画部分,多数都是世界上知名插画家的作 品, 展示着不同艺术家的风格及艺术 追求。这些制作精良的大师级的绘本,用笔精致,图画精 美,构图配色高明,无形中让孩子感染美学,也会刺激孩子的丰富想像力,进而拥有创造 力。绘本对儿童的情感,想象力,灵敏度以及审美感的启迪,正是他们日后成功与快乐生 活的源泉。 阅读绘本的好处之三:让孩子从此爱上阅读 绘本最厉害的地方,是能帮孩子爱上阅读。通过小小的绘本,他们已经在破万卷书、 行千里路了,他眼中的世界更加丰富、也更加美丽起来。有人也许会说,那孩子们能看 “懂”吗?其实,只要他们喜欢、着迷,对美好艺术发自内心地喜爱,这就足够了。当

    21、然, 学生的 阅读学习,需要家长和教师有意识并认真组织,年轻的父母们,有时和孩子一起分享一下 绘本带来的知识与乐趣吧。从绘本阅读开始,一直保持跟孩子一起读书的习惯,就是在不 断维系一个跟孩子沟通的渠道。从这一意义上来说,家长在培养孩子阅读习惯中不仅起了 关键 的作用,同时也是这一活动的最大受益者。 阅读绘本的好处之四:帮助孩子健全人格 阅读一本优秀的绘本就像是在美术馆参观一样得到莫大的享受。画面特别美,内涵又 值得人反复咀嚼。小学生对英语的学习正处于“读图”年龄段,绘本故事横跨国界穿越各 种文化背景,透过画面,让孩子得以进入不同的世界。因此,绘本的阅读,使孩子的情感 受到陶怡,这让词汇量不多的

    22、小学生,通过读图获得更多的感知。从丰富生动的故事中, 他们可以学会积极、坦然地接纳自己的所谓“缺陷” ,学会用幽默的态度面对生活,学会充 分享受温暖的亲情和友情,学习团队合作与分享的精神而这一切感知认识聚多以后, 最将终成为儿童的成长经验。 因此,与孩子一起分享绘本,不仅能帮助他建立健全的人格,为一生的幸福打好精神 基础,更能很好的锻炼孩子的语言理解能力与表达能力。 Love you forever. A mother held her new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and fo

    23、rth. And while she held him, she sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. 妈妈抱着她刚出生的小宝宝,轻轻的把他搂在怀里,轻轻的摇啊摇,轻轻的唱著: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在妈妈的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。 The baby grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was two years old, and he ran all around the

    24、 house. He pulled all the books off the shelves. He pulled all the food out of the refrigerator and he took his mothers watch and flushed it down the toilet. Sometimes his mother would say, this kid is driving me CRAZY! 小宝宝长大了,他一天天、一天天的长大了。 当他两岁大时,他开始满屋子乱跑, 把书架上的书推倒, 把冰箱门开开关关玩不停, 还把妈妈的手表丢进马桶里冲掉。 妈妈气

    25、得想大叫:”这个小家伙真让我受不了!” But at night time, when that two-year-old was quiet, she opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor, looked up over the side of his bed; and if he was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him sh

    26、e sang: Ill love you forever, 1 Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. 但是一到了晚上,当这个小家伙安安静静的躺在床上时,妈妈会推开房门,悄悄的走到他的床边,看他是 不是真的睡着了。然后,轻轻的把他搂在怀里,轻轻的摇啊摇,轻轻的唱著: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在妈妈的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。 The little boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he wa snine years old. An

    27、d he never wanted to come in for dinner, he never wante d to take a bath, and when grandma visited he always said bad words. Sometimes his mother wanted to sell him to the zoo! 小男孩长大了,他一天天、一天天的长大了。当他九岁大时,他开始不想吃饭,不爱洗澡,和外婆顶嘴, 有时候,妈妈气得真想把他关进动物园去! But at night time, when he was asleep, the mother quietl

    28、y opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed. If he was really asleep, she picked up that nine-year- old boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she rocked him she sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for alwa

    29、ys, As long as Im living my baby youll be. 但是,到了晚上,当这个小男孩安安静静的躺在床上时,妈妈会推开房门,悄悄的走到他的床边,看他是 不是睡着了。然后,轻轻的把他搂在怀里,轻轻的摇啊摇,轻轻的唱著: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在妈妈的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。 2 The boy grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened

    30、 to strange music. Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo! 孩子一天天一天天地长大了,成长为了一个少年。他交了奇怪的朋友,穿着奇怪的衣服,唱着奇怪的歌。 妈妈感觉她自己已经是处在一个糟乱的动物园里了! But at night time, when that teenager was asleep, the mother opened the door to his room, crawled across the floor and looked up over the side of the bed. If he

    31、was really asleep she picked up that great big boy and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. While she rocked him she sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. 但是,到了晚上,当这个小男孩安安静静的躺在床上时,妈妈会推开房门,悄悄的走到他的床边,看他是 不是睡著了。然后,轻轻的把他搂在怀里,摇啊摇

    32、,唱著: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在妈妈的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。 That teenager grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man. He left home and got a house across town. 男孩长大了,他一天天、一天天的长大了。现在已经是一个大人。他离开了家,在城里买了一栋自己的房 子。 But sometimes on dark nights the mother got into her car and drove across town. 但有时在

    33、漆黑的夜晚,妈妈自己开着车穿过整个城市。 3 If all the lights in her sons house were out, she opened his bedroom window, crawled across the floor, and looked up over the side of his bed. If that great big man was really asleep she picked him up and rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she

    34、 rocked him she sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. 如果在她儿子家里的灯都熄灭了,她就会打开他卧室的窗户,爬过地板,悄悄的走到他的床边,看他是不 是睡著了。如果这个大男孩熟睡了,她就会抱起他,把他搂在怀里,摇啊摇,唱著: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在妈妈的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。 Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day s

    35、he called up her son and said, Youd better come see me because Im very old and sick. So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song. She sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always. But she couldnt finish because she was too old and sick. 日子一天天过去,妈妈也变得愈来愈老了。有

    36、一天,她打电话给儿子,对他说:“你找个时间回来看看我 这个生病的老人吧!”当孩子踏进家门时,妈妈依然唱起了那首歌: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你 但是她却虚弱地无法唱完了。 4 The son went to his mother. He picked her up and rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he sang this song: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my Mommy youll

    37、be. 儿子走向妈妈,轻轻的把她搂在怀里,摇啊摇,轻轻的唱著: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在我的心里,您是我永远的好妈妈。 When the son came home that night, he stood for a long time at the top of the stairs. 那天晚上,当儿子回到家,他在楼梯口,默默的站了很久很久。 Then he went into the room where his very new baby daughter was sleeping. He picked her up in his arms and very slowly rocke

    38、d her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while he rocked her he sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. 然后,他走进刚出生的女儿房间,轻轻的把这个睡梦中的小宝宝搂在怀里,轻轻的摇啊摇,摇啊摇,唱着: 我永远爱你,我永远疼你,在爸爸的心里,你是我永远的宝贝。 5 L ve you forever! 景德镇市第二小学 张 晴宇 A mother held he

    39、r new baby and very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And while she held him, she sang: Ill love you forever, Ill like you for always, As long as Im living my baby youll be. Thebabygrew.Hegrewand hegrewandhegrew.Hegrew untilhewastwoyearsold, andheranallaroundthe house

    40、.Hepulledallthebooks offthe shelves. He pulledall thefoodoutoftherefrigerator andhetookhismotherswatch andflusheditdownthetoilet. Sometimeshismotherwould say,thiskidisdrivingme CRAZY! Butatnighttime,whenthat two-year -oldwasquiet,she openedthedoor tohisroom, crawledacrossthefloor, looked upoverthesi

    41、deofhisbed;and ifhewasreally asleepshe picked himupandrockedhim backandforth,backandforth, backandforth.Whileshe rockedhimshesang: Ill loveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Thelittleboygrew.Hegrew andhegrewandhegrew.He grewuntilhewas nineyears old.Andheneverwantedto co

    42、meinfordinner,henever wantedtotakeabath,and whengrandmavisitedhe alwayssaidbadwords. Sometimeshismotherwanted tosellhimtothezoo! Butatnighttime,whenhewas asleep,themotherquietlyopened thedoortohisroom,crawled across thefloorandlookedup overthe sideofthebed.Ifhe wasreally asleep,shepickedup thatnine-

    43、year-oldboyandrocked himbackandforth,backand forth,backandforth. Andwhile sherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Butatnighttime,whenhewas asleep,themotherquietlyopened thedoortohisroom,crawled across thefloorandlookedup overthe sideofthebed.Ifhe

    44、wasreally asleep,shepickedup thatnine-year-oldboyandrocked himbackandforth,backand forth,backandforth. Andwhile sherockedhimshesang: Ill loveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Theboygrew.Hegrew andhegrewandhegrew. Hegrewuntilhewasa teenager. Hehadstrange friendsandhewor

    45、e strangeclothesandhe listenedtostrangemusic. Sometimesthemother feltlikeshewasina zoo! But atnighttime,whenthat teenagerwasasleep,themother openedthedoortohisroom,crawled acrossthefloorandlookedupover thesideofthebed.Ifhewas really asleepshepickedupthatgreatbig boyandrockedhimbackandforth, backandf

    46、orth,backandforth. Whilesherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. But atnighttime,whenthat teenagerwasasleep,themother openedthedoortohisroom,crawled acrossthefloorandlookedupover thesideofthebed.Ifhewas really asleepshepickedupthatgreatbig boyandro

    47、ckedhimbackandforth, backandforth,backandforth. Whilesherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Thatteenagergrew. Hegrewandhegrew andhegrew.Hegrew untilhe wasagrown- upman.Helefthome andgotahouseacross town. Butsometimesondarknightsthe mothergotintoh

    48、ercaranddrove acrosstown. Ifallthelightsinhersonshouse wereout,sheopenedhisbedroom window,crawledacrossthefloor, andlookedupoverthesideofhis bed.Ifthatgreatbigmanwas reallyasleepshepickedhimupand rockedhimbackandforth,back andforth,backandforth.And whilesherockedhimshesang: Illloveyouforever, Ill li

    49、keyouforalways, AslongasImliving mybabyyoullbe. Well,thatmother,shegotolder. Shegotolderandolderandolder. Onedayshecalleduphersonand said,“Youdbettercomeseeme becauseImveryoldandsick.”So hersoncametoseeher.Whenhe cameinthedoorshetriedtosing thesong.Shesang: Ill loveyouforever, Ill likeyouforalways .

    50、 Butshecouldntfinishbecauseshe wastoooldandsick. Thesonwenttohismother. Hepickedherupandrocked herbackandforth,back andforth,backandforth. Andhesangthissong: Ill loveyouforever, Illlikeyouforalways, AslongasImliving myMommyyoullbe. Whenthesoncamehomethatnight,hestood foralongtimeatthetopof thestairs


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