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    (2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1课文原文翻译及课文填空ppt课件(含练习).zip

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    (2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 1课文原文翻译及课文填空ppt课件(含练习).zip

    1、译林牛津(2020)高中英语选择性必 修第一册 Unit 1 food matters 课文填空(P1-5 ) 1.国以民为本,民以食为天。-Chen Shou 2. _(炸鱼薯条)from the UK _(由组成)deep-fried and fat golden chips. 3. What foods can _(对有影 响)your feelings? 4. _(无论何时)I feel _(lone), I have _(秘诀)_never fails: rice, milk and sugar, _( cook)low and slow. 5. _(无论多么糟糕) my mood

    2、is, that perfect c_is always enough to _(令我振作). Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state.=Food is to man what the people are to the state. Fish and chips consists of /is made up of have an impact on lonely Whenever a secret recipe that cooked No matter how bad combination lift my

    3、 spirits 6. Sometimes the smell _(仅仅) can_(奏效), _(更不 要说)the _(love) creamy flavour, which works like _(一台时光机) immediately _(transport) me back to my _(sun) childhood. 7. _(欣欣然), I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the _(warm) of my grandmas flat, _(listen to) her wonderful stori

    4、es and _(greed) eating _(一碗接一 碗)of her delicious rice pudding. alone do the tricknot to mention lovely a time machine transporting sunny With pleasure warmth listening to greedilybowl after bowl 8. I_(细细品尝每 一勺), _(轻轻翻转)the _(silk) dessert around my mouth and _(enjoy) the (融合)of rice and milk. Before

    5、 I know it, Im happy again. 9. My experience with rice pudding _(说 明)the unique power of “comfort food”. 10._(从广义上说), comfort food _(指的是)any food _makes us feel better. 11. In this article, we will talk about a particular type of comfort food _power _ (主要在于它所唤起的联想)it calls to mind. take my time over

    6、 every spoonful gently rolling silky enjoying illustrates In its broadest sense refers tothat whose mainly lies in the associations 12. It often _(消解)bad feelings by helping us recall happy memories of the people, things or places we love. 13. Our comfort foods are _(相当 个性化). They_(因人而 异), _(取决于)our

    7、 own unique experiences that have shaped our lives. 14. If we grow up _(eat) certain foods in our family, then those foods_ (很容易与积极的情绪产生关联). 15. For example, we often _chicken soup _(把与联系在一起)a happy childhood and its flavour becomes _ (与被关爱的感觉相关). makes up for highly individual vary from person to p

    8、erson depending on eating tend to be linked with positive emotions connect with tied up with the feeling of being taken care of 16. When we eat it again, we _of ( 解锁记忆)a time _we were loved and looked after, and this_(让我们的情绪变好). 17. _(幸福感)and _(归属感)can become particularly important for people who _(

    9、远离)their home country. 18. _(根据)some food experts, there are some aspects of culture that people will lose right away, but with food, there are_, (更 多机会与回忆关联)family and place. 19. _(最难割舍)the food that you grow up with. unlock memories when cheers us up The feeling of happiness sense of belonging mov

    10、e away from According to more opportunities to connect to memory It is hardest to give up 20. Of course, each persons comfort food _(很大程度上取决于)_ they come fromfor a Chinese it might be _(一盘饺子)with _(一碟醋), and for a _(土 生土长)of the UK it might be the classic fish and chips,_(热腾腾地端上来), salty and sour. 2

    11、1. One mouthful of comfort food _(带我们回到自 己文化的根), giving us the “_(家的味道 )” that we _(渴望) and_ (让我们一解怀乡之情) largely depends on where a plate of dumplings a saucer of vinegarnative served hot takes us back to our cultural roots taste of home relieving feelings of homesickness. cry out for 22. _(对我而言,的确如

    12、此). Comfort food tastes good and by _(建立情感联系)our happy memories, always makes us feel good. It isnt just a bowl of noodles or chicken soup. _(它是心灵的食量). 23.When we are _(情绪低落),we may _ (渴望)things that give us comfort and _(安全感). 24. Since it _(带来)happy memories of the past or offers an opportunity to

    13、 _ (与联系)our home culture, comfort food can often_(奏效). Thats certainly true for me building an emotional bond with Its food for the soul in low spirits cry out for a sense of security brings back connect with do the trick 25. However, there is another type of comfort food, which _(产生积极的情感 )in a diff

    14、erent way. 26. As desserts like cakes_(digest), blood sugar levels can go up quickly. 27.There is then the danger of _(enter) a cycle of highs and lows where more and more comfort food, high _carbohydrates, need _. 28. Comfort food is an important tool _(帮助我们缓解紧张) and feel good about ourselves. 29.

    15、However, _(要意 识的隐藏危险)of high-calorie comfort food! 30.As a result, we will _(情绪会 更好)after eating the comfort food. entering in to be eaten in helping us relieve tension be aware of the hidden dangers generates positive emotions are digested be in a better mood Thanks 译林牛津(译林牛津(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册)高中英语

    16、选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 food matters Reading 及译文(及译文(P1-5) Food keeps us healthy and energetic. It can also do more than that. The article below, from a food magazine, discusses the idea of comfort food. Before you read the article, think about the following questions: What do you think the article will tal

    17、k about according to the title? What foods can have an impact on your feelings? 食物使我们健康和精力旺盛。它也远不与此。下面来自一本食物杂志的文章讨食物使我们健康和精力旺盛。它也远不与此。下面来自一本食物杂志的文章讨 论治愈系食物理念。在阅读文章之前,思考以下的问题:论治愈系食物理念。在阅读文章之前,思考以下的问题: 根据标题,你认为文章将谈论什么?根据标题,你认为文章将谈论什么? 什么食物对你的情感有影响?什么食物对你的情感有影响? comfort food(治愈系食物)(治愈系食物) Whenever I fe

    18、el lonely, I have a secret recipe that never fails: rice, milk and sugar, cooked low and slow. No matter how bad my mood is, that perfect combination is always enough to lift my spirits. Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick, not to mention the lovely creamy flavour, which works like a time mac

    19、hine immediately transporting me back to my sunny childhood. With pleasure, I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the warmth of my grandmas flat, listening to her wonderful stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding. I take my time over every spoonfu

    20、l, gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marriage of rice and milk. Before I know it, Im happy again. 每当感到孤独,我都有一个屡试不爽的秘方:大米,牛奶和糖,小火慢炖。每当感到孤独,我都有一个屡试不爽的秘方:大米,牛奶和糖,小火慢炖。 不论我情绪有多差,这种绝妙的组合都足以令我振作。有时候仅仅闻一闻味儿不论我情绪有多差,这种绝妙的组合都足以令我振作。有时候仅仅闻一闻味儿 就能奏效,更不要说那美妙,滑腻的口感了。它像一台时光

    21、机器,立即将我带就能奏效,更不要说那美妙,滑腻的口感了。它像一台时光机器,立即将我带 回欢乐的童年,欣欣然,我回忆起那些精彩的周末午后,那时我常常是在外婆回欢乐的童年,欣欣然,我回忆起那些精彩的周末午后,那时我常常是在外婆 温暖的公寓里,一边听她讲那些精彩的故事,一边一碗接一碗贪婪地吃着她做温暖的公寓里,一边听她讲那些精彩的故事,一边一碗接一碗贪婪地吃着她做 的美味的大米布丁。我细细品尝每一勺,让滑腻的甜点在我口中轻轻翻转,享的美味的大米布丁。我细细品尝每一勺,让滑腻的甜点在我口中轻轻翻转,享 受米糊和牛奶的完美融合。不知不觉中,我便又开心起来了。受米糊和牛奶的完美融合。不知不觉中,我便又开心

    22、起来了。 My experience with rice pudding illustrates the unique power of “comfort food”. In its broadest sense, comfort food refers to any food that makes us feel better. In this article, we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind. I

    23、t often makes up for bad feelings by helping us recall happy memories of the people, things or places we love. 我关于大米布丁的经历说明了我关于大米布丁的经历说明了“治愈系食物治愈系食物”的独特力量。从广义上说,治愈的独特力量。从广义上说,治愈 系食物指的是任何能改善我们心情的食物。在本文里,我们要特别讲一类治愈系食物指的是任何能改善我们心情的食物。在本文里,我们要特别讲一类治愈 系食物,它的力量主要在于它所唤起的联想。它常常通过帮助我们回忆起所爱系食物,它的力量主要在于它所唤起的联想

    24、。它常常通过帮助我们回忆起所爱 之人、所爱之物、所爱之地的快乐往事,来消解不良情绪。之人、所爱之物、所爱之地的快乐往事,来消解不良情绪。 Our comfort foods are highly individual. They vary from person to person, depending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our lives. If we grow up eating certain foods in our family, then those foods tend to be linked with

    25、 positive emotions. For example, we often connect chicken soup with a happy childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of. When we eat it again, we unlock memories of a time when we were loved and looked after, and this cheers us up. 治愈系食物相当个性化。它们由塑造我们人生的独特经历决定,因人

    26、而异。治愈系食物相当个性化。它们由塑造我们人生的独特经历决定,因人而异。 如果我们从小在家就吃某些特定的食物,这些食物就很容易与积极的情绪产生如果我们从小在家就吃某些特定的食物,这些食物就很容易与积极的情绪产生 关联。比如,我们经常把鸡汤与快乐的童年联系在一起,它的味道与被关爱的关联。比如,我们经常把鸡汤与快乐的童年联系在一起,它的味道与被关爱的 感觉相关。当再次喝鸡汤时,我们解锁记忆,回想起受到疼爱与关怀的时光,感觉相关。当再次喝鸡汤时,我们解锁记忆,回想起受到疼爱与关怀的时光, 这就会让我们的情绪变好。这就会让我们的情绪变好。 The feeling of happiness and se

    27、nse of belonging can become particularly important for people who move away from their home country. According to some food experts, there are some aspects of culture that people will lose right away, but with food, there are more opportunities to connect to memory, family and place. It is hardest t

    28、o give up the food that you grow up with. Of course, each persons comfort food largely depends on where they come fromfor a Chinese it might be a plate of dumplings with a saucer of vinegar, and for a native of the UK it might be the classic fish and chips, served hot, salty and sour. One mouthful o

    29、f comfort food takes us back to our cultural roots, giving us the “taste of home” that we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness. 这种幸福感与归属感对于离开故国的人而言会变得尤为重要。据一些食物专这种幸福感与归属感对于离开故国的人而言会变得尤为重要。据一些食物专 家所言,文化中的某些方面人们很快会失去,但对于食物,则有更多机会与回家所言,文化中的某些方面人们很快会失去,但对于食物,则有更多机会与回 忆、与家、与处所关联。从小到大的食物最难割舍

    30、。当然,每个人的治愈系食忆、与家、与处所关联。从小到大的食物最难割舍。当然,每个人的治愈系食 物(是什么)很大程度上取决于他们来自何方物(是什么)很大程度上取决于他们来自何方-对一个中国人来说,可能是对一个中国人来说,可能是 一盘饺子配上一碟醋;而对于一个土生土长的英国人来说,则可能是经典的炸一盘饺子配上一碟醋;而对于一个土生土长的英国人来说,则可能是经典的炸 鱼薯条,热腾腾地端上来,咸中带酸。一口治愈系食物带我们回到自己文化的鱼薯条,热腾腾地端上来,咸中带酸。一口治愈系食物带我们回到自己文化的 根,带来我们渴望的根,带来我们渴望的“家的味道家的味道”,让我们一解怀乡之情。,让我们一解怀乡之情

    31、。 Thats certainly true for me. Comfort food tastes good and by building an emotional bond with our happy memories, always makes us feel good. It isnt just a bowl of noodles or chicken soup. Its food for the soul. 对我而言,的确如此。治愈系食物味道可口,通过与我们快乐的回忆之间建对我而言,的确如此。治愈系食物味道可口,通过与我们快乐的回忆之间建 立情感联系,它让我们心情不错。它不仅仅是

    32、一碗面条或鸡汤,它是心灵的食立情感联系,它让我们心情不错。它不仅仅是一碗面条或鸡汤,它是心灵的食 量。量。 P5 When we are in low spirits, we may cry out for things that give us comfort and a sense of security. Since it brings back happy memories of the past or offers an opportunity to connect with our home culture, comfort food can often do the trick

    33、. However, there is another type of comfort food, which generates positive emotions in a different way. Food high in calories may also make us feel better. As desserts like cakes are digested, blood sugar levels can go up quickly. As a result, we will be in a better mood after eating the comfort foo

    34、d. However, the sharp increase in blood sugar will cause the body to produce a special chemical to remove it. When the chemical lowers blood sugar levers, we are likely to feel sad again and will greedily eat more comfort food. There is then the danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows where mor

    35、e and more comfort food, high in carbohydrates, need to be eaten. This links with health problems like being overweight. 当我们情绪低落时,我们可能急需要给我们安慰和安全感的东西。既然它能唤当我们情绪低落时,我们可能急需要给我们安慰和安全感的东西。既然它能唤 起我们对过去的美好回忆,或者提供一个与我们家乡文化联系的机会,治愈系起我们对过去的美好回忆,或者提供一个与我们家乡文化联系的机会,治愈系 食物通常就能起作用。但是,有另外一类治愈系食物,它以一种不同的方式产食物通常就能起

    36、作用。但是,有另外一类治愈系食物,它以一种不同的方式产 生积极的情感。富含卡洛里高的食物也使我们感觉更好,随着像蛋糕之类的甜生积极的情感。富含卡洛里高的食物也使我们感觉更好,随着像蛋糕之类的甜 点被消化,血糖会很快上升。结果,我们在吃了治愈系食物之后,情绪就会更点被消化,血糖会很快上升。结果,我们在吃了治愈系食物之后,情绪就会更 高。但是,血糖急剧上升会使身体产生一种特别的化学物质来去除它。当化学高。但是,血糖急剧上升会使身体产生一种特别的化学物质来去除它。当化学 物质降低血糖时,我们很可能会再次感到伤心,将会贪婪地吃更多的治愈系食物质降低血糖时,我们很可能会再次感到伤心,将会贪婪地吃更多的治

    37、愈系食 物。然后就会进入血糖或高或低的恶性循环危险之中,就需要吃越来越多富含物。然后就会进入血糖或高或低的恶性循环危险之中,就需要吃越来越多富含 碳水化合物的治愈系食物。它与超重等问题有关。碳水化合物的治愈系食物。它与超重等问题有关。 Comfort food is an important tool in helping us relieve tension and feel good about ourselves. However, be aware of the hidden dangers of high-calorie comfort food! 治愈系食物在帮助我们缓解紧张和使自

    38、己感觉好方面是一个很重要的工具。但治愈系食物在帮助我们缓解紧张和使自己感觉好方面是一个很重要的工具。但 是,要意识到高卡路里治愈系食物的隐藏危险是,要意识到高卡路里治愈系食物的隐藏危险 译林牛津(2020)高中英语选择性必修第 一册 Unit 1Extended reading 原文及翻译 Extended reading Read the following entries from the blog of a food critic who is eating his way through traditional Chinese foods. Eating in China 食在中国 7

    39、 March,Sichuan hot pot 3 月 7 日,四川火锅 The mouth-watering hot pots of Sichuan are as famous overseas as they are in China, and the hot flavour is enough to heat up a cold midwinter evening or to let loose rivers of sweat on a summer afternoon. I gave it my first try last night, together with a few loca

    40、l friends. As the soup bubbled slowly over a gas burner in the middle of the table, its surface was covered with a beautiful layer or chillies, Sichuan peppers, spring onions and red oil. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster, we tipped plates of fresh meat, fish and vegetables into the pot. T

    41、he hot flavour quickened our laughter and conversation, making the meal the perfect way to relax with friends. 令人垂涎欲滴的四川火锅,闻名海内外,那火锅的风味足以温暖隆冬的寒夜, 或在夏日的午后让人汗流如注。昨晚,我第一次尝试了四川火锅,是与几位当 地的朋友一道吃的。桌子正中的煤气炉上,汤缓缓地冒着泡,表面覆盖着一层 辣椒,花椒和红油,甚是好看。我们把一盘盘新鲜的肉、鱼和 菠菜倒进锅里, 一开始慢,到后来越来越快,热辣的味道让大家谈笑起来更有兴致,这顿饭成 了与友人放松的最佳方式。

    42、Sichuan hot pots are perfect for the damp, foggy climate in which they were invented. They are believed to have started off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for boatmen on the Yangtze River to keep warm during the cold and wet winters. In the beginning, the delicious dish was made simply by boiling

    43、 vegetables, chillies and Sichuan peppers in water. Over time, it has expanded to include multiple options of soups, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to people of different tastes. What I love best about Sichuan hot pots is that they offer a great opportunity to socialize with friends since a

    44、 meal can last for hours. I instantly became a big fan of Sichuan hot pots and Ill soon be back for more! 四川火锅非常适合其发源地潮湿多雾的气候。人们认为,火锅始自清末,当时 是长江上的船工在湿冷的冬季取暖的一种方法。一开始,美味的火锅只不过是 将菠菜、辣椒和花椒用水煮。后来,火锅的内容逐渐丰富,包括各式汤底以及 品种多样的菠菜、肉和调料,满足了人们不同的口味。我最喜欢四川火锅的一 点在于,它为朋友间的交往提供了很棒的机会,因为一顿饭能吃上好几个小时。 我瞬间成了四川火锅的“铁杆粉丝”,我

    45、很快会再回来吃的。 12 August, Nanjing salted duck 8 月 12 日,南京盐水鸭 Salted duck is Nanjings most famous food export. Several plain in thin, white slices, the meat is juicy and salty. Each Nanjing salted duck takes several days to prepare, and the process includes salting, drying, boiling and cooling. As I finis

    46、hed my first helping on a recent afternoon in Nanjing, my host, Chef Zhang, told me a little more about the dish. 盐水鸭是南京最有名的特色食品。鸭肉简单地切成白白的薄片,多汁带咸。每 只盐水鸭都要经过腌、晾、煮、凉等工序,耗费数天制成。前几天下午,我在 南京吃完我第一份盐水鸭后,做东的张大厨给我介绍了一下这道菜。 The countryside around Nanjing has been famous for its ducks for centuries; its count

    47、less waterways make the area perfect for raising waterbirds. A local history book from the late Qing Dynasty praised salted duck in particular, saying it was without equal. Traditionally, duck is considered to have cooling properties, so it is appropriate for the hot summer months. Nowadays, people

    48、eat salted duck all year round and it is estimated that tens of thousands of ducks are consumed every day in Nanjing! It definitely hit the spot when I tried it, and it has become one of my personal favourites. 南京周边的乡村因为鸭子已经驰名中外数百年,这一带水网密布,非常适合养 殖水禽。一本清末的地方志尤其盛赞盐水鸭,称其无与伦比。传统上鸭肉被认 为性凉,所以适宜在炎热的夏季食用。如今

    49、,人们一年四季都吃盐水鸭,据估 计南京人每天要吃掉数万只鸭子!我一尝,它正对我胃口,盐水鸭已经成了我 最钟爱的美食之一。 8 December, Cantonese dim sum 12 月 8 日,广东点心 In Guangzhou, morning tea is such an essential part of the daily routine that “Have you had your tea?” has become the local version of “Good morning.” Though teahouses have been common in China s

    50、ince the Tang Dynasty, the Cantonese innovation of the mid-19th century was to serve tea together with a variety of light dishes, or dim sum. The concept took off, and today Guangzhous restaurants stimulate customers appetite with over a thousand offerings, each more delicate and delicious than the


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