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    (精)人教版九年级Unit10 You’re supposed to shake hands. SectionA 3a-3cppt课件(含练习+音视频).zip

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    (精)人教版九年级Unit10 You’re supposed to shake hands. SectionA 3a-3cppt课件(含练习+音视频).zip

    1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. SectionA3a-3c同步练习同步练习 1、词汇。词汇。 1. You are _ (suppose) to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend. 2. Keep your eyes _(close) when you are doing eye exercises. 3. Remember _(turn off) the light when you leave the room. 4. Trees can keep water from _ (run) awa

    2、y. 5. I _ ( spend ) time with family and friends is very important. 6. Though you failed this time, dont give up_ (study) .You still have a lot of chances. 7. ( walk ) a few minutes every day is good for our health 8. Dont visit your friends without ( call ) first in western countries 9. Little Jimm

    3、y always plans ( do ) something interesting. 10. Everyone should work as ( hard ) as he can. 二、单选。二、单选。 1. They are pretty relaxed_time,but we are serious_time. Aon;on Bon;about Cabout;on Dabout;about 2. Tomorrow is Sunday.He is going to _his grandparents home. Aset off Bdrop by Clook at Dcome by 3.

    4、 He got up _ late,so he only had _ bread and rushed to work. Aa little;a little of Ba bit of;a bit of Ca little;a bit of Da bit of;a bit 4. This kind of suit will be sold for $600,which is far more than its real _ Avalue Beffort Cmoney Dprice 5. Im sorry.Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam. Never

    5、 mind._,the exam is a little difficult. AIn allBFirst of all CAfter all DAbove all 三、完成句子。三、完成句子。 1如果你想成功,就必须做出努力。 You must _ _ _ if you want to make it a success. 2不要生她的气。毕竟她是一个孩子。 Dont be angry with her. She is a child, _ _. 3我们经常不先打电话就拜访朋友的家。 We often _ _ our friends homes without calling them fi

    6、rst. 4 改一下会议时间吧。这没什么大不了的。 Change the meeting time. _ _ _ _ _ ! 5如果你中午不回家,他会很气愤的。 He will _ _ if you dont go home _ _ 四、完形填空。四、完形填空。 Different people have different ideas about time.People in the USA think that it is _1_ to know the time.In cities in America,there are _2_ in stations,factories and ot

    7、her buildings.Radio announcers(播音员) give you the correct time during the day.Most Americans also have watches with them _3_ they go.They want to do certain things _4_ certain time.They dont like to be late.They think everyone is supposed to do_5_ on time. But time is not _6_ important to everybody i

    8、n the world.When you visit a country in South America,you will _7_ that people there dont like to rush.If you had an appointment with somebody,he could probably be late,_8_ he may not want to arrive on time. In South America,even the radio programs may not begin on time.The men on the radio may not

    9、think it is important to tell the exact _9_.People in South America think that clocks or watches are just machines.They think that you will _10_ a clock or a watch control(控制) your life if you do everything on time. ( )1.A.helpful Buseless Cimportant Deasier ( )2.A.clocks Bcars Cbooks Dwatches ( )3.

    10、A.whenever Bhowever Cwhatever Dwherever ( )4.A.at Bon Cfor Din ( )5.A.nothing Beverything Csomething else Dsome things ( )6.A.such Bas Cso Donly ( )7.A.understand Bfind Cforget Dremember ( )8.A.while Bbut Cthough Dbecause ( )9.A.time Bplace Cweather Dnews ( )10.A.put Bwant Clet Dexpect Unit 10 Youre

    11、 supposed to shake hands. SectionA3a-3c 同步练习同步练习答案答案 一、1. supposed 2. closed 3. to turn off 4. running 5. spend 6. studying 7. Walking 8. calling 9. to do 10. hard 二、DBCAC 三、1.make an effort 2.after all 3.drop by 4.Its not a big deal 5.get mad at noon 4、CADAB CBDAC 5、 Go for it人教版 九年级 Unit 10Youre s

    12、upposed to shake hands . Warming-up Are we supposed to arrive at school on time? We are not relaxed about time, its very important to be on time. In our country , what do people think about the time? For example , go to class or have a date with sb. Is it OK to be late? What are people supposed to d

    13、o? Free talk tri:z lupez Teresa Lopez Cali, Colombia m:rk l bla: Marc LeBlanc Lausanne, Switzerland Our new friends will tell us some more information about the time. Colombia / klmb / Switzerland / swtslnd/ Pre-reading n. 首都首都 flag Its in South America. the capital, Bogota(波哥大波哥大 ) It is famous for

    14、 its coffee. What do you know about Colombia? Colombiais acountry inSouth America. It is in the northwest part of that Continent and it has an area of 1.141.748km (440,839 sq mi). It has been the country which produces the best mild coffee in the world. Garcia Marquez, a famous writer, is from Colom

    15、bia. What do you know about Switzerland? flag Its in Europe. the capital, Bern (伯尔尼伯尔尼) Its the capital of clocks and watches. n. 首都首都 Switzerland is situated in WesternandCentral Europe. It is home to one of the worlds most thriving economies and also one of the happiest populations in the world. R

    16、ead the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student . In which Country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner? 3a Colombia Switzerland From the sentences were pretty relaxed about time.” and “ Its OK if you arrive a bit late.” Fast reading 2.Which three big differences are talked about

    17、in the two passages? 1.What are the two passages mainly about? Different customs between Colombia and Switzerland. Being on time; visiting a friends house; making plans with friends. Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. We dont like to rush around, so we dont mind if people are a little la

    18、te sometimes. If you tell a friend youre going to their house for dinner, its OK if you arrive a bit late. We like to enjoy our time slowly. We value the time we spend with Teresa Lopez Cali, Colombia our family and friends in our everyday lives. We often just drop by our friends homes if we have ti

    19、me. Reading task Read passage 1 carefully and finish the tasks. We dont usually have to make plans to meet our friends. When we see each other, its polite for boys to shake hands and for girls to kiss each other on the side of the face. We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of ou

    20、r friends as we can! 1. In Colombia, it is OK if you arrive a bit late for a dinner.(T or F?) 2. People in Colombia usually make plans to meet their friends.(T or F?) 3.We often_ _our friends homes if we are _. 4.We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can! (Tr

    21、anslate) F drop byfree 我们经常只是在城镇中心走动,就会尽可能我们经常只是在城镇中心走动,就会尽可能多的看多的看到我们的朋友到我们的朋友 。 T early to avoid heavy traffic because I think its impolite to keep others waiting . Marc LeBlanc Lausanne, Switzerland In Switzerland, its very important to be on time. Were the capital of clocks and watches, after al

    22、l! If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then youre even 15 minutes late, your friend may get mad. So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. I always leave the house Reading task Read para2 carefully and answer the questions. Also, we never visit a friends house without

    23、calling first. We almost always make plans to see friends. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. 1. What do people in Switzerland think of time? 2. What are you supposed to do if you want to visit your friends in Switzerland? 3.Were the capital of clocks and watches,

    24、 after all! (Translate) 4.We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. (Translate) I am supposed to make plans. They think its very important to be on time. 毕竟,我们是钟表之国!毕竟,我们是钟表之国! 我们通常计划一起做一些有趣的事情,或一起去某个地方我们通常计划一起做一些有趣的事情,或一起去某个地方 。 In Switzerland, its_ to be on time. Were

    25、_ and . important the capital of For example, someone invites you to meet at 8:00. We are expected to be there at _. If not, your friends will _ _. So Marc always _ _ _ to be on time. He always starts _ to _ heavy traffic. He thinks Its _ to keep others_. They also _ _ to see friends, Like calling f

    26、irst. 8:00 make plans waiting impolite avoidearly makes an effort get mad Read carefully again and fill in the blanks. Ideas and customs about ColombiaSwitzerland being on time visiting a friends house making plans with friends its OK to be lateits important to be on time drop by friends homes if we

    27、 have time always call first dont usually make plans always make plans Read the passage again and complete the chart. 3b 我的父母对我的服装不加约束。我的父母对我的服装不加约束。 _. 不要害怕,轻松面试。不要害怕,轻松面试。 Dont be afraid, _. 在这里在这里relaxed是形容词是形容词, 意为意为“宽松的宽松的, 不加以约束的不加以约束的”, 后面常接后面常接 介词介词about。be relaxed about 对对感到放松感到放松。relaxed还可

    28、还可 以意为以意为“放松的放松的, 轻松自在的轻松自在的”。注意注意relaxing adj. 使人放松的使人放松的,令令 人感到轻松的人感到轻松的 【活学活用活学活用】 1.Where Im from, were pretty relaxed about time. 在我们国家在我们国家, 我们对时间相当宽松。我们对时间相当宽松。 My parents are relaxed about my clothes. Language points just be relaxed about the interview value 动词,意为动词,意为 “重视;珍视重视;珍视”。 value st

    29、h. 意为意为“认为某物有价值;珍惜认为某物有价值;珍惜/重视某物重视某物”。 value可作名词,意为可作名词,意为 “价值价值”,be of great value to 意为意为“对对 很有价值很有价值 ”。 valuable 作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“贵重的;宝贵的贵重的;宝贵的 ”。 2.We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.我们特别珍惜平日生活中和家人、朋友在一起的我们特别珍惜平日生活中和家人、朋友在一起的 时光。时光。 【活学活用】【活学活用】我一直很重视老师们

    30、所给的建议。我一直很重视老师们所给的建议。 _ 好书对学生非常有用。好书对学生非常有用。 _. Ive always valued my teachers advice. Good books are of great value to students. drop by 意为意为 “顺便拜访;随便进入顺便拜访;随便进入”。可以直接使用。可以直接使用,也可以在也可以在by 后面加表示地点的词。相当于后面加表示地点的词。相当于come over to和和drop in。drop in at sp.意为意为“顺便拜访某地顺便拜访某地”,drop in on sb.意为意为“顺便拜访某人顺便拜访某人

    31、”。即即 dropbysb. = dropin on sb. 顺便走访某人顺便走访某人 drop by ones home = drop in (at) +地点地点 拜访拜访 3.We often just drop by our friends homes if we have time. 我们经常顺便拜访朋友们的家,如果有时间的话。我们经常顺便拜访朋友们的家,如果有时间的话。 【活学活用】【活学活用】他下班回来,顺便到朋友家坐了坐。他下班回来,顺便到朋友家坐了坐。 _ 不要忘了顺便去拜访一下你的老师。不要忘了顺便去拜访一下你的老师。 _. He dropped by his friends

    32、 house when he came back from work. Dont forget to drop in on your teacher. = Dont forget to drop in at your teachers home. 4.If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then youre even 15 minutes late, your friend may get mad .如果有人邀请你如果有人邀请你 中午见他或她,中午见他或她,然后然后你迟到你迟到15分钟,你的朋友可能会大动肝火分钟,你的朋友可能会

    33、大动肝火。 get mad (使使)发怒,发怒,(使使)生气。在这里,生气。在这里,get是连系动词,接形容词是连系动词,接形容词 ,表示,表示“变得变得”。如果要强调状态,则用。如果要强调状态,则用be mad ,表示动作用,表示动作用get mad。mad形容词,意为形容词,意为“很生气的;疯的很生气的;疯的”。常用搭配。常用搭配: be mad at/with意为意为“对对发怒发怒”,相当于,相当于be angry with。 be mad about意为意为“对对着迷着迷”。 【活学活用】【活学活用】她因为她的丈夫忘了她的生日而生气。她因为她的丈夫忘了她的生日而生气。 _ 我对集邮非常

    34、着迷。我对集邮非常着迷。 _. She wasmadat her husband for forgetting her birthday. I am mad about collecting stamps. 对时间宽松对时间宽松 顺便拜访朋友的家顺便拜访朋友的家 制定计划制定计划 在城中心走动在城中心走动 尽可能多的尽可能多的 毕竟毕竟 做出努力做出努力 大动肝火大动肝火 事先不打电话事先不打电话 打算做某事打算做某事 be relaxed about time drop by our friends houses make plans to . work around the town ce

    35、nter as many as we can after all make an effort get mad without calling first plan to do/ plan on doing Phrases summary Practice In Colombia, people are pretty _ time. They dont like to _. They often just _their friends homes. They dont usually have to _ to meet their friends. Often they just walk a

    36、round the town center, seeing _ many of their friends _ they can. In Switzerland, its very important _. Theyre the capital of clocks and watches, _. They never visit a friends house without _. They usually make plans to see friends. They usually _ something interesting, or go somewhere together. as

    37、as relaxed about rush around drop by make plans plan to do to be on time after all calling first Fill in the blanks according to the article. Hi, Marc. Sorry, Im a little late. Teresa, youre 10 minutes late! Its just 10 minutes! Its no big deal! Well, in Switzerland, youre supposed to Role-play a co

    38、nversation. Student A is Teresa and Student B is Marc. Teresa is late and Marc is mad. 3c Use the target language “In , youre supposed to” Groupwork Say something about customs in China about being on time, visiting friends and making plans with friends in each groups. Then write a short passage abo

    39、ut Chinas customs. being on time visiting someones home making plans with friends It is important always on time or little earlier People are supposed to make an effort to It is impolite to It is impolite to drop by always call first and be expected to knock at the door always make plans and be expected to plan to do Different countries have different customs. In China, the customs are different from many western countries. As for being on time, _ _ _ As for visiting a friends house,_ _ _ As for making plans with friends,_ _ _ Report:


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