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    人教版(新起点)二年级下册英语Unit 1 Playtime-lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10c0b).doc

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    人教版(新起点)二年级下册英语Unit 1 Playtime-lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10c0b).doc

    1、核心素养核心素养 中国学生发展核心素养:科学精神(理性思维) 、学会学习(乐学善学、 勤于反思、信息意识) 、实践创新(问题解决) 学科核心素养:语言能力、思维品质、学习能力 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过教学理解本单元核心句型使用情境; 2. 通过教学,在情境中学习 play football, fly a kite, ride a bike, make a model plane, swim, make a snowman 等动词短语; 3. 通过玩游戏、描述(I / sb. can )等方式进一步熟悉目标语言; 4. 通过儿歌学习进一步熟悉目标语言,通过自编儿歌进一步运用目标语 言。 智慧

    2、课堂智慧课堂 要素阐释要素阐释 本课的设计是从“感知理解学习运用”四个层次来落实知 识能力的目标,在学习方式上倡导多元智能的学习,包括听、说、做、 玩、唱等等。 教学准备教学准备 教具 model plane,与 toy plane 概念相区分,课件,课前三分钟准备(学 生) 教学设计教学设计 核心问题核心问题学生活动学生活动对应思维层次对应思维层次 Step 1: Little teacher Step 2: Main Scene 1. What can you see in the picture? Encourage Ss say as much as theycan,including

    3、the characters, the setting and the activities. 2. Watch the cartoon. OneSdoesthe presentationasa little teacher. The other Ss listen and interact with the little teacher. Ssobservethe picture and discuss in pairs, then answer with“Isee”or some other sentence structures. Encourage Ss to infer 记忆、理解、

    4、运用、 分析、评估、创造 理解、分析、评估 When is it? Where are they? Step 3:New phrases learning 1. Listen and find out what activities mentioned in the chant. 2. New phrases learning. play football fly a kite ride a bike make a model plane swim make a snowman 3. Game: Listen and do T or a S give the instructions and

    5、the other Ss do. Step 4: Topic talking 1. What can you do? Ask some Ss talk about what himself/herself can do, the other Ss listen. 2. T asks:” Who can?” Ss try to figure out the answer. Take notes on the board. Step 5: Chant learning 1. Ask Ss listen to and read the chant. thetimeandthe place,using

    6、 “Maybe” Listen and drag the pictures of activities. Whole class: listen, repeat, say and do. Pair work: Point and say. T Ss, S-Ss Play the game in 4. SsanswerwithI can Ss answer with can Learn the chant. 记忆、理解、运用 记忆、理解、运用、 分析 理解、运用、分析、 创造 2. Ask Ss make a new chant to talk about their classmates. C

    7、an you make a new chant byusingyourclassmates name? Step 6: Self-assessment 1. What did you learn today? 2. Are you a careful listener in the class? a critical thinker a problem solver a wisdom sharer an active cooperator Make a new chant and then chant and do. Sstalkwiththeir partners. Ssevaluate t

    8、hemselves. 记忆、理解、评估 作业设计作业设计 1. Play the game Say and Do with classmates or family. 2. Listen and read Lesson 1. 教学反思教学反思 核心素养核心素养 中国学生发展核心素养:人文底蕴(人文情怀) 、科学精神(理性思维、 质疑批判) 、学会学习(乐学善学、勤于反思、信息意识) 、健康生活(健 全人格) 、实践创新(问题解决) 学科核心素养:语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能力 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过教学学习理解本单元核心句型:Can you? Yes, I can. / No,

    9、I cant. 2. 通过教学,在情境中将 play football, fly a kite, ride a bike, make a model plane, swim, make a snowman 等动词短语带入会话; 3. 通过做调查,进一步运用所学目标语言; 4. 通过歌曲学习进一步熟悉目标语言,通过自编歌曲进一步运用目标语 言。 智慧课堂智慧课堂 要素阐释要素阐释 本课的目标达成重在真实语言的运用,而真实语言的运用又是通过真实 任务的完成,所以本课重在以任务驱动的方式引导学生的学习。 教学准备教学准备课件,课前三分钟准备(学生) 教学设计教学设计 核心问题核心问题学生活动学生活动

    10、对应思维层次对应思维层次 Step 1: Little teacher Step 2: Review 1. Main Scene What can do? 2. Chant Step 3:New structures 1. Comprehension OneSdoesthe presentationasa little teacher. The other Ss listen and interact with the little teacher. Talk about the main scene. Chant together. 记忆、理解、运用、 分析、评估、创造 理解、运用 记忆、理

    11、解、运用、 分析、评估 Who speaks first? What does he say? How does Joy answer? What does Joy ask? How does Bill reply? Extension questions: If they want to play a same game, what can they do? Why? 2. Read the conversations. Step 4: Survey 1. Ask Ss to make a survey in 4 people groups. Can you? Yes, I can. / N

    12、o, I cant. 2. Presentation Choose one group to make a presentation with “ can” and “ cant” Step 5: Song learning 1. Listen to the song and learn to sing. 2. Make a new song. Canyoumakeyourown song? Step 6: Self-assessment 1. What did you learn today? Trytounderstand theconversations and think about

    13、the extension questions. Listen to the audio and then read. Everyoneasks1 groupmate, then the rest take notes. Listen, read and sing. Make a new song. Sstalkwiththeir 记忆、理解、运用 理解、运用、分析、 评估 理解、运用、分析、 创造 记忆、理解、评估 2. Are you a careful listener in the class? a critical thinker a problem solver a wisdom

    14、sharer an active cooperator partners. Ssevaluate themselves. 作业设计作业设计 1. Finish the survey chart by interview the family member. 2. Listen and read Lesson 2. 教学反思教学反思 核心素养核心素养 中国学生发展核心素养:人文底蕴(人文情怀) 、科学精神(理性思维、 质疑批判) 、学会学习(乐学善学、勤于反思、信息意识) 、健康生活(健 全人格) 、责任担当(国际理解) 、实践创新(问题解决) 学科核心素养:语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能

    15、力 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过教学综合运用本课所学,在情境中会话,在游戏中运用。 2. 通过教学,学习 Aa/Bb/Cc/Dd 四个字母的书写。 3. 通过游戏,做本单元词汇及短语扩展。 智慧课堂智慧课堂 要素阐释要素阐释 本课的目标达成重在真实语言的运用,本课在游戏中突出语言运用,在 会话中突出语言运用的真实性,避免没有特定条件下“Can you eat? Can you walk?”等不真实语言的运用。 教学准备教学准备课件,课前三分钟准备(学生) ,游戏动物图片,英语书写四线格 教学设计教学设计核心问题核心问题学生活动学生活动对应思维层次对应思维层次 Step 1: Little te

    16、acher Step 2: Review 1. Chant and sing the song. 2. Main scene Can you read the dialogues? Step 3:Game 1 1. Read the picture, try to understand how to play the game. 2. Play the game. Tiger,canyoumakea snowman? No, I cant. Fish, can you swim? Yes, I can. Step 4: Game 2 Topic: I can Can you? A: I can

    17、 Can you? B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant. I can Can you? C: OneSdoesthe presentationasa little teacher. The other Ss listen and interact with the little teacher. Chant and sing the song. Read the dialogues. Read the picture and the dialogue. Make sure to know how to play the game. Play the game. (Pick

    18、some Ss to the front to play.) Ss try to say more things they can do. 记忆、理解、运用、 分析、评估、创造 理解、运用 记忆、理解、运用、 分析、评估、创造 记忆、理解、运用、 分析、评估、创造 理解、运用、分析、 T lists all the things Ss can do ontheboard.Picksome useful new phrases to teach. Step5:AlphabetWriting Learning 1. Elicit Ss to watch the flash and think: “

    19、How to write the letters?” Guide Ss to notice the order ofthestrokesandthe positions. 2. Practice 3. Learn to write a word. Picture 1: What word is it? Which letter is missing? Who can write? Capital A or small a? Step 6: Self-assessment 1. What did you learn today? 2. Are you a careful listener in

    20、the class? a critical thinker a problem solver a wisdom sharer an active cooperator Watchtheflash carefully and try to get how to write the letters. Practice to write. Toknowhowto writeacommon word. Sstalkwiththeir partners. Ssevaluate themselves. 评估 记忆、理解、运用、 分析 记忆、理解、评估 作业设计作业设计 1. Interview famil

    21、y with “Can you?” 2. Practice writing. 教学反思教学反思 核心素养核心素养 中国学生发展核心素养:人文底蕴(人文情怀) 、科学精神(理性思维、 质疑批判) 、学会学习(乐学善学、勤于反思、信息意识) 、健康生活(健 全人格) 、责任担当(国际理解) 学科核心素养:语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能力 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过教学综合运用本课所学,在故事中综合理解运用。 2. 通过故事表演,理解故事人物情绪变化,理解每个人有所能、有所不 能的事实,找到自己的所能,对自己进行肯定。 3. 完成本单元自我评估。 智慧课堂智慧课堂 要素阐释要素阐释 本课的在

    22、语言学习的基础上突出故事背后的思想价值,通过表演揣摩人 物的情绪变化,通过语言内容理解每个人有不同的能力,引导学生通过 表演理解人与人的不同,尊重这种不同,同时对自己加以肯定。 教学准备教学准备课件,课前三分钟准备(学生) 教学设计教学设计 核心问题核心问题学生活动学生活动对应思维层次对应思维层次 Step 1: Little teacher Step 2: Topic speaking 1. What can you do? Can you list? 2. What cant you do? Can you list? OneSdoesthe presentationasa little

    23、teacher. The other Ss listen and interact with the little teacher. Ss list the things they can do with “I can” Ss list the things they cantdowith“I 记忆、理解、运用、 分析、评估、创造 理解、运用、分析、 评估 Step 3: Story Learning 1. Ss read the story for the firsttime.Answerthe following questions: Who are they in the story?

    24、Is the penguin happy? (Show each picture.) 2. Flash watching Ask Ss to watch the flash. Try to know the story better. 3. Read the story. 4. Role play 5. Discussion Which character do you like best? Why? How do you think if you were the penguin? Step 4:Unit Assessment 1. Read the whole unit. Can you

    25、read? Can you ask? cant” Read and answer the questions. Watch and think. Readthestory picture by picture. Tounderstandthe penguins answer:”Sorry,I cant.” Then read together. Role play the story in 4 people group. Thinkanddiscuss with the whole class. Read the whole unit and assess oneself. 记忆、理解、运用、

    26、 分析、评估、创造 Can you answer? Can you write? Whatspecialthingsyou would like to remind us? Step 5: Self-assessment 1. What did you learn today? 2. Are you a careful listener in the class? a critical thinker a problem solver a wisdom sharer an active cooperator Sstalkwiththeir partners. Ssevaluate themselves. 记忆、理解、评估 作业设计作业设计Finish the unit assessment online. 教学反思教学反思


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