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    教科EEC版四下-Unit5 What about a Robot -Class 1 Textbook p.36-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:311a8).zip

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    教科EEC版四下-Unit5 What about a Robot -Class 1 Textbook p.36-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:311a8).zip

    1、Unit 5 What about a Robot? Period one (EEC(EEC 四年级下四年级下) ) park library bookstore shop libraryparkschool park school library parklibrary zoohome bookstore shop No,they dont. 花费花费 Do they really want to buy ?a watch Watches cost too much. watches Because Kens birthday is on Friday. a present I want t

    2、o buy a . presenthimflowerrobot I want to buy him arobot. herI want to buy a .watch I want to buy him/her a . . 30秒内秒内 每次一人每次一人 每人一句每人一句 不能不能连续重复同组的答案连续重复同组的答案 不能同时说不能同时说 不用举手不用举手 起立回答起立回答 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 I want to buy him/her a_ . I want to buy her/him

    3、a_ . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 I want to buy him a . I want to buy a for him. 同义句同义句 . Where are you going? To the store . Where are you going?To the library. . Where are you going? To the park. Where are you going? To the school. Where are you going? To the home.

    4、 家家 To the park To the library. To the store To the+地点地点 To school Home 一般情况下一般情况下 , 去某地,用去某地,用 : 但是但是唯独唯独这这 两个两个特殊特殊 A: Where are you going? B: _. 规则规则1. 三人一组三人一组互相互相调查调查,每人作为,每人作为 为为小记者小记者询问并询问并登记登记在你的学案上。在你的学案上。 Where going?are youis heis sheis she/he 姓名姓名地点地点 张舒雅张舒雅To the store 马东语马东语To the park

    5、 姓名姓名地点地点 Where is she/he going? 张舒雅张舒雅 To the store 马东语马东语To the park 规则规则1. 三人一组三人一组做做调查调查,每人作为,每人作为小小 记者记者询问并询问并登记登记在你的学案上。在你的学案上。 To the store 张舒雅张舒雅 Home 规则规则2:然后以如下对话形式展示出来然后以如下对话形式展示出来 ,2分钟准备。分钟准备。 一一. 按要求写在学案上按要求写在学案上 1. I want to . A: buying him a present. B: buy him a present. C: buys a pr

    6、esent for him. B 一一. 按要求写在学案上按要求写在学案上 2. Where _ she going? A: are B: am C: is C 一一. 按要求写在学案上按要求写在学案上 3. My birthday is Monday. A: in B: on C: at B She wants to buy her a book. 一一. 按要求写在学案上按要求写在学案上 4. I want to buy her a book. (换成换成 ) 自我评价:自我评价: good better the best 好 较好 最好 Homework: 1.单词(3+1背会): wa

    7、tch,present,robot,flo wer,library, park 2.课文P36背会,默写一 遍。 四下四下 Unit5 What about a Robot 学案学案 姓名姓名 Group Work:interview(小组合作,做调查)(小组合作,做调查) 规则规则 1. 三人一组互相三人一组互相做调查,每人作为小记者询问并登记登记在你的学案上。 Where is she/he going? 姓名地点 规则规则 2: 然后选出两人以如下对话形式展示出来,2 分钟准备。 A: Where are you going? B: _. What about ? Where is he

    8、/ she going? A: _. Exercise(练习题)(练习题) 1. I want to . A: buying him a present. B: buy him a present. C: buys a present for him. 2. Where _ she going? A: are B: am C: is 3. My birthday is Monday. A: in B: on C: at 4. I want to buy her a book. (换成 she ) 自我评价自我评价(给你自己的表现涂星星给你自己的表现涂星星):good () better() t

    9、he best() 四下四下 Unit5 What about a Robot 学案学案 姓名姓名 Group Work:interview(小组合作,做调查)(小组合作,做调查) 规则规则 1. 三人一组互相三人一组互相做调查,每人作为小记者询问并登记登记在你的学案上。 Where is she/he going? 姓名地点 规则规则 2:然后选出两人以如下对话形式展示出来,2 分钟准备。 A: Where are you going? B: _. What about ? Where is he/ she going? A: _. Exercise(练习题)(练习题) 1.I want t

    10、o . A: buying him a present. B: buy him a present. C: buys a present for him. 2.Where _ she going? A: are B: am C: is 3.My birthday is Monday. A: in B: on C: at 4.I want to buy her a book. (换成 she ) 自我评价自我评价(给你自己的表现涂星星给你自己的表现涂星星):good () better() the best() EEC 四年级(上)四年级(上)Unit5 What about a Robot?

    11、Period 1 教学设计教学设计 一、一、Teaching Objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: Ss can listen, speak, read and write the words and phrases: robot, flower,watch . Ss can listen, speak and read the words and phrases: present. 2 Sentence structures:Where are you going? To the store 3 I want to buy her/him a/an 2.

    12、Ability objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Get to know the meaning of “robot, flower, watch”both in spoken and written forms, and pronounce them clearly. 2. Use structures like “Where are you going? To the store I want to buy her/him a/an” in real situation. 3.

    13、Focus of the lesson: 1.学生能够听懂并会询问将要去哪。 2.能听懂并询问我想买。 4.Predicted area of difficulty: 1.学生能够正确区分和使用 Where are you going? To the store 三单内容。 2.学生能够使用我想买 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, Situational language teaching, 三、Teaching aids: a soccer ball, some pictures, CAI 四、Teaching Pr

    14、ocedures: Step I : Warming up and revision. 1. Bomb Game. The teacher shows different words they learned before, like “school, library, zoo”. Students can stand up and say loudly if they know the red word, but they see the black word, they should be quiet. (All the students ) (设计意图:游戏活跃课堂气氛,调动起全体学生的

    15、积极性,也为接下来学习功 能句做好铺垫.) StepII. Presentation. 1. (1) Watch and guess: The teacher shows the picture about their friends Jess and lily to guess what they are talking about. The teacher will show a watch. Teach the new word “watch” Point out the pronunciation “ o / / cc /k/” .Let them read the word “wat

    16、ch/watches”. (2) Then ask “Do they really want to buy a watch?” Let students listen to the tape and check the answer. Finally tell the teacher why they dont. Listen to the tape again to answer the question why they buy a present for Ken. Teach the new word “present”. Play a game: low and high voice

    17、to practice the new word. Teach I want to buy him a present. (设计意图:通过猜书上图片让学生感知语篇,培养学生思维品质;也能自然 导入本课重点单词讲解。然后通过语音整体输入感知语篇,提出问题,在听的 过程中培养学生提取信息的能力,并鼓励学生借助信息进行口头表达。) (3) Do a PK game about: I want to buy him a (设计意图:游戏能够激发学生兴趣,在完成任务同时培养学生的规则意识,让 学生更能掌握这个句子。) (4) Ask students to buy a present for Ken.

    18、Lead in the sentence pattern: Where are you going? To the store. 3. Pair wok. A: Where are you going? B: To the store. (设计意图:师生之间用问答的形式练习新授的单词,巩固新知。通过邀请学 生一起为肯买礼物导入去哪买,将语言学习和实际生活紧密联系,做到真说真 练真表达。) 4.(1) Group Work:Survey. Three students in a group survey and write down the information on the paper by

    19、 asking: Where is she/he going? 姓名姓名地点地点 (2) Show the dialogue. A: Where are you going? B: _. C: What about ? Where is he/ she going? B: _. (设计意图:通过整体输出本课所学知识,教师完全放手,让学生自主表达。 本环节教师帮助学生提取信息,培养处理信息的能力,引导学生运用信息自主 表达。) Step III. Practice and consolidation. Exercise(练习题)(练习题) 1. I want to . A: buying him

    20、 a present. B: buy him a present. C: buys a present for him. 2. Where _ she going? A: are B: am C: is 3. My birthday is Monday. A: in B: on C: at 4. I want to buy her a book. (换成 she ) (设计意图:新课标要求学生要听说读写全方面发展,从听说读写方面来检查 学生是否掌握新知。) Step. IV. Homework. 1.单词(3+1 背会):watch,present,robot,flower,library,

    21、park 2.课文 P36 背会,默写一遍。 (设计意图:分层次教学体现新课标理念,设计两个不同程度的作业,满足不 同程度学生学习的需要。 ) Step.V Blackboard Design. Step VI. Reflection 本课主要内容为 unit5 what about a robot.四会词会为 robot, flower, watch,句型为 where are you going? To the store.内容相对简单,所以我进行适当整合,适量拓 展了 buy sb sth/buy sth for sb,以及 where are you going? To the sto

    22、re 三单内容 我在教学方法、形式上有所变化,采用整进整出的教学策 略,先是让学生看图猜测,发散思维,提出质疑,然后在 进行语音输入验证答案,能够培养学生思维品质,培养语 感;在教学中又设计了一个小组合作探究,整体输出,拓 展了三单句式,在原有老师给的句式的基础上学生可以进 行拓展,很成功。 缺点为 1.where are you going? To the store 三单内容 转变不恰当,学生有冷场出现, 2.教师指令不清晰,个别语句还有语法错误,口语还需加 强。 我打算在以后的英语教学中不断加强教育教学理论和英语 的学习,提高自己的英语水平完善我的教学方案。更重要 的两个方面是花工夫、下

    23、力气、千方百计彻底实施教学方 案和培养学生的学习自制力以及良好的学习习惯。 EEC 四年级(上)四年级(上)Unit5 What about a Robot? Period 1 1教材分析教材分析 本次教学设计针对 EEC 四年级(上)Unit5 What about a Robot? Period 1 进行。 本课时围绕肯过生日,丽丽建议杰斯买了块手表。 2本课时的学习目标本课时的学习目标 语言知识目标:学生能表达想买什么,询问去哪买。 语言技能目标:教师创设情境,学生在和实际生活相联系的情境中学语言, 学生能运用所学的语言进行交际。 情感态度目标:激发他们学习的主动性,培养学生学习英语的兴

    24、趣,培养 学生参与合作的意识,通过学习和交流, 提高学生的语言运用能力。 学习策略目标:培养学生的判断力,观察力,激发学生积极思考问题,通 过情境活动,激发学习英语的兴趣,注重动词的复现,引导全体学生在任务中 积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。 3学情分析学情分析 本节课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,经过一年的英语学习,大部分学 生对英语具有浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的听、说、读、写能力。而处在这一年龄 段的学生,活泼好动,好奇心强,注意力不易集中,因此在课堂上要采取多样 化的教学手段,将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,充分调动学生的积极性,帮 助学生培养英语学习的自信心,以及用英语进行简单的情境交流的能力。


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