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    人教版九年级全册英语Unit11 知识清单 +习题 (含答案).docx

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    人教版九年级全册英语Unit11 知识清单 +习题 (含答案).docx

    1、1 九年 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry 一必会单词一必会单词 rather adv 相当;相反 drive v迫使 lately adv 最近;不久前 friendship n友谊;友情 king n国王;君主 power n.权力;力量 prime adj 首要的;基本的 minister n大臣;部长 banker n银行家 fame n名声;声誉 pale adj苍白的;灰白的 queen n王后;女王 examine v.(仔细地)检查;检验 nor conjadv也不 palace n王宫;宫殿 wealth n财富 grey adj阴沉的;昏暗的;灰

    2、色的 lemon n柠檬 uncomfortable adj 使人不舒服的;令人不舒适的 weight n 重量;分量 shoulder n肩;肩膀 goal n 球门;射门;目标 coach n教练;私人教师 kick v 踢;踹 besides adv 而且 teammate n同队队员;队友 courage n勇敢;勇气 guy n.(非正式)家伙(pl)伙计们 pull v 拉;拖 relief n轻松;解脱 nod v.点头 agreement n (意见或看法)一致;同意 fault n过失;缺点 disappoint v.使失望 二、常考二、常考短语、短语、用法用法 call i

    3、n 召来;叫来 be hard on sb对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉 prime minister 首相;大臣 drive sb crazymad 使人发疯发狂 pull together 齐心协力;通力合作 would rather 宁愿 be friends with sb成为某人的朋友 wait for 等待 loud music 高亢的音乐 communicate with sb与某人交流 be sure 确信;确定 neither nor.既不也不 have. in common 有共同点 each time 每次;每当 leave out 忽略;不提及;不包括 feel left

    4、out 感觉被忽略 a long time ago 很久以前 feel like 想;想要,感觉像 one day 有一天, cry for no reason 无缘无故地哭泣 take ones position 取代某人;代替某人 in three days time 在三天的时间里 to start with 起初;开始时 clean up 打扫 a person with power and money 有权有钱的人 even though 尽管 on the school soccer field 在学校的足球场上 let down 使失望 as soon as 一就 knock o

    5、n 敲(门、窗等) each other 互相;彼此 learn from 向学习 the next day 第二天 rather than 而不是 in ones heart 在某人心中 be close to 几乎处于某种状态; 很快就要做某事 ,离近 to ones surprise and relief 令某人吃惊和欣慰的是 in agreement 同意 put pressure on sb向某人施加压力 give up 放弃 in front of 在前面 get into a fight with 和打架 offer sbsth offer sthto sb给某人提供某物 kic

    6、k sboff 开除某人 let sbin 让某人进入 would rather do sth宁愿做某事 drivemake sbadj使某人 so +adj/advthat 从句 如此以至于 the比较级,the比较级 越,就越 Why dont you do sth ? Why not do sth ?为什么不 2 做某事? try to do sth尽力做某事 feel like doing sth想要做某事 How long does it take sb to do sth?做某事花费某人 多长时间? stop doing sth 停止做某事 miss doing sth错过做某事

    7、hear sb doing sth听见某人正在做某事 make sb do sth使/让某人做某事 drive sb to do sth迫使某人做某事 be worried about doing sth担心做某事;为做某事而担 心 三、三、经典句型:经典句型: 1. Well, the more I get to know Julie, the more I realize that we have a lot in common 嗯、我对朱莉了解得越多,越意识到我们有许多共同之处。 2. Its true that Im famous and everyone loves my songs

    8、 确实我很出名,而且大家都喜爱我的歌曲。 3 The loud music makes me nervous高亢的音乐使我紧张。 4. But whatever it was,don t be too hard on yourself.但不管是什么、不要对自己太苛刻。 5. Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我更喜欢去蓝色海洋,因为我喜欢吃饭时听轻音乐。 6. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 药物和休息都无法帮助他

    9、。 7. What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear. 他需要的是一件心情快乐的人所穿的衬衫。 8. Ten minutes later, Peter heard his father knocking on his bedroom door. 十分钟以后, 彼得听到他的爸爸敲他的卧室门。 四、四、重点语法:重点语法: 使役使役动词动词 make 的用法的用法 make 用作使役动词,表示“使;让”,其常用结构为: make宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语。具体用法为 结构 作宾补的词或短语 意义 例句 make sb.+ 名词 表示官

    10、衔的名词 (名词前不 加冠词) 使某人成为. Theymade him chairman他们 选他为主席。 make sb./ sth.形容词形容词 形容词形容词 使某人使某人/某物某物 The good news made us happy. 这个好消息使我们高兴。 make sbdo sth 省略省略 to 的动词不定式的动词不定式 使让某人做某事使让某人做某事 They made us laugh 他们使我 们大笑起来。 make sb过去分词 过去分词 (宾语通常是与主 语一致的反身代词) 使某人被 Can you make yourself understood in English

    11、? 你能用英语把自己的意思表 达清楚吗? make sb.+ 介词短语 介词短语 使某人处于某种状态 Please make yourself at home请不要客气(就像在自 己家一样) 。 make it +时间 时间 时间约定在 Lets make it half pats two. 让我们把时间约定在 2:30 吧。 拓展拓展: 1).make sb do sth结构变成被动语态时,被动语态时,不带 to 的动词不定式要变成带要变成带 to 的动词不定式。的动词不定式。 (to 还原)还原) The workers were made to work twelve hours a d

    12、ay这些工人被迫每天工作 12 个小时。 2).make it +adj.+to do sth. “使做某事” The invention of paper makes it possible to share information.纸的发明使分享信息成为可能。 练习题练习题: 1. Im very strong, so nothing will make me_ my mind A change B to change C changing 2. Though he often made his little sister_, today he was made_ by his littl

    13、e sister. A cry; to cry B crying: crying C cry: cry D. to cry: cry 3. There was so much noise outside that the teacher couldnt make herself_. 3 A hear B heard C to hear D hearing 4. The peaceful music made the students_ relaxed A. feel B feels C felt D. to feel 5. -How do you like rock music? -I don

    14、t like it at all. It often_ me crazy A. lets B makes C, asks D orders 6. -Why didnt Tom go out and play with us yesterday? -Because he was made_ his own clothes by his mother. A wash B washed C, to wash D. washing 7. The loud music may make people_ fast A. to eat B. eat C ate D eats 8. Sad movies ma

    15、ke me_ leave A to want B. want to C. to want to D. want 9. At last the boy was made_ and began to laugh. A stop crying B to stop to cry C to stop crying D stop to cry 10.I dont know what made them_ angry yesterday. A feeling B felt C to feel D feel 11.I am often made_ at home and do my homework A st

    16、ay B staying C to stay D stayed 12. I tried to make the baby_ crying by singing a song, and that worked very well A to stop B. stopping C. stopped D. stop 13. Lily was made_ the task before 9: 00 pm. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished 14.为了使我们的城市更加美丽,沿街种了很多树。 Many trees have been plante

    17、d along the streets to_ 五、五、要点全解要点全解: 1. 归纳:归纳:常见的“动词“动词+out”结构的短语有: leave out 忽略,不提及;不包括 look out 向外看;当心,小心 sell out 卖完;售光 set out 出发,启程(同 set off) hand out 分发;发出去 give out 发出(气味、信号等);分发 bring out 使显现,使表现出 take out.取出;拿出:掏出 work out 计算出,解决 2.表选择的不定代词表选择的不定代词 辨析:辨析: each “每一个” , 具有形容词性,后接可数名词单数, 作主语

    18、时,谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数 对象是两者,只能用对象是两者,只能用 each,对象是三者及以上,也可以。 强调个体强调个体。 有名词性 正:each of the people every 对象是三者及以上。 强调整体强调整体一致性。 无名词性 误:every of people 正:every person Each man has his own duty. 每个人都有自己的职责。 Every man has a duty. 每个人都有职责。 拓展:拓展: each 用法 : 1). 名词+each (作同位语) We each have a pen. 我们每个人都有一支钢笔。 2).

    19、 数词+each (表示每人多少) -How many candies do the kids have? 这些孩子有多少糖果啊? - Two each.每人两个。 every 用法: every+数词 (每隔) every other day= every two days 每隔一天(每两天) The exam comes every two weeks. 每两周(每隔一周)有一次考试。 either 都具有名词性,表单数概念,后跟动词三单形式 都具有形容词性,+名词单数,后跟动词三单形式 都具有副词用法,Me, either.= Neither+谓语+I. “两者两者中的任何一个” ,表肯

    20、定, eitheror “要么要么, 或者或者” , 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则就近原则 neither “两者两者都不” ,表否定, neithernor “既不也不.” ,连接两个 并列主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则就近原则 Either you or your father must see me today. 你或是你父亲今天必须见我。 4 Neither the father nor the son is interested in the film. 父子俩对这部电影都不感兴趣。 both 都具有名词性, both 和 all 还具有形容词性, both 和 all 还

    21、能做同位语, “两者都” ,表肯定,后跟谓语动词用复数, bothand “和两者都” , 连接两个并列 主语时,谓语动词用复数。 all “三者及以上都” ,表肯定,后跟谓语动词用复 数, none “三者及以上都不” ,表否定,后跟谓语动词用 单/复数都可以, Both you and your sister have to stay at home.你和你妹妹都必须待在家里。 We both have black eyes and black hair, but my hair is shorter than hers. 我们两个都长着黑眼睛和黑头发,但我的头发比她的短。 All of

    22、my classmates are in the classroom 我所有的同学都在教室里。 I invited some of my friends to my birthday party, but none of them agreed to come. 我邀请了我的一些同学来参加我的生日聚会,但他们中没有一个人同意来。 拓展:拓展: 1).neither: “两者中任意一个的否定” , neither of +名词(可数)+动词(三单) none: “三者及以上的否定” , none of +名词(可/不可数)+动词(单/复) 2).常用短语: All is well. 一切安好。

    23、Thats all. 就是这样。 all the time 总是,一直是 all right/ OK 好吧 all day/night 整天/整晚 3. 辨析辨析: besides, except, except for 与与 but besides “除之外(还有)” ,指在整体中加入一部分,表示一种累加关系,有“加上加上”之意 except “除之外(没有)” ,着重强调在同类人或物中除去一个或几个人物,表示一种排除关系, 有“减除减除”之意 except for “除之外” ,表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定对局部的否定,起部分修正作用 but 和 except 的用法基本相同,但

    24、着重强调整句的内整句的内容容,且习惯上用于 every,all, any, nothing, who 等词后 Besides milk, we need vegetables.除了牛奶,我们还需要蔬菜。 We are all here except/ but Tom.除汤姆之外,我们都在这里了。(不包括不包括 Tom) He is a good man except for hot temper.他是个好人,除了脾气暴躁 She could do nothing but weep.她只是哭。 六六、单元习题单元习题 1. -My uncle is against wasting anythin

    25、g. -No wonder he would rather_ the old bike than_ a new one. A repair; to buy B to repair; buy C repair; buy D. to repair; to buy 2.-Why are you looking _in class all day? -Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night A awake B asleep C sleeping D sleepy 3._ we work at English, the bet

    26、ter grades we will get A Harder B. The hardest C Hardest D. The harder 4. You should ask Bob_ his own clothes. He is ten years old now. A wash B washes C washing D to wash 5. I have a bad cold. I dont feel like_ anything A. to eat B. eating C. eat 6. -Alice, how do your parents like pop music? -_my

    27、dad_ my mum likes it. But they both prefer Beijing Opera A. Either: or B. Neither: nor C. Not only; but also D. Both: and 7. -I didnt hear you come in just now. -Thats good. We tried_ any noise, for you were sleeping. A not make B. not to make C to make D making 8. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 5 The seat is har

    28、d and_(comfortable ) to sit on, so I have a sore back 9. Daisy, look at your bedroom. What a mess! Sorry, Ill_ right now A. put up it B clean up it C. put it up D clean it up 10. -_do the students in your school do outdoor activities every day? -At least an hour A. How often B How long C How much D.

    29、 How far 11.-It will_ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high-speed railway -Wow, how exciting! I cant wait A take B spend C. cost 12. 根据句意完成已给出首字母的单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺、语法正确。 You can lose w_ by eating less and keeping exercise more 13. Can you hear someone_ in the classroom? It is Mary. A si

    30、ng B sings C singing D sang 14.We must do everything we can_ waste water from running into rivers. A. Prevent B prevented C preventing D to prevent 15. 将下列汉语句子译成英语 如今一些父母对自己的孩子要求太严厉了。 (be too hard on sb.) _ 16. Today, Wechat(微信) becomes very popular,and more and more people like to use it to_ each o

    31、ther A depend on B communicate with C. believe in 17.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 Many countries in the world have reached an_ to reduce air pollution (agree) 18. -How is George now? -I hear the manager_ him a good job, but he refused it A showed B offered C passed D paid 19. My friend plans to_ her job and go

    32、 to America for further study. A cheer up B clean up C. pick up D give up 20. I wont go to the concert this evening. I_ watch the NBA on TV. It s more exciting. A had better B. would rather C ought to D. have to 21. -Excuse me. Could you tell me_ get to the nearest post office? -Sorry, I am new here

    33、 A. how can I B how I could C. how to D. what I can 22.-Its too hard for me to pass the English exam. Never _.Believe in yourself A put up B give up C. hurry up D look up 23.-George, how can you prove the earth is round? - I cant. Sir. _,I never said it was A. Then B However C. Besides D. Instead 24

    34、. He speaks_ English_ French. Instead, he speaks German A. either: or B not only; but also C both: and D neither; nor 25. Boys and girls, calm down and focus on the test paper_ you begin to think about the answers. Be confident. You can do it! A as if B as soon as C. although 26. _you study, _you ca

    35、n learn. A. The harder: the more B. The more hardly; the more C. The harder; the least D. The more hardly; the least 27.It_ me two hours to do my homework last night. A spent B took C. paid D. cost 28. She studies hard and she doesnt want to disappoint her parents. A. let in B. let down C put down D

    36、 put in 29. Though his grandmother lives_ , she never feels_. A. alone: alone B lonely; lonely C alone; lonely D lonely; alone 30.-How about climbing the hill? -I would rather_ along the river than_ the hill. Im a bit tired A walk; climb B walking: climbing C walking: climb D walk: to climb 31.根据汉语意

    37、思和所给的提示完成句子。词数不限 如果你不想陷入麻烦,就不要忽略任何小错误。( leave) If you dont want to get into trouble, please dont _ any small mistakes. 32.Neither you nor he_ good at drawing. A are B is C be 6 33.根据句意和汉语提示填写单词 Tom showed great_ (勇气) throughout his illness 34.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 他们通力合作,克服了所有的困难。 They _ _ and got over al

    38、l the difficulties. 35.- Would you like to go on a picnic with us this Sunday? -Id love to. But I have to get my parents_ first A surprise B offer C agreement 36. 同义句转换 The little boy never disappoints his teachers and parents. The little boy never_ his teachers and parents_. 37.-Which sport do you

    39、like better, skiing or skating? -Both. I think_ of them is interesting A either B none C. neither D all 七书面表达七书面表达 Jenny 是你们学校校园网英语专栏的主编, 为了更好地帮助同学们缓解考前心理压力, 她制定了主题为 “ I Wish My Teacher Knew”的课程计划。假设你是 Starry,请你给 Jenny 写信,与她交流自己在学习生活中遇到的快乐、烦 恼等,或说说自己的小秘密。请根据要求完成写作。 要求: 内容必须涵盖所有提示要点,可适当发挥。 短文开头和结尾已给出

    40、,不计入总词数。 文中不得出现真实校名及姓名。 Dear Jenny, Im glad to share my story with you. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Starry 7 参考答案: 四1-5 AABAB 6-10CBBCD 11-14 CDC make our city more beautiful 六1-5 CDDDB 6-10 BB uncomfortable DB 11-15 A weight C D Some parents today are too hard on their children. 16-20 B agreemen

    41、t BDB 21-25 CBCDB 26-30ABBCA 31-35 leave out B courage pulled together C 36 lets ;down/ makes disappointed 37 A 七 Dear Jenny, Im glad to share my story with you. When I was first in my middle school, I was not good at getting on with my classmates. Luckily, with my math teachers help, I did better b

    42、oth in my life and study. But I still felt nervous in front of him, because he was so strict. I wish he could add a smile on his face in his class. Then wed feel relaxed. Besides, something bad happened to me recently. Last month I failed in my chemistry exam, which made me very anxious. What should I do to improve my chemistry? Im very worried. I hope you can give me some useful suggestions. Please write to me as soon as possible. Im looking forward to it Yours, Starry


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