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    2021版外研版选择性必修第四册英语Unit 3 单元测评试卷 (含听力音频+答案).zip

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    2021版外研版选择性必修第四册英语Unit 3 单元测评试卷 (含听力音频+答案).zip

    1、Unit 3 单元测评单元测评 (时间:120 分钟满分:150 分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 M:Excuse me,you dropped something.It looks like a wallet. W:Oh?Its my passport!Thank you so much for picking it up!It mus

    2、t have fallen from my bag. 1.What did the woman drop? A.Her wallet.B.Her bag.C.Her passport. 答案 C W:Hi,Henry.Did you say youre going to take a vacation next week? M:Actually,Im leaving for San Francisco this weekend. W:Cool.But I cant get away until the end of August. 2.When will Henry start his vac

    3、ation? A.This weekend. B.Next week. C.At the end of August. 答案 A W:The museum has extra hours on Thursday this week.We could finally go after work. M:I was planning to play basketball that night,but.I can change it to Friday. 3.What will the speakers do on Thursday? A.Have a day off. B.Go to the mus

    4、eum. C.Play basketball. 答案 B M:We havent seen snow in three years.Lets drive to the mountains this winter. W:We can invite my parents,too.They can play with the kids while we go skiing. 4.Why does the woman want to invite her parents? A.They like skiing. B.They want to climb mountains. C.They can lo

    5、ok after the children. 答案 C M:Good morning,madam.What can I do for you? W:Well,the sleeves of this jacket are too long.Can you make them shorter? M:Let me take a look.Okay,I can do it for 20 dollars. 5.What does the man do? A.Hes a tailor. B.Hes a waiter. C.Hes a shop assistant. 答案 A 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题

    6、 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 W:The biggest mistake I made,uh.was leaving college in my last year and not completing my education.So,Im thinking of going back to school. M:Sch

    7、ool?To study what? W:Ecology.Im interested in the relationship between humans and nature. M:Cool.Is it what you studied years ago? W:No,I majored in chemistry then. 6.What does the woman regret? A.Giving up her research. B.Dropping out of college. C.Changing her major. 答案 B 7.What is the woman inter

    8、ested in studying now? A.Ecology.B.Education.C.Chemistry. 答案 A 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 W:What are you looking at,Jim? M:Im reading an article about the worlds homeless population. W:Homeless population? M:Yes,sociologists define homeless people as those who have no fixed shelter on any given night.Th

    9、ese figures show five countries with large homeless population. W:Wow,thats amazing.I never realized that there were so many homeless people in Germany and France. M:You know what?Our own country the USA ranks number one among these countries! W:Surely not!India tops the list with three million home

    10、less people. M:Well,it depends on how you look at it.Although we have a million fewer homeless people than India,we have the highest percentage of homeless people. 8.How does the man get the information about homeless population? A.From an article. B.From the radio. C.From T. 答案 A 9.How does the wom

    11、an feel about the figures of homeless people? A.Proper.B.Amazed.C.Puzzled. 答案 B 10.Which country has the highest percentage of homeless people? A.India.B.The US.C.Germany. 答案 B 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 W:Can I help you,sir? M:Id like to buy a camera. W:Right.We have ordinary cameras,movie cameras and

    12、 video cameras.Theyre all digital. M:Well,I am thinking of a video camera. W:Lets see.How much do you want to spend,sir? M:Oh,Im not really sure.What is the price? W:Well,that depends on the model and anything else you want to have with it. M:I see. W:How about this one?It has one of the new memory

    13、sticks,and a protective case for filming underwater so you can take it when you go diving. M:Does it have auto-focus? W:No,it doesnt. M:Thats okay.The underwater filming is important for me,actually.How much is this? W:It costs 650 euros. M:Oh,thats a bit expensive for me.Have you got anything simil

    14、ar but less expensive? W:Well,here is the sale of the week.Its excellent for the price,only 470 euros,and it includes. 11.What kind of camera does the man want? A.A TV camera. B.A video camera. C.A movie camera. 答案 B 12.Which function is the man most interested in? A.Underwater filming. B.A large me

    15、mory. C.Auto-focus. 答案 A 13.How much would the man pay for the second camera? A.950 euros.B.650 euros.C.470 euros. 答案 C 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 M:Hello.Is that Cathy? W:Yes,speaking. M:There is a really good film on at the cinema this week.Would you like to see it with me on Friday evening? W:No.Im

    16、afraid I cant.Im going to take part in a meeting at Peking University on Friday. M:What a pity!How long will the meeting last? W:It depends.Id love to see a science fiction film. M:I know you like it.Both of us like science fiction films since childhood. W:I can never forget the first science fictio

    17、n film we watched together. M:Yes,Star Wars!It was so exciting!We could not fall asleep after the film although it lasted 2 hours until 11 oclock.Well,what about Saturday then? W:That would be great.What time does it start? M:At 7:00 pm.Would you like to go for a drink first? W:Yes,fine.Is six ocloc

    18、k OK?We can meet outside the cinema. M:OK. 14.Where will the woman go on Friday? A.To Peking University. B.To the cinema. C.To the mans home. 答案 A 15.What kind of film does the woman like? A.Action films. B.Science fiction films. C.Comedies. 答案 B 16.What time did Star Wars start? A.At 11:00 pm. B.At

    19、 9:00 pm. C.At 2:00 pm. 答案 B 17.What will they do first on Saturday evening? A.Buy the tickets. B.Watch the film. C.Have a drink. 答案 C 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 Hello,everyone.Today Im going to talk about small talk,that is,short conversations people often have with strangers they meet.Such exchanges

    20、 occur at bus stops,on buses,while waiting in line,almost anywhere that strangers gather close together.As a matter of fact,these short conversations are a good way for people to say hello and express friendliness.Such conversations usually cover a wide range of topics.The topics may include weather

    21、,customer service,movies,TV shows,local sports or latest news.But you should always keep it in your mind that private questions about salaries,family life,religious beliefs and politics should be avoided during these conversations.Besides,its better to ask open-ended questions.If you ask visitors,“D

    22、o you like our city?” They may say simply,“Yes”.On the other hand,if you ask,“What do you think of our city?” They will have more freedom in answering.This type of question also shows that you are interested in them.If you appear interested in what people are saying,theyd feel more comfortable talki

    23、ng with you. 18.Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker? A.Relatives.B.Strangers.C.Visitors. 答案 B 19.Why do people have small talk? A.To express opinions. B.To avoid arguments. C.To show friendliness. 答案 C 20.What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture? A.Asking open

    24、-ended questions. B.Feeling free to change topics. C.Making small talk interesting. 答案 A 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A When you throw something in the trash,soon a garbage truck will come to take it away.Then where does it go?That depends

    25、on where you live.Different towns deal with trash in different ways. Recycling A recycling truck picks up paper,cardboard,metal,plastic and glass.These go to the recycling plant to be sorted and made into new things. Incinerator An incinerator is a huge stove that burns trash to make heat and electr

    26、icity.The ash thats left gets buried in a landfill.Trash ash can be poisonous,so it has to be stored carefully.But it takes up a lot less room than just plain trash. Compost Food waste might go to a composter.In a compost heap(堆肥堆),bacteria and worms break down dead plants and old food.They turn it

    27、into good,rich oil.Some people keep compost heaps in their gardens.Big commercial composters handle waste from restaurants and farms. Landfills Some trash gets buried in landfills.A landfill starts as a big hole.Trucks dump trash.Big earth movers push it into place and crush it down.They cover the t

    28、rash with dirt to keep scavengers(食 腐动物) away.The bottom of a landfill is lined with a barrier to keep bad things from leaking into the ground.Pipes drain away liquid.When the landfill is full,its covered with earth.It might become a park or lawn. 【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了垃圾处理的四种方法。 21.What can we learn from th

    29、e passage? A.Recycling helps to generate energy. B.Bacteria and worms help handle food waste. C.The landfill is used to drive scavengers away. D.Trash ash is carefully handled to save room. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据 Compost 中的第二句“In a compost heap,bacteria and worms break down dead plants and old food.”可知,B 项

    30、“细菌和蠕虫有助于处理剩下的食物”正确。 22.What does the underlined word “They”(Para.4) refer to? A.Dead plants.B.Composers. C.Bacteria and worms.D.Food waste and soil. 答案 C 解析代词指代题。根据画线词前面的“bacteria and worms break down dead plants and old food”以及 “.turn it into good,rich oil.”可知,此处的 they 指的就是“Bacteria and worms”。 23

    31、.Whats the purpose of the passage? A.To inform us of trash treatment. B.To appeal for trash classification. C.To discuss solutions to trash pollution. D.To raise awareness of the harm of trash. 答案 A 解析写作目的题。根据表格第一段最后一句“Different towns deal with trash in different ways(不同的 城市有不同的处理垃圾的办法)”以及表格中的四个小标题

    32、Recycling(循环), Incinerator(焚烧), Compost(堆肥)以及 Landfills(填埋)可知,这篇文章是在向读者介绍四种垃圾处理的方法,所以选 A 项。 B The world can be a scary place when youre young.It can be even scarier when youre a young little blue penguin(企鹅)the tiniest of the penguin species.Luckily,there are some humans willing to help.They stepped

    33、 in to protect Billy,a blue penguin that appeared on a beach in Christchurch,New Zealand. Spotted on November 29 at the slipway at Moncks Bay,near Sumner,in Christchurch,the little penguin immediately attracted a small crowd.Jeff Mein Smith saw the crowd while he was bicycling that afternoon,and he

    34、biked home to get his camera.When he returned to the scene,he found that the penguin had received a little sign,one that read “Hi,Im waiting for my mum to come back.DOC(Department of Conservation) knows Im here.Please leave me alone.Keep your dog away.Thanks.Billythe baby blue penguin.” Billy didnt

    35、move away from the sign.The DOC arrived later that afternoon to pick up Billy,though they were surprised to see it on the beach.“Its unusual for a blue penguin to be out in the open on the beach during the day,”Anita Spencer,a DOC senior ranger,told Stuff. Billy was taken to the Christchurch Penguin

    36、 Rehabilitation Centre after being retrieved from the beach.Volunteers believe the bird may actually be a female penguin,and is around 2 months old.The chick weighs a mere 550 grams,less than a standard basketball.A blue penguin should weigh around 900 grams at this age.Most little penguins grow up

    37、to weigh 1 kilogram. The centre will help the little penguin gain some weight by feeding it fish juice,before its set free into the ocean. 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了一只小蓝企鹅在人们的帮助下最终得救的故事。 24.Why can the world be frightening to a young penguin? A.It is a rare species. B.It faces potential danger. C.It is surrounde

    38、d by the crowd. D.It is threatened by dogs. 答案 B 解析推理判断题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是“Please leave me alone.Keep your dog away.”可知,当时 有人在那只小蓝企鹅旁边竖了一个牌子警示人们不要打扰它,不要让狗靠近它。由此可推知,对于那 只小蓝企鹅来讲,这个世界是可怕的,因为它面临着一些潜在的危险。故 B 项正确。 25.It can be inferred from the text that Billy . A.is a female penguin B.has expressed its thanks

    39、 C.weighs less for its age D.prefers living on the beach 答案 C 解析推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The chick weighs a mere 550 grams,less than a standard basketball.A blue penguin should weigh around 900 grams at this age.”可知,这只小蓝企鹅体重只有 550 克,而处于它这个年龄的小蓝企鹅的体重应达到 900 克左右。由此可推知,这只小蓝企鹅的体重低于 它这个年龄的小蓝企鹅的体重。故 C 项正确。 26.Which

    40、of the following can replace the underlined word “retrieved” in Paragraph 4? A.Ignored.B.Cured. C.Given away.D.Brought back. 答案 D 解析词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句“Billy was taken to the Christchurch Penguin Rehabilitation Center after being retrieved from the beach.”可知,这只小蓝企鹅是从沙滩上被带到克赖斯特彻奇的一 个企鹅康复中心的。由此可推知,画线词与 bro

    41、ught back“带回”意思相近。故 D 项正确。 27.What will happen to Billy in the centre? A.It will be reported to Stuff. B.It will be visited by the locals. C.It will be taken good care of. D.It will be fed with fruit juice. 答案 C 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,在这只小蓝企鹅被放回海洋之前,康复中心会帮助它增加一些 体重。由此可推知,在企鹅康复中心里,这只小蓝企鹅会得到很好的照顾。故 C 项正确。 C

    42、 Female seals dont change their spots,according to a new study by University of Alberta biologists.In fact,individual differences in boldness remain consistent(一致的) over time.The study is among the first to examine boldness in wild marine mammals in the field of animal personality.Animal personality

    43、 influences many ecological processes,like how individuals interact with other species or respond to changing environmental conditions. Researchers studied female seals on Sable Island,home to the worlds largest grey seal colony.Over a period from 2008 to 2016,biologist Christi Bubac and a field tea

    44、m led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada measured boldness responses in the female seals when defending their young. “During the breeding season,we saw that females tend to behave consistently,not only between years,but also within the lactation period(哺乳期) of a given year,” explained Bubac,lead author

    45、and PhD student in the Department of Biological Sciences studying with wildlife geneticist David Coltman.“This provides an example of animal personality,with consistent individual differences observed over time.” Bubac also examined how reproductive success is related to a seals boldness or shyness.

    46、Grey seals nurse for 16 to 18 days,so mother seals have a very short window to get baby seals as fat as they can.During this time,baby seals triple(增至三倍) in body mass.Body mass is a good predictor of reproductive success because it indicates the puppies chances of survival.“On average,we found that

    47、bolder females stop feeding those that are two kilograms heavier,compared with the shyest females,improving their chances of surviving the first year of life,” said Bubac. These results present some very interesting biological questions,explained Coltman,professor of biology.“This research shows tha

    48、t young grey seal moms that are bold tend to stop feeding larger puppies compared with shy moms.However,older grey seals also tend to be bolder.If bolder animals have bigger pups and live longer,why does variation in boldness remain?Why be shy?” 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。海豹也是有个性的,而海豹的个性差异会影响后代繁衍。 28.What is th

    49、e purpose of the study of seals? A.To test their effects on ecological processes. B.To study how seals interact with each other. C.To check how the environment affects mammals. D.To examine marine mammals personality difference. 答案 D 解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The study is among the first to examine boldness i

    50、n wild marine mammals in the field of animal personality.”可知,研究的目的是了解海洋野生哺乳动物的个性差异。 29.What can be inferred from Paragraph 3? A.Animals have remained their personality since they were born. B.Female seals behave more boldly in the lactation period. C.Seals boldness responses remain the same over tim


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