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    2021版外研版选修三英语学案 Unit 6 预习 新知早知道1.doc

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    2021版外研版选修三英语学案 Unit 6 预习 新知早知道1.doc

    1、1 .匹配词义 ( )1.inspector An.刮胡子 ( )2.shaving Bn.检查员,巡视员 ( )3.prospect Cn.教堂 ( )4.church Dn.儿歌,童谣 ( )5.rhyme En.开阔的景观,景色 答案 15 BAECD .默写单词 1weekly adj. 一周一次的,每周的 2insist v. 坚称,坚决认为 3bend v. 变弯曲 4innocent adj. 天真无邪的 5enhance v. 改进;增强 .语境填空 weekly,insist,enhances,inspectors,shaving,prospect,innocent,rhym

    2、e, bent,church 1I will have another glass if you insist 2In addition to my weekly wage,I got a lot of tips. 3 It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important. 4The growth of a city often enhances the value of the land close to it. 5From the top of the hill theres a bea

    3、utiful prospect over the valley. 6A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush,shaving cream,razor, a bar of soap,and a towel. 7The building he once lived in turned out to be a church 8The branch bent but did not break. 9I was very young,and very innocent 2 10The kids made up a rhyme about a f

    4、rog. .语法填空之派生词 1He writes a weekly(week)letter to his parents. 2An inspector(inspect)has checked the standard of the work. 3In spite of the rain he was insistent(insist)on going out. 4He hurried on with his shaving(shave),cutting his chin twice. 5 “Oh,Sue went too,did she?”I asked innocently(innocen

    5、t). 1.so that it really does seem an age since I saw the ground so fantastically carpeted. 这确实似乎是我很长时间没有看到地面上铺着如此奇妙的地毯了。 2 When I got up this morning the world was a cold place of dead white and pale blues. 当我今天早上起床的时候,这个世界是一个冰冷的地方, 到处都是了无生气 的白色和淡蓝色。 3The little plum tree outside,with the faintly fl

    6、ushed snow lining its branches and artfully disposed along its trunk,stood in full sunlight. 外面的小梅树,裹着微微泛红的雪的树枝在树干上巧妙地排列着, 直立在阳 光普照之下。 4 .and the weathercock of the village church, still to be seen through the grey loaded air,has become some creature out of Hans Andersen. 仍然可以透过灰蒙蒙的空中看到的村里教堂的风标已变成汉斯

    7、 安徒生 笔下的某个人物。 5.and there is running through my head a rhyme I used to repeat when I was a child and flattened my nose against the cold window to watch the falling snow. 我想起小时候,我把鼻子贴在冰冷的窗户上,看着飘落的雪花,常常重 复的一首童谣 名师圈点 at the risk of 冒的风险 3 this fair and witty reviewer 这位公正而诙谐的评论家 insist v坚称,坚决认为 be exci

    8、ted about 对兴奋 talk away 不断地谈;说个不停 come round 重新来到;造访 be fascinating to sb.十分吸引某人 fantastically carpeted 铺上非常漂亮的地毯 go to bed 上床睡觉 wake up 醒来 secrecy and quietness 神秘和安静 makes it more magical 使它更有魔力 get up 起床 dead white and pale blues 苍白色和淡蓝色 shaving and brushing and dressing 刮胡子、刷牙和穿衣服 sit down to br

    9、eakfast 坐下来吃早饭 flush the snow 把雪染红 be transformed into 被转换成 plum n. 李子,梅子 faintly adv.微弱地,模糊地 21dispose v安排,处理 22in full sunlight 在阳光普照之下 23sparkle n闪耀,闪光 24look out of my study window 从我书房的窗户向外望去 25go on and on 连绵不断;没完没了 26disturb about the whole prospect 对整个前景感到不安 27at any moment 随时 28break out fr

    10、om 从冲出来 29be reddened 被染红 4 30glare n刺眼的强光 31in great soft flakes 大片柔软的雪花 32bend v变弯曲 33weathercock n(公鸡形) 风标 34church n教堂 35be apart from 离很远 36rhyme n儿歌,童谣 37alabaster n雪花石膏 38goose n鹅 39feather n羽毛 原文呈现 First Snow Mr Robert Lynd once said of Jane Austens characters:“They are people in whose lives

    11、 a slight fall of snow is an event(1).”Even at the risk of appearing to this fair and witty reviewer as another Mr Woodhouse,I must insist that last nights fall of snow here was an event(2).I was nearly as excited about it this morning as the children,whom I found all looking through the window at t

    12、he magic outside and talking away as excitedly as if Christmas had suddenly come round again.(3)The fact is,however,that the snow was as strange and fascinating to me as it was to them(4).It is the first fall we have had here this winter,and last year I was out of the country, sweating in a hot clim

    13、ate, during the snowy season, so that it really does seem an age since I saw the ground so fantastically carpeted.(5) (1)“介词whose名词”引导定语从句,修饰先行词 people。 (2)that 引导宾语从句。 (3)句中 whom 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 children,as if 引导方式 状语从句。 (4)that 引导表语从句。 5 (5)句中 and 连接表示顺承关系的并列句,第一个分句中 we.this winter 为定 语从句,修饰先行词 f

    14、all,第二个分句中 so that 引导结果状语从句,since 引导原 因状语从句。 The first fall of snow is not only an event but it is a magical event.You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up to find yourself in another quite different,and if this is not magic(6),then where is it to be found? The very secrecy and quietness of th

    15、e thing makes it more magical. (6)if 引导条件状语从句。 When I got up this morning(7)the world was a cold place of dead white and pale blues.The light that came through the windows(8)was very strange,and it made the familiar business of splashing and shaving and brushing and dressing very strange too.Then th

    16、e sun came out,and by the time I had sat down to breakfast (9)it was shining bravely and flushing the snow with delicate pinks.The dining- room window had been transformed into a lovely Japanese print.The little plum tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its branches and artfully dispos

    17、ed 21 along its trunk,stood in full sunlight 22. (7)when 引导时间状语从句。 (8)that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 light。 (9)by the time 引导时间状语从句。 An hour or two later everything was a cold sparkle 23 of white and blue.The world had completely changed again.The little Japanese prints had all disappeared.I looked out of my stu

    18、dy window 24,over the garden,the field,to the low hills beyond,and the ground went on and on 25,the sky was thick grey,and all the trees so many black and threatening shapes.There was indeed something curiously disturbing about the whole prospect 26 .It was as if our kindly countryside,close to the

    19、very heart of England,had been turned into a cruel grassland(10).At any moment 27 , it seemed, a body of horsemen might be seen breaking out from 28 the black trees,so many weapons might be heard and some distant spot of snow be reddened 29 .It was that kind of landscape. 6 (10)as if 引导表语从句。 Now it

    20、has changed again.The glare 30 has gone and no touch of the disturbing remains.But the snow is falling heavily, in great soft flakes 31, so that you can hardly see across the shallow valley(11), and the roofs are thick and the trees all bending 32 , and the weathercock 33 of the village church 34,st

    21、ill to be seen through the grey loaded air, has become some creature out of Hans Andersen.From my study, which is apart from 35 the house and faces it,I can see the children flattening their noses against the window,and there is running through my head a rhyme 36 I used to repeat when I was a child

    22、and flattened my nose against the cold window to watch the falling snow:(12) Snow,snow faster: White alabaster 37! Killing geese 38 in Scotland, Sending feathers 39 here! (Adaptation from First Snow by John Boynton Priestley) (11)so that 引导结果状语从句。 (12)句中 which.faces it 为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 study;I used t

    23、o repeat 为定语从句,修饰先行词 rhyme;when 引导时间状语从句。 译文参考 初雪 罗伯特 林德曾这样评价简 奥斯汀笔下的人物:“他们是这样的人,在其生 活中,下一场小雪就是一件大事”。即使冒着被这位公正而诙谐的评论家视为另 一位伍德豪斯先生的风险, 我也必须坚持说昨晚这里的降雪是一件大事。今天早 上对此我几乎和孩子们一样兴奋,我看到他们都透过窗户望着神奇的外面,兴奋 地说个不停,好像圣诞节又突然来临了。然而,事实是,雪对我和他们来说,同 样陌生又迷人。这是今年冬天我们这里的第一场降雪,去年在雪季我离开了我的 国家,在炎热的天气里,我一直在冒汗,这确实似乎是我很长一段时间没有看

    24、到 地面上铺着如此奇妙的地毯了。 7 第一场雪不仅是一件大事,而且是一件神奇的大事。你在一种世界里上床睡 觉,醒来后却发现自己在另一种完全不同的世界里,如果这不是魔法,那么在哪 里可以找到魔法呢?初雪的神秘和悄无声息使它更有魔力。 当我今天早上起床的时候,这个世界是一个冰冷的地方,到处都是了无生气 的白色和淡蓝色。从窗户射进来的光线非常奇怪,这使得我们熟悉的泼水、刮胡 子、 刷牙和穿衣服也变得非常奇怪。 之后太阳出来了, 到我坐下来吃早饭的时候, 它绚丽夺目, 用娇嫩的粉红色把雪染红了。餐厅的窗户变成了一幅可爱的日本版 画。外面的小梅树,裹着微微泛红的雪的树枝在树干上巧妙地排列着,直立在阳 光

    25、普照之下。 一两个小时以后,一切都变成了白蓝的冷光。世界又完全改变了。日本小版 画全都不见了。我从书房的窗户向外望,目光越过花园、田野和远处的小山,地 面连绵不断,天空灰蒙蒙的,所有的树木都是那么多可怕的黑影。整个景象确实 有一种奇怪的令人不安的东西。 就好像我们靠近英格兰中心的宜人的乡村变成了 一片令人痛苦的草原。似乎随时都可能看到一群骑兵从黑压压的树林里冲出来; 听到许多武器发出的响声;看到远处的一些积雪被染红。就是那种风景。 现在它又变了。耀眼的光芒消失了,没有一丝令人不安的痕迹。但是雪下得 很大,大片柔软的雪花飘着,所以你很难看到整个浅谷,屋顶上厚厚的积雪,树 都被压弯了, 仍然可以透过灰蒙蒙的空中看到的村里教堂的风标已变成安徒生笔 下的某个人物。从我的书房,它与住房是分开的,并且正对着住房,我可以看到 孩子们把鼻子贴在窗户上;我想起小时候,我把鼻子贴在冰冷的窗户上,看着飘 落的雪花,常常重复的一首童谣: 雪花快飘, 白如石膏! 高地宰鹅, 这里飞毛! (改编自约翰 博因顿 普里斯特利的第一场雪)


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