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    2021版外研版选修三英语学案 Unit 3 预习 新知早知道1 .doc

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    2021版外研版选修三英语学案 Unit 3 预习 新知早知道1 .doc

    1、1 .匹配词义 ( )1.violent An.坦克 ( )2.violence Bn.暴力 ( )3.tank Cadj.纪念的,追悼的 ( )4.memorial Dadj.狂暴的,凶暴的 答案 14 DBAC .默写单词 1objective n. 目的,目标 2recall v. 回想,回忆起 3barely adv. 勉强才能 4liberate v. 解放(城市、国家等) 5outstanding adj. 杰出的,优秀的 .语境填空 objectives,violent,violence,recalled,tanks,liberate,barely,outstanding, me

    2、morial 1They laid violent hands on the poor boy. 2They failed to carry out their objectives 3War is the most acute form of expression of violence 4The tanks moved easily over the rough road. 5I recalled that he had mentioned the problem once. 6I had barely come in when the telephone rang. 7They did

    3、their best to liberate the slaves. 8A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. 9The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding .语法填空之派生词 1The violent(violence)winds buried the village in sand. 2 2My objective(object)this summer will be learning to swim. 3As you may reca

    4、ll(call),he was in the army then. 4We barely(bare)had time to catch the train. 5More than fifteen thousand people took part in the memorial(memory)service. 6We should help those who are still struggling for liberation(liberate). 1Codenamed“Operation Overlord” ,it was the largest combined sea,air and

    5、 land operation in history,the aim being to free north- west Europe from German occupation. 代号为“霸王计划”, 这是历史上规模最大的海陆空联合行动,目的是要将 西北欧从德国占领下解放出来。 2We will accept nothing less than full Victory! 我们必须取得彻底的胜利! 3With these words ringing in their ears,Allied soldiers prepared for what would become known as D

    6、Day. 这些话在他们的耳畔回响,盟军士兵为后来著名的诺曼底登陆日做好了准 备。 4Boats were hit and men drowned,while those who did make it to the beach faced heavy machine gunfire. 船被击中, 人淹死了,而那些确实成功到达海滩的士兵则面临着重型机关枪 的打击。 5Although each year they are fewer in number,their outstanding acts of courage mean that we will always remember them

    7、 as well as those who lost their lives on the beaches of northern France. 尽管他们的人数每年都在减少, 但他们杰出的勇敢行为意味着我们将永远记 住他们以及那些在法国北部海滩上牺牲的人。 名师圈点 landing n着陆;降落 across the globe 在全球 3 allied troops 盟军 (be)made up mainly of 主要由组成 in large numbers 大规模 codename v代号为 in history 历史上 free.from 使摆脱 tide n潮汐 be set fo

    8、r(日期)定在 Supreme Allied Commander 盟军最高司令官 battle- hardened adj.久经沙场的 march to 向进军 have full confidence in 对充满信心 nothing less than 完全是 prepare for 为做准备 at dawn 拂晓 by parachute 乘降落伞 objective n目的,目标 coastline n海岸线 21be prepared for 为 做好了准备 22violence and horror 暴力和恐怖 23drown v淹死 24make it 成功,达到 25gunfi

    9、re n炮火 26amongst the tanks 4 在坦克之间 27recall v回想,回忆起 28barely adv.勉强才能 29get across 横过(马路、河等) 30in between 在中间 31be seen widely as 被广泛视为 32by the end of 到为止 33liberate v解放(城市、国家等) 34remove.from 从中移走或除掉 35prepare to do.准备做某事 36meet up with 与会合 37seventy years later 70 年后 38memorial ceremonies 纪念仪式 39t

    10、his solemn and moving occasion 这一庄严感人的仪式 40read out to 向大声朗诵 41weary v使疲倦 42condemn v迫使(陷于不幸的境地) 43continue to do.继续做某事 44outstanding acts of courage 杰出的勇敢行为 45as well as 不仅而且 原文呈现 The D- DAY LANDINGS By spring 1944,the Second World War had been raging across the globe for about five years.But along

    11、 the south coast of England,something unusual was happening: Allied troops made up mainly of British,Canadian and American 5 soldiers were gathering in large numbers.This marked one of the final stages of a top- secret operation that had been months , perhaps years , in the planning(1).Code- named“O

    12、peration Overlord”,it was the largest combined sea,air and land operation in history,the aim being to free north- west Europe from German occupation(2).After waiting for the perfect combination of weather, moon and tides,the date for the start of Operation Overlord was set for 6 June. (1)that 引导定语从句

    13、,修饰先行词 operation。 (2)“n.doing.”构成独立主格结构。 An order issued by Supreme Allied Commander(3),General Eisenhower, to the troops read:“Your task will not be an easy one.Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle- hardened.But this is the year 1944.The tide has turned! The free men of the world ar

    14、e marching together to Victory! I have full confidence in your courage,devotion to duty and skill in battle.We will accept nothing less than full Victory!” (3)过去分词短语作名词 order 的后置定语。 With these words ringing in their ears,Allied soldiers prepared for what would become known as D- Day(4)At dawn on 6 J

    15、une,thousands landed by parachute behind enemy lines in northern France.Meanwhile,thousands more were journeying across the English Channel to Normandy, protected by fighter planes in the skies above them.Their objective was clear: to reach the Normandy beaches along about 80 kilometres of French co

    16、astline.But even in the depths of war,few could have been prepared for 21 the violence and horror 22 they would experience there(5). (4)句中 With.their ears 为 with 复合结构,what.DDay 为宾语从句。 (5)省略关系代词的定语从句,修饰先行词 violence and horror。 The fiercest fighting was at Omaha Beach.The enemy were hiding,ready to at

    17、tack the Allied soldiers even before they reached land(6).Boats were hit and men drowned 23 ,while those who did make it 24 to the beach faced heavy machine gunfire 25(7).By mid- morning,hundreds lay dead in the water and amongst the 6 tanks 26 on the beach.One soldier recalled 27 how he barely 28 m

    18、ade it with bombs falling all around him(8):“I was the first one out.The seventh man was the next one to get across 29 the beach without being hit.All the ones in between30 were hit.Two were killed; three were injured.Thats how lucky you had to be(9).” (6)before 引导时间状语从句。 (7)while 为并列连词,表示对比,who 引导定

    19、语从句,修饰先行词 those。 (8)how 引导宾语从句。 (9)how 引导表语从句。 But, despite the high cost in human life, the DDay landings were a success and were seen widely as 31 the beginning of the end of the Second World War.By the end of 32 August 1944,the Allies had reached the River Seine,Paris was liberated 33 and the Ger

    20、mans had been removed from 34 north- west France.The Allied forces then prepared to 35 enter Germany,where they would meet up with 36 the Soviet military moving in from the east(10). (10)where 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 Germany。 Seventy years later 37,men who had fought on DDay gathered on both sides of the E

    21、nglish Channel ,where people were coming together for memorial ceremonies 38.(11)As part of this solemn and moving occasion39,a former soldier read out to 40 the crowd these lines from the poem For the Fallen,by Laurence Binyon: They shall grow not old,as we that are left grow old(12): Age shall not

    22、 weary 41 them,nor the years condemn 42. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. (11)句中 who had fought on D- Day 为定语从句,修饰先行词 men,where 引 导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 the English Channel。 (12)as 引导方式状语从句。 Survivors of the DDay landings continue to 43 meet to remember the fellow 7 s

    23、oldiers and friends they lost that day(13)Although each year they are fewer in number,their outstanding acts of courage 44 mean that we will always remember themas well as 45 those who lost their lives on the beaches of northern France.(14) (13)省略关系代词的定语从句,修饰先行词 soldiers and friends。 (14)句中 although

    24、 引导让步状语从句,that 引导宾语从句,who.northern France 为定语从句,修饰先行词 those。 译文参考 诺曼底登陆 到 1944 年春,第二次世界大战已经在全球肆虐了大约五年。但在英格兰南 部海岸,一件不同寻常的事情正在发生:主要由英国、加拿大和美国士兵组成的 盟军部队正在大规模集结。这标志着一项绝密行动的最后几个阶段之一的到来, 这项行动已经筹划了数月,甚至数年。代号为“霸王计划”,这是历史上规模最 大的海陆空联合行动, 目的是要将西北欧从德国占领下解放出来。 在等待了天气、 月亮和潮汐的完美组合之后,霸王计划的开始日期定在了 6 月 6 日。 盟军最高司令官艾森

    25、豪威尔将军向部队下达命令:“你们的任务不容易。你 们的敌人训练有素,装备精良,久经沙场但现在是 1944 年形势已经逆 转! 全世界的自由人正在一起向胜利进军! 我对你们的勇气、忠于职守和战斗 技能充满信心。我们必须取得彻底的胜利! ” 这些话在他们的耳畔回响,盟军士兵为后来著名的诺曼底登陆日做好了准 备。6 月 6 日拂晓,数千名士兵乘降落伞在法国北部敌后着陆。与此同时,数千 名士兵在战斗机的保护下,横渡英吉利海峡前往诺曼底。他们的目标很明确:沿 着法国大约 80 公里的海岸线到达诺曼底海滩。但是, 即使在战争最惨烈的时候, 也很少有人对他们在那里将要经历的暴力和恐怖做好了准备。 最激烈的战

    26、斗发生在奥马哈海滩。敌人躲藏起来了, 甚至在盟军登陆之前就 准备好攻击他们。船被击中,人淹死了,而那些确实成功到达海滩的士兵则面临 着重型机关枪的打击。到上午 10 点左右,数百人死在水里和海滩上的坦克之间。 一名士兵回忆说,当时他身边到处都是落下来的炸弹,他差点丧命:“我是第一 个冲出来的。 第七个人是第二个穿过海滩而没有被击中的人。 中间的都被击中了。 两人被打死;三人受伤。当时活下来就得靠侥幸。” 8 但是,尽管生命代价高昂,诺曼底登陆还是成功的,并被广泛视为第二次世 界大战结束的前兆。1944 年 8 月底,盟军到达塞纳河,巴黎获得解放,德国人 被从法国西北部赶走。盟军随后准备进入德国, 在那里他们将与来自东部的苏联 军队会合。 70 年后,在诺曼底登陆日作战的士兵聚集在英吉利海峡两岸,人们聚集在 一起举行纪念仪式。作为这一庄严感人的仪式的一部分,一名退伍军人向人群大 声朗诵了劳伦斯比尼恩的致阵亡者中的这几行诗句: 他们永远不会老朽,不像我们留下来的日渐衰老: 他们永远不为耄耋所难,永远不为残年所累。 每当太阳落下,每当清晨来临,我们就会想起他们。 诺曼底登陆的幸存者继续聚会,纪念他们在那天失去的战友和朋友。尽管他 们的人数每年都在减少, 但他们杰出的勇敢行为意味着我们将永远记住他们 以及那些在法国北部海滩上牺牲的人。


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