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    精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语期末复习之重点题 (答案不全).zip

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    精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语期末复习之重点题 (答案不全).zip

    1、期末复习:期末复习:重点题一重点题一 (前两大题一个 1.5 分,第三大题一个 1 分,满分 100) 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空. 1.Its twelve oclock. People_(have) lunch. 2.They just wish_(have) a happy life. 3.There are some interesting things in _(today)newspaper. 4.Look! The Smiths _(eat)dinner in the kitchen. 5.Mary often uses her guitar _ (teach) me.

    2、6.Mr. Lin wishes _(be) a scientist one day. 7.I need some water _(wash) clothes. 8.Its not easy for Chinese students_(learn) English well. 9.In Joes home, he must_(follow) a lot of rules. 10.Our English teacher is very kind. She is _(friend)to us. 答案:1. are having 2. to have 3. todays 4. are eating

    3、5. to teach 6. to be 7. to wash 8. to learn 9. follow 10. friendly 二、根据汉语完成句子 1. 所以对朱辉和他的寄宿家庭来说,今晚和其他任何一个晚上是 一样的。 so its like _ _ _ for Zhu Hui and his _ family. 2. 朱辉思念他的家人,希望吃到妈妈做的美味的粽子。 Zhu Hui _ his family and _ _ _ his moms _ zongzi 3. 他住在纽约的一个美国家庭中 Hes _ _ an _ family in New York. 4. 千好万好不如自己的

    4、家好。 There is still “ _ _ _ _”. 5. 他正在与他在深圳的堂兄通电话。 Hes _ _the phone_ his cousin in Shenzhen. 6.你想和我一起去吃晚饭吗? Do you want to _ _ _ dinner? 7.他们正在使用电脑吗? _ they _ the computer? 8.我爷爷擅长写故事 My grandpa is _ _ _ stories. 9.上学不要迟到 Dont_ _ _ school. 10.我们必须拯救树木拒绝购买象牙制品。 We must save the trees and not buy thing

    5、s_ _ _ 11.加油!你的梦想能实现。 Come on! Your dream can_ _ 12.要么你对,要么他对。 _ you are right _ he is right. 答案:1. any other night; host 2. misses; wishes to eat; delicious 3. living with American 4. No place like home 5. talking on; with 6. join me for 7. Are using 8. good at writing 9. be late for 10. made of iv

    6、ory 三、写出以下动词-ing 形式 go _ skate_ plan _ hope_ lose _ ask _ wake _ begin_ get _ listen_ ride _ give _ sit _ look_ take_ come _ use _ write_ make_ stay_ leave _ drive _ dance _ put _ move _live _ arrive _ save _ stop _ have _ run _ swim _ shop _ sleep _ cut _ study_ see _ eat _ exercise _ practice _期末复

    7、习:重点题七期末复习:重点题七 一、单项选择。 1. I got a special gift _ the early morning of my birthday. A. in B. on C. at D. for 2. Who _ the old man go across the road yesterday? Tom _ A. helps; does B. help; did C. helped; helped D. helped; did 3.The boy is _ young _ he cant go to school. A. very; that B. too; that C

    8、. so; that D. so; to 4._ fine weather it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 5. The woman works _ a doctor in this hospital. A. of B. for C. as D. with 二、根据词的适当形式填空。 6. It is important _ (learn)English well. 7. He made a machine _ ( milk )the cow 8. This was a very _ (use) lesson for her . 9. Teen

    9、s should eat more _ (nature) food like vegetables and fruit. 10.We need to keep a cat There are too many _ (mouse) on the farm. 11.My grandfather keeps a lot of _ (sheep) on his farm. 12.Hundreds of _ (visit) came to visit our school last week. 13. He went _ (boat) with his friends last weekend. 14.

    10、 I saw her _ (dance) when I came into the classroom. 15. They went to Beijing _ (visit) the Great Wall. 16. To _ (I) surprise , my father didnt criticize me this time. 17. Mr. Green _ (drive) his car to Hangzhou three days ago. 18. The _ (mouse) run away quickly when they see the cats. 19.Would you

    11、like to go _ (camp) with us this afternoon? Yes, Id love to. 20. Jane saw many _ (butterfly) in the garden just now. 21.The _ (visit) from the US will visit our school library. 22. She got a _ (surprise) when she saw the snake. 23. Mom _ (wake) me up at six this morning. 24.Can you feel the house _

    12、(move)? 25.My father was busy yesterday and hes kind of _ (tire) now. 三、句型转换 26. I went to the cinema last Saturday afternoon.(划线提问) _ _ you _ last Saturday afternoon. 27. What a boring movie it is !(改为同义句) _ _ the movies is! 28. I bought this bag three days ago.(划线提问) _ _ you _ this bag. 29. My fat

    13、her cooked dinner last night. (划线提问) _ _ dinner last night? 30. We camped by the lake.(划线提问) _ _ you _? 31. Helen went to New York last weekend.(划线提问) _ _ Helen _ last weekend. 32.They didnt arrive on time because they got up late.(划线提问) _ _ they arrive on time? 33. They were too scared to move.(同义句

    14、) They were _ scared _ they _ move. 四、根据汉语完成句子 34.我备考英语了。 I _ _ the English test. 35.我在自然历史博物馆当解说员了。 I _ _ a guide at the _ _ _. 36.我熬夜看足球赛了。 I_ _ _ to watch the soccer game. 37.他们有一间蝴蝶屋,里面有 200 多种蝴蝶。 They have a butterfly house _ over 200 _ _ _. 38.上周日我弟弟和朋友在学校打羽毛球。 Last Sunday my brother _ _ with

    15、his friends at school. 39.谁去看望他的奶奶了? _ _ her grandma? 贝姬去了。 Becky _. 40.这就是为什么掌握第二种语言很重要。 Thats _ its important _ _ a _ _. 41.我给游客讲述它们以及它们的生活习性。 I _ the visitors _ them and their _ _. 42. 它是多么有趣啊! _ _ it is! 43.他们上周末在湖边野营了。 , They _ _ the _ last weekend. 44.杰克昨天去海滩了。 Jack _ _ the _ yesterday. 45.琳达和

    16、玛丽上周日去划船了。 Linda and Mary _ _ last Sunday. 46.她和谁一起去的? _ _ she go _ ? 47.他们吓坏了,并且逃跑了。 They were_ and _ _. 48. 别冲这些孩子大声嚷嚷。 Dont _ _ the children. 49. 劳拉上周五在公园放风筝了。 Laura _ a _ in the park last Friday.、 50.他丢了钥匙。他经常丢东西。 He _ his keys. He often _ things.期末复习:重点题三期末复习:重点题三 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Do you lik

    17、e monkeys, Lisa. Yes, I love to watch them _(climb) around in the zoo. 2.I think the best things in life _(be)free. Do you think so? 3.How can we get to the park _(easy)? 4.What do you enjoy _(do)on weekends? 5. Its a sunny day. Look at the sunshine! Lets go _(shop). 6.Turn right at the1 first _(cro

    18、ss)and the zoo is on your left. 7.Its _-(relax)to read books in my free time. 8.There _(be)some money in the box. Whose is it? 9.Just _(go)along Bridge Street and the hospital is on your right. 10.Nancy likes _(read)time with her parents on weekends. 二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1Excuse me. Is there a bank

    19、_ _ _(在这个街区)? Yes. _ _ (沿着)Xinhua Street and _ _(向左拐)at the New Park. Its just _ _ _(在你的右边) 。 2.Please turn left _ _ _ _(在第二个路口)and you can see my school .Its _ _ _ _(在超市对面). 3.To _ _(到达那里) ,I usually _ _ _ _ _(走出去然后左拐)on Bridge Road. 4.I enjoy _ _(看电视) 。When I do it ,_, _ _(时间过得真快啊)! 5. my grandpa

    20、is very _ _ _ _(擅长 下国际象棋) ,and he often plays it with my father .I like _ _ _- _(看着他们下)it an home. 6.Do you love the _ _ and _(清新的空气和阳光)? 7.沿着桥街走,当你看到图书馆时向左转。 _ _Bridge Stress and _ _when you see the library. 三、按要求改写句子,每空一词。 1. Go down Long Street and the first turning on the right.(该为同义句) 。 _ _ Lon

    21、g Street and _ _at the first _. 2.Anna likes reading books in the library.(划线提问) _ _ Anna _ _ in the library? 3.The zoo is between the park and the restaurant.(划线提问) _ _ the zoo? 4.Turn left at the second crossing.(否定句) _ _left at the second crossing. 5.The pay phone is behind the library.(同义句) The

    22、library is _ _ _the pay phone. 6.The pay phone is next to the post office.(对划线提问) _ _the pay phone? 7.Across from the park is an old hotel .(对划线提问) _ _ across from the park? 四、完成句子 1.我喜欢在那度过周末时光。 I like _ _ time there on weekends. 2.我喜欢观看猴子们到处爬。 I love the monkeys . 3.他们看起来像我和我的朋友打架的时候。 They my frie

    23、nds and me we ! 4.要到达那,我通常步行出去,在桥路向右转。 , I usually and turn right Bridge Road. 6.然后我沿着桥路走。 Then I Bridge Road. 7.我的父母通常在那购物。 My parents usually . 8.我经常在公园锻炼,因为我喜欢干净的空气和阳光。 I often the park because I love the clean_ and . 9.生活中最好的东西是免费的。 The ! 10.我住在一个喧闹的街区。I in a . 11.那儿很安静并且我喜欢在那里看书。 It is very and

    24、 I there. 12.当我读书时,时间过得飞快! I read books, ! 13.你可以很容易地到达图书馆。 You can the library .期末复习:期末复习:重点题二重点题二 (每空一分,共 100 分) 一、根据要求完成改写后的句子 1. He usually takes the subway to school. (改为同义句) He usually _to school _ _. 2. Our school trip is very relaxing. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ school trip _ ? 3. He is having fun now. (

    25、改为同义句) He is _ _ great _ now. 4. He never goes to school late, _ _? (完成反义疑问句) 5. Its very warm today. (就划线部分提问) _ the _ today? 6. The teacher asks him to clean the blackboard. (改为否定句) The teacher _ him _ _ _ the blackboard. 7. Jim does homework for two hours every day. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ Jim _ homework

    26、 every day? 8. All the students in our class are having a party. (就划线部分提问) _ _ all the students in your class _? 答案:1. goes;by subway 2. Is your; relaxing 3. having a time 4. dose he 5. Hows weather 6. asks not to clean 7. How long does do 8. What are doing 二、用所给的单词的适当形式填空 9. Sometimes, either my pa

    27、rents or my aunt _(help) my grandma _(wash) her clothes. 10. It often takes Tom half an hour _(exercise). 11. Look! Your litter sister _(learn) _(make) her bed. 12. We are having fun _(paly) games. 13. The weather is _(snow) in winter. We can make a snowman. 14. Look! A little boy _(sit) on the chai

    28、r. 15. My uncles friend is a _(Russia). 16. Id like to have some _(juice). 17. Its _(sun) today. Lets fly kites. 18. Hows the weather in your city now? Its _(wind) and_(cloud). 答案:9. helps wash 10. to exercise 11. is learning to make 12. playing 13. snowy 14. is sitting 15. Russian 16. juice 17. sun

    29、ny 18. windy cloudy 三、根据汉语完成句子 19. 在暑假期间你经常看望你的爷爷和奶奶吗? _ you often _ your grandparents during the _ _? 20. 汤姆正在公园里拍照片。 Tom _ _ _ in the park. 21. 晚饭后听音乐是很令人放松的。 Its very _ _ _ _ music after supper. 22. 你能给他捎个口信吗? Can you _ _ _ _ him? 23. 迈克总是努力学习。 Mike always _ _. 24. 她正在给我写信。 She _ _ _ me. 25. 别忘了给

    30、他回电话。 Dont forget_ _ _ _. 26. He is happy that he can learn English in Canada. He is happy _ _ English in Canada. 27. 我正在加拿大拜访我的姑姑,过得很愉快。 Im _ _ _ _ _ my aunt in Canada. 28. 我希望和他们交朋友。 I wish _ _ _ _ them. 29. 我的爸爸对我要求严格。 My father _ _ _ me. 30. 再次见到他们我是如此开心。 Im _ _ _ _ them again. 31. 你的暑假过得怎么样? _

    31、your _ _? 32. 你是在努力学习呢,还是在痛痛快快地玩耍呢? _ you _ _, or are you_ _? 33. 我和家人正在山区度假。 My family and I _ _ a _ _ the _. 34. 你们国家现在很热,对吧? Its hot in your country now, _ _? 35. 请问我可以和劳拉讲话吗? May I _ _ Laura, please? 36. 你让她拨打 8765-4321 找我好吗? Could you ask her _ _ me _8765-4321. 答案:19. Do visit summer holiday 20

    32、. is taking photos 21. relaxing to listen to 22. take a message to 23. works hard 24. is writing to 25. to call him back 26. to learn 27. having a good time visiting 28. to make friends with 29. is strict with 30. so glad to see 31. Hows summer vacation 32. Are studying hard; having fun 33. are on v

    33、acation in mountains 34. Isnt it 35. speak to 36. to call at期末复习:重点题五期末复习:重点题五 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.My Chinese teacher is of medium _(high).He is young and cool. 2.Maggie Chung is a famous _(act). Many people like her movies. My favorite _(act)is Tony Leung. He has many fans. 3.They often wear funny

    34、_(glass). 4.Mr. Green eats too much. He is so _(heavy)that he cant do anything. 二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词 1.There is a big supermarket _ _ _(在.前 面)the zoo. 2.My sister is _ _(有点)thin. She doesnt like meat. 3.I _ _ _(不认识他).Please tell me what he looks like. 4.David isnt tall or short .He s _ _ _(中等身材). 5.M

    35、ark has curly hair. And he is_ _(确实英俊). 6.Lets meet at night. OK. _ _ _(再见). 三、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 1.She is tall and has long hair(线提问) _ _ she_ _ ? 2.Theyre tall and heavy.(划线提问) _ _they _ _? 3.Sally has long hair.(用 short hair 改为选择疑问句) _ Sally _ long hair _ short hair? 4.She is a girl. She has two big

    36、 eyes.(合并为一句) She _ a girl _ two big eyes. 5.My sister isnt tall. She isnt short, either.(合并为一句) My sister is _ _ _. 四、根据句意及课文内容完成句子 1.你今天晚上要去看电影吗? Are you _ _ the _ _? 2. .但我可能会晚一点儿。 . but I _ _ _ _ late. 3.哦,他留着短的棕色卷发而且戴眼镜。 Well, he has_ _ _ hair and _ _. 4.你的朋友长什么样子? _ does your friend _ _? 他中等身高

    37、,留着又长又直的黑发。 He_ _ _ _, and he has _ _ _hair.期末复习:重点题八期末复习:重点题八 一、单项选择。 1.There are people in front of me in the queue. I have to wait for a long time. A. very little B. only a few C. quite a few D. quite a little 2. Is there in todays newspaper? A. anything interesting B. something interesting C. in

    38、teresting anything D. interesting something 3.Where did he go on vacation? He went . A. somewhere warm B. to anywhere warm C. to warm somewhere D. warm anywhere 4.-Is your room _ for you? -Yes, I can play with lots of friends in my room. A. new enough B. enough new C. big enough D. enough big 5.Dave

    39、 has _friends here, so he often stays at home by himself and feels lonely. A. little B. a few C. few D. a little 6.One of my favorite programs_ Animal World. A. am B. is C. are D. dont 二、根据词的适当形式填空。 1.Maria spent two hours _(do) the work. 2.I often stay at home most of the time _(read) and _(relax). 3.Please tell me something about _(you), Jack. 4.Did you enjoy _(you), children? 5.Look at the sky. Can you see the bird _(fly) in the sky. 6.The


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