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    (精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 8)(含听力+答案).zip

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    (精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 8)(含听力+答案).zip

    1、单元过关与检测(Unit 8) (时间:90 分钟满分:120 分) 一、听力(20 分) .听句子,选择恰当的应答语。句子读两遍。(5 分) ( C )1.Where is the post office? A.Turn left at the first crossing. B.Yes,it is. C.Its near the bank. ( A )2.Can you tell me the way to the park? A.Sorry,I dont know.B.Yes,please. C.Youre welcome. ( B )3.Where do you live? A.Yes

    2、,I like the place. B.I live on Changxin Street. C.Its on your left. ( C )4.Is it on Fifth Avenue? A.Its across from the bank. B.Not too bad. C.Yes,it is. ( C )5.What does he like to do at the park? A.He is happy.B.Its near here. C.Play balls. .听小对话,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。(5 分) W:Excuse me.Is there a police s

    3、tation near here? M:Yes.Its between the restaurant and the hospital. ( B )6.Where does the girl want to go? W:Excuse me,wheres the pay phone? M:Its next to the post office across the supermarket. ( A )7.What is the woman looking for? M:The park is not far from here.Lets ride our bikes there. W:OK. (

    4、 C )8.How are they going to the park? M:Where do you live? W:I live in a quiet neighborhood.There is a park there.I like playing games with my friends in it. ( B )9.What does the girl like doing in the park? M:Where is your school? W:Its next to the bank. ( B )10.Where is the girls school? .听长对话,选择最

    5、佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,完成第 11-12 小题。 W:Excuse me.Is there a restaurant in the neighborhood?We are hungry. M:Yes,there is. W:Where is it? M:Its next to the police station. W:Is it far from here? M:No.It only takes you about five minutes to walk there. W:Thank you very much. M:You are welcome. ( C )11

    6、.Where is the woman going? A.A hotel. B.The police station. C.A restaurant. ( B )12.How long does it take her to walk there? A.About ten minutes.B.About five minutes. C.About five hours. 听第二段对话,完成第 13-15 小题。 W:Excuse me,sir.Could you tell me how to get to the Fengyun Hotel? M:Go along this street to

    7、 the first crossing.Turn right.At the end of the street youll see the hotel. W:Is it far from here? M:Yes,it is about two kilometers away. W:Can I take a bus to get there? M:Of course you can.The No.8 bus will take you there. W:Thank you very much. M:Youre welcome. ( A )13.What can we know from the

    8、conversation? A.The woman is going to a hotel.来源:学科网 B.The hotel is not far. C.The hotel is on the right. ( C )14.How far is the hotel? A.About two miles. B.About two meters. C.About two kilometers. ( A )15.Which bus can the woman take? A.The No.8 bus. B.The No.9 bus. C.The No.7 bus. .听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读

    9、两遍。(5 分) My home is in Garden District.Its across from Peoples Park.Theres a big supermarket near here.The supermarket is next to a hospital.In our district,there are many flowers and trees.There is a big tree in front of my home.Every morning I can hear many birds singing in the tree,and I can see

    10、many people doing sports under the tree.Some women play tennis,some men play basketball,some boys play soccer.Everyone is happy here.If you want to visit my home,you can take the No.14 bus and get off at the last stop.When you get off the bus,you will see my home is on your right. ( C )16.Peoples Pa

    11、rk is across from . A.the hospitalB.the supermarket C.the speakers home ( A )17.Is the hospital next to the supermarket? A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isnt. C.We dont know. ( C )18.The speakers home is a big tree. A.in front ofB.next to C.behind ( B )19.Some men under the big tree every morning. A.play footb

    12、all B.play basketball C.play tennis ( C )20.If you want to visit the speakers home,you can take the bus. A.No.40 B.No.13 C.No.14 二、单项选择(15 分) ( C )21.I spend 20 yuan on the dictionary. A.take;toB.pay;on C.pay;forD.take;for ( D )22.Our school is on the other side of the park. A.next to B.near C.in fr

    13、ont ofD.across from ( C )23.Excuse me,could you please tell me how to get to the Concert Hall? Sure.Go down the street,and youll find it close to the Book City.(2018 深圳) A.behindB.opposite C.near ( D )24.Please dont throw litter(扔垃圾) here and there during the school sports meet.(2018 黔南) A.somewhere

    14、 B.over there C.all placesD.around ( C )25.Thank you very much. Youre welcome. A.No way B.Not at all C.No problemD.Youre right ( B )26.There a book and four pens on the desk. A.hasB.isC.areD.have ( A )27.If we want to get some money,we should go to the . A.bank B.post office C.libraryD.park ( D )28.

    15、I like taking a walk the river after dinner.(2018 盘锦) A.above B.onC.under D.along ( A )29.Look!The monkey is that big tree.(2018 迁安县期末) A.climbingB.walking C.runningD.sitting ( C )30.Excuse me,is there a post office near here? Yes,go along the street and you can find it your left,just next to the sc

    16、hool. A.toB.inC.onD.at ( C )31.Some people enjoy out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.(2018 南京) A.to sendB.send C.sendingD.sent ( A )32.I watched some monkeys up and down in the trees in the zoo yesterday.(2018 胶州期末) A.jumpingB.jumps C.to jumpD.jumped ( B )33.The work is not dif

    17、ficult.I can finish it . A.lateB.easilyC.backD.hard ( B )34. a good life,Jane works very hard as a guide. A.Live B.To live C.LivingD.Lives ( C )35.Excuse me,which is the way to the post office? Sorry.Im new here. . 来源:Z*xx*k.Com A.Not at all B.Bad luck C.Thank you all the same D.Thank you 答案及剖析: 21.

    18、C“spend+钱+on+物”意为“买某物花了多少钱”,与“pay +钱+for+物”同义,故选 C。 22.Don the other side of 在的对面,与 across from 同义,故选 D。 23.Cclose to 接近;靠近;behind 在的后面;opposite 对面的;另一边的;near 在附近。故选 C。 24.Dhere and there 到处,相当于 around。故选 D。 25.CYoure welcome.不客气,与 Not at all 同义。故选 C。 26.Bthere be 句式中的 be 动词的形式遵循“就近原则”,即决定 be 动词的主语是

    19、 a book。故选 B。 27.A根据“如果我们想取一些钱”可知,我们应该去银行。故选 A。 28.D由语境及选项可知题干要表达的是:沿河散步,故选 D。 29.A由句子结构可知空格处应为及物动词,而 walk,run,sit 均为不及物动词,故选 A。 30.C表示在左/右边,用介词 on。故选 C。 31.Cenjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,为固定用法,故选 C。 32.Awatch sb./sth.doing 意为:观看某人/物在做某事,为固定用法。故选 A。 33.B根据上句“这项工作不难”可推知,我很容易完成。故选 B。 34.B分析句意可知,“简作为一名导游努力工作”的

    20、目的“是为了过上好生活”,所以空 格处与其后的名词构成目的状语,即用动词不定式形式 to do,故选 B。 35.C当别人不能提供帮助时,要说 Thank you all the same 表示感谢。故选 C。 三、完形填空(10 分) My name is Jack.I work in New York.Some people think it is a big city(城市). But I dont like living here.I dont have much 36 to buy a house.So I have to rent(租) one.The house is acros

    21、s from the train station.I can see trains come and go from my house.Its 37 all day.I cant sleep well 38 night.The traffic(交通) here is terrible,too.There are too many cars on the street.So its 39 for me to drive to work.There are also many people on the bus and on the subway.I have to 40 lots of mone

    22、y living here.To get more money,I 41 go out to work on weekends.I 42 my life in the village.The air is clean and the life is quiet.I cant get much money,43 I can live with my family.I can see many kinds of 44 there,like dogs and cats.I really want to go back to the 45 soon. ( A )36.A.money B.food C.

    23、time D.water ( D )37.A.quiet B.busy C.rainy D.noisy ( C )38.A.toB.on C.at D.in ( C )39.A.relaxingB.easy C.difficult D.important ( D )40.A.takeB.pay C.bring D.spend ( B )41.A.never B.often C.still D.only ( D )42.A.forgetB.study C.keep D.enjoy ( A )43.A.butB.and C.so D.because ( D )44.A.books B.hotels

    24、 C.parks D.animals ( B )45.A.townB.village C.country D.city 答案及剖析: 36.A根据空格后的 buy a house 可知空格处意为:钱。故选 A。 37.D根据 I cant sleep well 可知:这里一天到晚都很吵。故选 D。 38.Cat night“在晚上”为固定搭配。故选 C。 39.C根据上文 There are too many cars on the street 可知:开车去上班很难。故选 C。 40.D“spend +钱+ doing sth.”花费金钱做某事,为固定用法。故选 D。 41.B根据“为了赚更

    25、多的钱”可知:我经常周末出去工作。故选 B。 42.D根据下文 The air is clean and the life is quiet.可知:我很享受在村子里的生 活。故选 D。 43.A根据句意“我赚钱不多,我可以和家人生活在一起。”可知:前后两句为转折 关系,故选 A。 44.D根据下文中的 dogs and cats 可知:我可以看到很多种动物。故选 D。 45.B根据上文叙述了住在村子里的很多种好处可知:我真的想尽快回到村子里。故选 B。 四、阅读理解(40 分) A My name is Dale.This is my neighborhood.There is a big s

    26、upermarket near my house.My mother often goes shopping there.Across from the supermarket is a school.Its my school.There is library next to the school.I like reading books there. Im Scott.My neighborhood is busy.There are a lot of stores and restaurants in my neighborhood.My house is on a street cor

    27、ner(街角).There is a post office near it.And next to the post office is a phone. My name is Helen.There is a big park in my neighborhood.Lots of people go there to have fun.I also like to play there.There is a restaurant across from the park.A bank is next to the restaurant.And some clothes stores are

    28、 near the bank. ( D )46.Where is Dales school? A.Its behind a library. B.Its across from a library. C.Its behind a supermarket. D.Its across from a supermarket. ( B )47.The underlined word“there”refers to the . A.school B.library C.supermarketD.bookstore ( A )48.There are many in Scotts neighborhood

    29、. A.stores and restaurants B.stores and pay phones C.post offices and pay phones D.post offices and restaurants ( C )49.There is a big park in neighborhood. A.DalesB.Scotts C.HelensD.binds ( A )50.What can we NOT know from the passage? A.Dale,Scott and Helen study in the same school. B.Scotts neighb

    30、orhood is very busy. C.There are some clothes stores near the bank in Helens neighborhood. D.Dales mother often buys food in the supermarket near their house. B Dear Peter, I know that you are coming to Hefei next week.Welcome to my home.Let me tell you the way to my house.You will live in the Chang

    31、jiang Hotel on Changjiang Street,wont you?OK!Changjiang Street is a famous and busy street in our city.You can start from your hotel and go straight along Tongcheng Street.You pass two small streets:Hongxing Street and Lujiang Street.When you see an overbridge (高架桥), please turn right and go along H

    32、uangcheng Street.Its an old street,but its clean.Theres a big park on the street.Its beautiful and clean.When you get to Jinzhai Street,please turn left and go along it.You will pass Wuhu Street and Tunxi Street.Then you can see a KFC on your right.Theres a supermarket across from the KFC and my hou

    33、se is near it.Theres a pay phone in front of the KFC.You can call me there and I will go to meet you. I hope you will have a good trip. Yours, Lily ( B )51.Peter will live in. A.Lilys home B.the Changjiang Hotel C.the Anhui HotelD.his friends house ( D )52.Changjiang Street is by Lilys words. A.beau

    34、tiful B.famous C.old D.famous and busy ( C )53. streets are mentioned (提及)in this letter. A.SixB.Seven C.EightD.Nine ( C )54.The park on Huangcheng Street is . A.old but clean B.on Tongcheng Street C.beautiful and cleanD.quiet and dirty ( A )55.The KFC is. A.near Lilys house B.across from the pay ph

    35、one C.across from the post office D.between the supermarket and the pay phone C Calvin needs to go to New York for a meeting this Saturday.Its sunny.Its his first time to go to New York,so he doesnt know his way around New York.The meeting is in Peterson Building on 34th Street and it starts at ten

    36、oclock.He wants to get there on time,so he asks two American boys for help. “Excuse me,could you tell me where 34th Street is?” asks Calvin. “Sure,” answers one of the boys.“Its not far from here.And you can just walk along this street and turn left at the first crossing.Then you can see it on your

    37、right.” “No.Dont listen to him.He is not telling you the right place.You can just take the No.7 bus and get off at the third stop,” says the other boy. Then the first boy says,“OK.But the third stop is not 34th Street.Its 35th Street.” At this time,Calvin finds that theres only five minutes left (剩下

    38、).Then he gets into a taxi (出租车) and leaves.After that,Calvin thinks he should ask a policeman for help next time. ( B )56.Why does Calvin go to New York? A.Because his home is in New York. B.Because he needs to go to a meeting. C.Because he goes there for a vacation. D.Because he needs to see his m

    39、other at hospital. ( B )57.According to the second boy,how can Calvin get to 34th Street? A.By bike.B.By bus. C.By taxi.D.By subway. ( C )58.When does Calvin leave the two boys? A.At 10:00. B.At 10:05. C.At 9:55.D.At 10:10. ( D )59.What does the underlined sentence mean? A.The two American boys are

    40、clever and helpful. B.The two boys dont tell Calvin the right way to 34th Street. C.Calvin is sure to get lost again next time. D.Its important to find the best way when meeting problems. ( D )60.What can we learn from the passage? A.Its a windy Saturday. B.The two boys help Calvin a lot. C.Calvin a

    41、rrives in New York in the afternoon. D.Its the first time for Calvin to get to New York. D 任务型阅读 Dear Ella, Im very happy to know you will come to my home next Friday.61.CIts so important that I cant miss (错过) it.So Im sorry that I cant meet you at the train station.62.AWhen you come out of the trai

    42、n station,turn left and walk along the street to the bank.63.EYou can see a big park on the street.Across from the park is a hotel.Behind the hotel is Sixth Street.64.F Next to it is my house.Its a yellow house with an interesting garden.If (如果) you still cant find it,you can ask Mrs.White.She is my

    43、 aunt and she works in a clothes store on that street.65.BPlease call me if you have any problem. 根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确,有一项为 多余。 A.Now let me tell you the way to my home. B.The name of the store is Blue Sky Clothes Store. C.But I have to take the math lesson that afternoon. D.I hope you

    44、 have a good trip. E.Then turn right and you are on Bridge Street. F.On this street,you can see a post office on your right. 五、词汇运用(5 分) 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 66.Beijing is in the north (北方)of China. 67.The air (空气)is very clean in the mountains. 68.Dont climb (爬)the tree,Tom. 69.The police (警察) are lookin

    45、g for the man. 70.The hospital (医院) is not far from here. 六、句子运用(5 分) 根据汉语意思完成句子。 71.要想到那家超市,你必须穿过大桥街。 To get to the supermarket,you must go across Bridge Street. 72.你不可以在这里左拐。 You cant turn left here. 73.周末你有空闲时间吗? Do you have any free time on weekends? 74.我喜欢和爷爷下中国象棋。 I like to play Chinese chess

    46、with my grandfather. 75.医院在车站和邮局之间。 The hospital is between the bus station and the post office. 七、短文填空(10 分) 从方框中选择正确的单词填空。 A.arriveB.behindC.timeD.spendE.money F.beforeG.restaurantH.weatherI.townJ.enjoy How do most students spend their free time?Do they have time to do the things they like?Lets se

    47、e what some students do in their free time. Mike is eleven.He has a sister,Gina.They 76.D much time watching movies.They live in the village and there is no cinema (电影院) there.Every Sunday morning,they go to the 77.I by bus and then they go to the movies.They usually 78.A at the town at noon and the

    48、n they have lunch first in their favorite 79.G.The food there is delicious and it doesnt need too much 80.E.They often buy some food in a supermarket 81.F they go to Star Cinema.Sometimes they go to the town library.Its just 82.B the cinema.They 83.J reading there because its a quiet place.They alwa

    49、ys have a good 84.C on Sundays.But when the 85.H is bad or they are busy with their homework,they cant go. 八、补全对话(5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余 选项。 A:Excuse me.Do you know where the Home Hotel is? B:Just go straight and turn right.86.E A:Is it next to a post office? B:No,87.A A:Oh,its n

    50、ear the People Cinema. B:Yes,88.G A:Is it far from here? B:89.CYou can walk there. A:Thank you very much. B:90.D A.it is between the supermarket and the library. B.Yes,it is. C.No,it isnt. D.You are welcome. E.Its down the Second Avenue on the left. F.How can I get there? G.it is just behind the Peo


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