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    (精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 9)(含听力+答案).zip

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    (精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 9)(含听力+答案).zip

    1、单元过关与检测(Unit 9) (时间:90 分钟满分:120 分) 一、听力(20 分) .听句子,选择正确的图片。句子读两遍。(5 分) ( B )1.My sister Gina has long and straight hair. ( B )2.Tom is wearing a pair of jeans today. ( C )3.The man with glasses is our new teacher. ( B )4.Lets meet in front of the cinema. ( A )5.The tall and thin man with short hair

    2、is my friend Bob. .听小对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) W:Is your sister very tall,Andrew? M:Yes,she is.Shes very tall and thin. ( B )6.What does Andrews sister look like? A.Shes short and heavy. B.Shes thin and tall. C.Shes short and thin. W:What does Lucy look like? M:Shes of medium height.And she has long blo

    3、nde hair. ( C )7.What color is Lucys hair? A.Black.B.Red.C.Blonde. W:Is your friend David tall? M:No,he is a little short,because he is only ten. ( A )8.How old is David? A.10 years old. B.13 years old. C.15 years old. M:Does your mother have long curly hair,Sally? W:No,she has short straight hair.

    4、( C )9.What does Sallys mother look like? A.She has long straight hair. B.She has short curly hair. C.She has short straight hair. M:Lucy,do you want to be an actress? W:No,I dont.I want to be a teacher. ( A )10.What does Lucy want to be? A.A teacher. B.An actress. C.A singer. .听长对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5

    5、分) 听第一段对话,完成第 11-12 小题。 W:Hi,Dave.Do you have a new teacher this term? M:Yes,its Mr.Brown.He teaches math. W:Is he the tall man with short straight hair? M:Yes,you are right.I really like him!Who is your new teacher,Kate? W:My new English teacher is Miss White.Shes short with long curly hair. M:Do y

    6、ou like her? W:Yes,she is beautiful.And she makes her class interesting. ( B )11.What does Miss White look like? A.She has short straight hair.来源:学科网 ZXXK B.She is short with long curly hair. C.She is tall with long straight hair. ( A )12.What can we learn from the conversation? A.The students have

    7、a new school year. B.Dave likes his new teacher.But Kate doesnt. C.Kate has a new teacher,but Dave doesnt. 听第二段对话,完成第 13-15 小题。 M:Do you know we have a new student from Japan? W:What does he look like? M:He has brown hair and he is of medium build. W:Does he like playing basketball? M:No,he doesnt,b

    8、ut he likes playing chess. W:I think I know who he is.He often plays chess with Joe. M:Yes,thats him.His name is Peter.Sometimes he is a little quiet. W:I really dont know how they can be friends.You know Joe likes talking. ( A )13.Wheres the new student from? A.Japan.B.Canada. C.America. ( C )14.Wh

    9、at does the new student like? A.Playing basketball. B.Reading books. C.Playing chess. ( A )15.What is Joe like? A.He likes talking. B.He is a little quiet. C.He is a little shy. .听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。(5 分) Look at the picture,the tall girl in a red skirt is my friend Lucy.She is an American girl.She is

    10、 a middle school student.She is fifteen.She has long curly hair.Her father is Mike.Her mother is Nancy.Adam is her brother.He is a middle school student,too.He is twelve.He has short blonde hair.He is in the blue shirt.Lucy is a nice girl.We all love her.Do you want to make friends with her?Please w

    11、rite to her.Her e-mail is . Information card NameLucy NationalityShe is an 16.American girl. AgeShe is 17.fifteen/15. NameLucy AppearanceShe has 18.long curly hair.She is tall and in a red skirt. Family members Her father is Mike. Her 19.mother is Nancy. Adam is her brother.He is in the 20.blue shir

    12、t. E-. 二、单项选择(15 分) ( B )21.Jim wants to be artist when he grows up. A.a B.anC./ D.the ( D )22.Do you like Taylor Swift? Oh,she is my favorite .She is really good at singing. A.teacherB.player C.farmerD.singer ( A )23.I dont know David.What does he look like? He has short straight hair.And he handso

    13、me. 来源:学+科+网 A.isB.hasC.doesD.likes ( D )24.Is Becky a girl? No.She is kind of heavy. A.tallB.short C.heavy D.thin ( B )25.The police usually put the picture of the criminal newspapers and television. A.in;in B.in;on C.on;on D.on;in ( C )26.Can you the criminal to us? Yes.Let me think first.Well,he

    14、is tall with a big nose. A.put B.wear C.describeD.speak ( B )27.What are you going to do next week? I am not sure.I work in an old peoples home. A.must B.may C.shouldD.can ( B )28.The TV show is boring.I dont like it. A.littleB.a little C.a kind of D.kind ( B )29.What can I do for you? I need a bag,

    15、but this is too big.Could you please show me one? A.the other B.another C.each otherD.other ( B )30.Lucy,do you want to join the art club or the chess club? .I like drawing pictures.(2018 长春) A.Yes,I do B.The art club C.No,I dontD.The chess club ( C )31.People in different countries behave(表现) when

    16、they eat dinner.(2018 恩施) A.differenceB.different C.differently ( A )32.They found the little girl in the bookstore . A.in the endB.at the end C.end up D.by the end ( C )33.Sarah is a beautiful girl and she has hair. A.black long curlyB.curly long black C.long curly blackD.long black curly ( B )34.E

    17、ach of them some fruit for free. A.get B.gets C.gettingD.to get ( B )35.What does your brother look like? .(2018 昆明) A.He is outgoing B.He is really tall and thin C.He is a student D.He is in hospital 答案及剖析: 21.B泛指“一位艺术家”应用不定冠词 a / an,artist 以元音音素开头,应用 an,故选 B。 22.Dteacher 教师;player 运动员;farmer 农民;si

    18、nger 歌手。根据“她确实很擅长唱 歌”可知空格处指代的是:歌手。故选 D。 23.A由形容词 handsome 可知空格处的动词应为系动词,故选 A。 24.D根据答语“不。她有点胖”可知,询问“Becky 是一个瘦女孩吗?”。故选 D。 25.Bin newspaper“在报纸上”与 on television“在电视上”均为固定搭配。故选 B。 26.C根据 答语中的“他高个大鼻子”可知,请求描述罪犯的外貌,所以 describe(描述)符 合语境。故选 C。 27.B根据答语中的 I am not sure(我还不确定)可知,可能去敬老院,应用 may 表示可能。 故选 B。 28.

    19、Blittle 修饰不可数名词;a little 修饰形容词、副词或名词;a kind of 后跟名词; kind 修饰名词。 boring 是形容词,故选 B。 29.Bthe other 两者中的另一个;another 三者或三者以上中的另一个;each other 互相; other 另外的,其他的,后接复数名词。根据答语句意“我需要一个包,但是这个太大。请你 再给我看一个好吗?”可知,应选 B。 30.B该问句为选择疑问句,其回答应据实回答,而不用 yes 或 no 回答;根据“我喜欢画画” 可知,应选 B。 31.Cdifference 差别;差异,名词;different 不同的,

    20、形容词;differently 不同地,副词。 behave 是动词,应用副词修饰,故选 C。 32.Ain the end 最后;at the end 与 by the end 须与 of 连用,构成短语 at the end of(在结尾)与 by the end of(到为止);end up 结束。根据句意“他们在 书店找到了那个小女孩。”可知,in the end 符合语境。故选 A。 33.C描述人的头发时,应按“长短曲直颜色”的顺序,故选 C。 34.Beach of.作主语时,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故选 B。 35.B根据问句“你的兄弟长相如何?”可知询问人物外貌,故选

    21、B。 三、完形填空(10 分)来源:学科网 ZXXK The Kings are my neighbors.They live in a big 36.Mrs.King is a beautiful woman.She has blue eyes and brown 37.She is a healthy and smart 35-year-old 38.She loves flower gardening (种花).Every morning she picks (摘) a flower and 39 it in her hair.Every morning,when I walk past

    22、 her garden,she will get me a flower.Mr.King is a very nice man.He is 40 medium height and he is a little thin.His hair is short and black.I think he is nice 41 he always helps the neighbors.Mr.King is often busy with his work.He is a(n) 42 and he acts in TV shows and movies.In his 43 time,he likes

    23、playing tennis.Its relaxing for him to play 44.Mr.and Mrs.King have a daughter called Tina.She is about five years old.She has brown hair and blue eyes,too.Look!She is wearing a pink dress.Her mother makes it for her.The little girl likes going to the kindergarten (幼儿园).She always dances and sings o

    24、n her 45 to the kindergarten.What a happy family! ( B )36.A.homeB.house C.store D.office ( C )37.A.glassesB.nose C.hair D.face ( C )38.A.sisterB.aunt C.mother D.grandmother ( D )39.A.finds B.enjoys C.visits D.wears ( A )40.A.ofB.from C.with D.for ( B )41.A.orB.because C.but D.so ( A )42.A.actor B.si

    25、nger C.artist D.actress ( B )43.A.busyB.free C.happy D.noisy ( D )44.A.soccerB.basketball C.volleyball D.tennis ( A )45.A.wayB.end C.town D.street 答案及剖析: 36.Bhome 家,表示抽象概念;house 房子;store 商店;office 办公室。由“the Kings”可 知空格处意为:房子。故选 B。 37.C由语境可知空格处描述 Mrs.King 的长相,所以 hair(头发)符合语境。故选 C。 38.C根据下文 Mr.and Mrs

    26、.King have a daughter called Tina.可知,金太太是一位 35 岁的母亲。故选 C。 39.D表示佩戴某种饰品应用 wear,故选 D。 40.Aof medium height 中等身高,为固定短语。故选 A。 41.B分析空格前后句意可知,“他经常帮助邻居们”是“我认为他很友好”的原因,故选 B。 42.A根据 he acts in TV shows and movies(他经常在电视节目和电影中演出)可推知, 金先生是一名演员。故选 A。 43.B根据 he likes playing tennis 可知,应在“空闲时间”。故选 B。 44.D根据 he l

    27、ikes playing tennis 可知,对他来说打网球很放松。故选 D。 45.Aon ones way to 在某人去某地的路上,为固定搭配。故选 A。 四、阅读理解(40 分) A Tom is a 12-year-old student boy from Australia.He has short blonde hair,blue eyes and a big nose.He comes to China to study with his parents.He likes to be friends with others.He can speak Chinese well.A

    28、nd everyone in his class likes him,so he is always the center of attention (关注).His best friend is Lucy.Lucy is from Canada.She says Tom is handsome and nice. Jessica is a beautiful girl.She is thirteen years old and she is from the USA.She is tall with big blue eyes.For her,basketball is really int

    29、eresting for her.She dreams of being a basketball player of national team (国家队).But her parents want her to be an actress because she has good looks. Scott is a Chinese boy.He is 13 years old.He has short black hair and black eyes.He is short.He lives with his grandparents in a village because his p

    30、arents are working in Beijing.He can only see his parents once (一次) a year.He doesnt like that.He miss his parents very much.To see his parents often,he spends much time studying and he wants to walk out of his village.He is a great boy! ( C )46.Where does Toms best friend come from? A.Australia.B.A

    31、merica. C.Canada. D.China. ( C )47.Tom and Scott have . A.brown hairB.blue eyes C.short hairD.big eyes来源:Z+xx+k.Com ( B )48.What is Jessica interested in? A.Acting.B.Playing basketball. C.Dancing.D.Making friends. ( B )49.We can see that and are of the same age. A.Tom;JessicaB.Jessica;Scott C.Tom;Sc

    32、ott D.Tom,Jessica;Scott ( D )50.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Lucy thinks Tom is handsome. B.These three students are from different countries. C.Scott wants to see his parents. D.Jessicas parents want her to be a basketball player. B Paul is from the UK.Hes a middle school student.Hes fourt

    33、een years old.What does he look like?He is tall and has brown hair and big eyes.His sister is Ann. Shes a student,too,but they arent in the same school.Shes of medium height but a little thin with long curly hair.Shes really good- looking.Pauls father works in a bank.Hes of medium build with a pair

    34、of glasses.Pauls mother is a nurse,and works in a hospital.Shes very busy on weekdays.She has short curly hair and looks young. Now they are on a vacation in Beijing.Its sunny these days.Paul likes sunny days because he thinks sunny days can bring him good luck.They enjoy their trip very much.They t

    35、hink China is a great country and they like Chinese food best.They also enjoy listening to Beijing Opera.Tomorrow they are going to drive to the north of Beijing.They want to visit the Great Wall.Paul says it must be very interesting to climb it. ( C )51.Where does Paul come from? A.China.B.America.

    36、 C.The UK.D.Australia. ( A )52.What does Pauls mother look like? A.She looks young with short curly hair. B.She looks young with long curly hair. C.Shes of medium height but a little thin. D.Shes of medium build with a pair of glasses. ( B )53.What does the underlined word “nurse” mean in Chinese? A

    37、.厨师 B.护士 C.快递员D.清洁工 ( D )54.How are they going to the Great Wall? A.By bus.B.By subway. C.By bike.D.By car. ( C )55.What do NOT they do in Beijing? A.Visit the Great Wall. B.Eat Chinese food. C.Go to the hospital. D.Listen to Beijing Opera. C Vanilla is my best friend.She is of medium height.She is

    38、a cute girl with beautiful big eyes.But she always hides them behind a pair of black glasses.Why?Because she cant see and she is afraid that others make fun of (取笑) her. Amy is our English teacher.She is from America.She is tall with long hair.The students in our class all like her,because she knows

    39、 each of us very well and she cares about (关心) us.After knowing how Vanilla feels about her eyes,she wants her to learn something. On Sunday,Amy asks Vanilla to go shopping with her.So they go to a busy street.On the street corner (角落),they stop. “Where are we,Miss Brown?” asks Vanilla. “We are on a

    40、 street corner.And there are many people here.I will describe them to you,” says Amy. “Why?” Vanilla feels curious (好奇的). “You will know.Here comes a boy.He looks happy with his parents,but he has to speak to them with gestures (手势).Also,there is a woman sitting there.She is playing the violin,but s

    41、he cant see.” “I get it,Miss Brown,” Vanilla says happily. ( B )56.What is Amys last name? A.Smith.B.Brown. C.Jackson.D.Dean. ( C )57.What does Vanilla look like? A.She is short with big eyes. B.She is tall with long hair. C.She is of medium height with black glasses. D.She is of medium height with

    42、small eyes. ( D )58.Vanilla always wears a pair of black glasses because . A.she is nearsighted(近视) B.she wants to look cool C.her eyes are small D.she doesnt want others to see her eyes ( C )59.We can learn that . A.the woman is playing the guitar to make money B.the boy uses gestures because he ca

    43、nt speak English C.Vanilla and the woman have the same problem D.Amy takes Vanilla to go shopping on Saturday ( D )60.What does Vanillas teacher want to tell her? A.She needs to live a happy life. B.Everyone has a health problem. C.The boy and the woman are not happy. D.People with defects (缺陷) can

    44、still live happily. D 任务型阅读 Round eyes,a round head,round ears,a round body! What is this little animal? He looks like a little bear.(A) he is not a bear.Hes a KOALA.Soft gray fur(毛) covers his little fat body.His eyes look like buttons(纽扣).He has small feet and big ears.And his nose shines like you

    45、r new black shoes. Where do koalas live? In Australia.The people of Australia take care of koalas.(B)build,live,for,places,to,they,in,them.Here the little animals are safe.No one can kill them for their beautiful fur.There are many koalas in Australia.The people of Australia love them. When a koala

    46、is born,he has no fur.And he is not bigger than your little toe(脚趾头). The mother koala has a pocket(口袋) in the front of her body.The baby stays in this warm pocket.There he stays for six months. (C)When the little koala leaves the pocket,he has lots of fur.And he is about as big as your shoe.He clim

    47、bs to his mothers back.And she teaches him to find food. 根据要求完成下列各题: 61.在(A)处填上一个连词 But 62.将(B)处画线词语组成一个完整的句子: They build places for them to live in. 63.回答问题:Where are koalas from? They are from Australia. 64.回答问题:Where do koalas live when they are born? They live in their mothers pockets./ In their

    48、 mothers pockets. 65.将(C)处画线句子译成汉语: 当小考拉离开口袋时,它身上就有很多毛了。 五、词汇运用(5 分) 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 66.Do you know the height (高度) of an elephant?Its about 350 cm. 67.How do you feel if your parents have another (另一) child? 68.I put (放) all her books in the bookcase. 69.I have short straight (直的) black hair. 70.My

    49、favorite person (人)is my father. 六、句子运用(5 分) 按要求完成句子。 71.He is thin.He wears glasses.(合并为一句) He is thin with glasses. 72.Lin Zhiling is thin and beautiful.(对画线部分提问) What does Lin Zhiling look like? 73.Amy has a big nose.(改为一般疑问句) Does Amy have a big nose? 74.Jacks hair is brown.(用 blond 改为选择疑问句) Is

    50、Jacks hair brown or blond? 75.Peter isnt tall or short.(改为同义句) Peter is of medium height. 七、短文填空(10 分) 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词 The day is like any other day in his life.Scott 76.is walking (walk) on the street.He wants to buy a microphone (话筒) for his friend Tommy.Tommy likes singing and he dre


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