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    (精)2021年春人教版七年级下册英语Unit 9 (4份打包)教案.zip

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    (精)2021年春人教版七年级下册英语Unit 9 (4份打包)教案.zip

    1、Unit 9 What does he look like? 单元总览单元总览 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 单元话题Talk about physical appearance:In this unit, students learn how to describe peoples looks. 重点单词 1.curly(adj.) 2.straight(adj.) 3.tall(adj.) 4.medium(adj.) 5.height(n.) 6.thin(adj.) 7.heavy(adj.) 8.build(n.) 9.tonight(adv.&n.) 10.little(adj.)

    2、11.cinema(n.) 12.glasses(n.) 13.later(adv.) 14.handsome(adj.) 15.actor(n.) 16.actress(n.) 17.person(n.) 18.nose(n.) 19.blonde(adj.) 20.mouth(n.) 21.round(adj.) 22.face(n.) 23.eye(n.) 24.singer(n.) 25.artist(n.) 26.put(v.) 27.each(adj.&pron.) 28.way(n.) 29.describe(v.) 30.differently(adv.) 31.another

    3、(adj.& pron.) 32.end(n.) 33.real(adj.) 34.jeans(n.) 重点词组 1.a little 2.in the end 3.(be) of medium height 4.(be) of medium build 5.look like 6.wear glasses 7.the same way 重点句式 1.What does he look like? Hes of medium build. 2.Is he tall or short? Hes tall. 3.Do they have straight or curly hair? They h

    4、ave curly hair. 单元语法 1.学会一些常见的关于人的身材、发型、服饰的描述词; 2.正确运用动词 have 和 be 动词描述人物的外貌。 课时分解课时分解 第一课时第一课时 Section A(1a 2d) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 curly(adj.)卷曲的 straight(adj.)直的 tall(adj.)高的 medium(adj.)中等的 height(n.)身高;高度重点单词 thin(adj.)瘦 的 heavy(adj.)重的 build(n.)身材 tonight(adv.&n.)(在)今晚;(在)今夜 little(adj.)小的 ci

    5、nema(n.)电影院 glasses(n.)眼镜 later(adv.)以后 重点词组 a little 一点;少量 go to the movie 去看电影 重点句式 What does your friend look like?你的朋友 长得怎样? Shes of medium height, and she has long straight hair.她是中等个子,留着长直发。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P49-50 的单词),看谁记得 又快又准。(2 分钟) 1.curly 卷曲的 2.straight直的 3.tall高的 4.mediu

    6、m中等的 5.height身高;高度 6.thin瘦的 7.heavy重的 8.build身材 9.tonight(在)今晚;(在)今夜 10.little小的 11.cinema电影院 12.glasses眼镜 13.later以后 14.a little一点;少量 15.go to the movie去看电影 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.Her hair is very straight.It is not curly. 2.She is very heavy,so she runs every day to keep healthy. 3.He is

    7、very tall.He is 2.20 meters in height. 4.Bob is not thin or heavy.He has a medium build. 5.Tom is tall.He can get the apple on the tree. 6.Look!Mr.Black has a new look.He is wearing a pair of dark glasses. 7.I am a little tired. Lets stop to have a rest. 8.We are going to the movie(看电影)tonight. 课堂导学

    8、方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher: Today we are going to learn Unit 9 “What does he look like?” Now look at me, please. What do I look like? Im of medium height(not tall or short)and Im of medium build(not heavy or thin).I have short, straight black hair. Can you describe your appearance? Look at the

    9、 words on the board and read after me:“tall, short, heavy, thin, straight, curly, medium build, medium height.”Now practice in pairs to describe your own looks to your deskmate. Model: S1:I am a girl.I love myself very much.I think Im very beautiful.Im tall and thin.I have long straight black hair.I

    10、 have two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth. 环节说明环节说明:通过描述自己或他人的外貌特点导入话 题,既调动课堂气氛,增进师生交流,又自然引入本 课课题。激发学生说英语的热情,呈现本课时描述人 物外貌特征的单词、词组与句型。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 1a1c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.认真观察 la 图片中的人物,完成 1a 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher: Look at the picture on Page 49 in your book. What can you see in the picture

    11、? Yes, there are many people in the subway. What do they look like? Please talk about their appearances in pairs. Teacher: Now please match the words with the people in the picture. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. 2.认真听录音,完成 1b 的任务。(2 分钟) Teacher:N

    12、ow lets listen to a conversation between Amy and her friend.Who do they look for?Look at the picture and find what the boy Amy is talking about.Please listen carefully and fill in the blanks in the picture above. 3.大声朗读并背诵 1b 中的小对话,结对练习 lb 中 的三个小对话,最熟练的一组要到讲台上展示。(3 分 钟) 4.仿照 1b 中的小对话,由老师描述图片中的某个 人物,

    13、让学生猜猜老师所描述的人物是谁。然后让同 学们自己编写并表演对话,完成 1c 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now practice the conversation in 1c.And then make your own conversations.One of the people in 1a is your friend.Describe your friend.Your partner will find him or her. Sample conversations: A:What does your friend look like? B:She is of mediu

    14、m height,and she has long straight hair. 5.让几组学生表演对话,其他学生认真听,并做好 记录;最后,老师可以就学生对话的内容进行现场提 问。(这样可以让全体学生参与,表演对话的学生的口 语表达能力得到了很好的锻炼,其余学生听力技巧也 得到了很好的训练。)(5 分钟) 6.小结训练。(2 分钟) 看图,从方框中选择适当的词汇完成句子。 1 题图 2 题图 3 题图 4 题图 5 题图 long,heavy,short,curly,tall (1)Jennys uncle is a little heavy. (2)Mrs.Green has curly

    15、hair. (3)Our Chinese teacher is very tall. (4)Kate Smith has long straight hair. (5)Erics cousin has short hair. 环节说明环节说明:通过学习 1a,让学生熟悉并掌握一些常 见的关于人的身材、发型、服饰的描述词;通过 1b, 锻炼学生的听力及抓取关键信息的能力;通过 1c 的训 练锻炼学生的口头表达能力,同时巩固所学的语言知 识。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 2a2d 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.认真听录音,回答 2a 中的问题。(3 分钟) Teacher: Now,

    16、 lets listen to the three conversations. The people in the conversations are talking about their friends. Listen to the conversations and answer the questions. 2.再听一遍录音,完成 2b 中的表格。(2 分钟) Teacher: Listen to the recording again. This time please write down the other description words about David, Sall

    17、y and Peter. 3.解释听力材料中的重点短语和句子,然后让学生 大声朗读对话内容,并让多个小组上台展示。(2 分钟) 4.根据同学所描述的听力材料中的人物形象,画出 他/她的外貌,完成 2c 的任务。(4 分钟) Teacher: Now, work in pairs. One student looks at the chart in 2b,the other student asks him/her questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person. 5.解释 2d 对话内容中的重点短

    18、语和句子,然后让 学生分角色朗读对话内容,并让多个小组上台展示。(3 分钟) 6.小结训练。(2 分钟) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。 A:I hear(听说)you have a new friend. B:Yes. 1 A:What does she look like? B: 2 A:Is she tall? B:Yes.Shes tall and thin. A:Does she often wear glasses? B: 3 A:4 She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants. B: 5 Shes Betty. A.She h

    19、as long blonde curly hair. B.Shes from America. C.I think I know her. D.Yes,she does.And she can speak a little Chinese. E.Yes,thats her. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.E 环节说明环节说明:通过进行听、说、读、写的训练,让 学生掌握并灵活运用恰当的单词来描述人物的外貌特 征。不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了 学生对人的身材、发型、服饰等描述词的学习、识记 和运用。第二课时第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus 3d) 知识目

    20、标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 handsome(adj.)英俊的 actor(n.)演员 actress(n.)女演员 person(n.)人 重点词组 curly hair 卷发 straight hair 直发 medium build 中等身材 medium height 中等身高 重点句式 1.Do they have straight or curly hair?他们 是直发还是卷发? They have curly hair.他们是卷发。 2.Is he tall or short?他是高还是矮? He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium he

    21、ight.他不高不矮。他中等身高。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P51 的单词),看谁记得又快 又准。(2 分钟) 1.handsome英俊的 2.actor演员 3.actress女演员 4.person人 5.curly hair卷发 6.straight hair直发 7.medium build中等身材 8.medium height中等身高 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.What does your uncle do,Tina? Oh,he is a movie actor. 2.My brother is re

    22、ally handsome.So many beautiful girls like him very much. 3.Most western people were born with curly hair(卷发), but most Chinese with the straight. 4.The actress is not tall or short.She is of medium height(中等身高). 5.My sister is of medium build(中等身材)and good- looking. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Sho

    23、w the pictures and get to ask and answer in pairs. Teacher:What does he/she look like? S1:Hes/Shes/He/She has Teacher:What do they look like? S2:Theyre/They have 环节说明环节说明:通过师生一起谈论图片中人物的主要特 征,复习第一课时的词汇和语言点,为新课内容作好 铺垫也同时很好地过渡到本课的重点。同时结合本单 元的语法重点知识对学生进行听说训练。 Step 2 熟读熟读 Grammar Focus 1.让学生分男、女两组朗读 Gram

    24、mar Focus 中的内 容。(2 分钟) 2.让学生背诵 Grammar Focus 中的内容。(3 分钟) 3.小结训练。(3 分钟) 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 (1)Ann is short.She has short straight hair.(合并为一 句) Ann is short with short straight hair. (2)Peter is tall and thin.(对画线部分提问) What does Peter look like? (3)Tony is of medium height.(改为同义句) Tony is not tall or sh

    25、ort. (4)The boy is 1.70m tall.(改为同义句) The boy is 1.70m in height. (5)Lucy and Lily look the same.(改为同义句) Lucy looks like Lily. 环节说明环节说明:通过语法基础知识的训练,让学生能够 掌握并灵活运用描述人物外貌特征的一些常见句型, 为本单元听、说、读、写的训练作好铺垫。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 3a3c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生独立完成 3a 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher: Look at the list of the descri

    26、ption words, and then read aloud and get to understand the meaning of each word. We use the verb “is” or “has” to describe some persons. Please write these words in the correct box. 2.让学生选择恰当的单词,完成 3b 的任务。(4 分 钟) Teacher: Now, lets read the conversation in 3b and circle the correct words to complete

    27、 the conversation. 3.让学生朗读对话内容,注意句子中动词的合理运 用。然后让若干组学生表演对话内容。 4.分组讨论自己最喜欢的演员、明星或老师的外貌 特征,完成 3c 的任务。(5 分钟) Teacher:Whos your favorite actor/ actress/ teacher? Can you describe him/her? Write answers to these questions about them. Then tell your partner about them. 5.小结训练。(8 分钟) 从括号中选择适当的单词补全句子。 (1)Dav

    28、e has(is/has)a short beard. (2)The basketball players are(are/have)very tall. (3)My mother isnt(isnt/doesnt have)very heavy. (4)Jean has(is/has)curly blonde hair. (5)Kitty is(is/has)good-looking. (6)The football player likes wearing glasses (glass/glasses). (7)One of them is(is/are)of medium height.

    29、 (8)The boy has(is/has)a medium build. (9)Whos the girl with blonde hair(hair/hairs)? 环节说明环节说明:通过完成教材 3a3c 的任务,进一步巩 固语法基础知识,并学会正确使用 has 与 is 来描述人 物的外貌特征,培养学生运用语言的能力,让学生在 实际操练中领会并掌握本单元的重点词汇与句型。第三课时第三课时 Section B(1a 1e) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 nose(n.)鼻子 blonde(adj.)(头发)金黄色的 mouth(n.)嘴 round(adj.)圆形的 fac

    30、e(n.)脸 eye(n.)眼睛 singer(n.)歌手 重点词组 round face 圆脸 long face 长脸 blonde hair 金黄色的头发 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P52 的单词),看谁记得又快 又准。(2 分钟) 1.nose鼻子 2.blonde(头发)金黄色的 3.mouth嘴 4.round圆形的 5.face脸 6.eye眼睛 7.singer歌手 8.round face圆脸 9.long face长脸 10.blonde hair金黄色的头发 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1.Dont tal

    31、k when there is food in your mouth. 2.We can see with our eyes. 3.I can smell with my nose. 4.Jenny can sing well.She wants to be a singer. 5.The American girl has blonde hair. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher:Last class we learned how to describe peoples appearance.Look at these pictures.They a

    32、re familiar to you.Do you know who they are?What do they look like? Teacher:This class well learn some more description words and phrases. 环节说明环节说明:通过描述大家熟悉的人物的外貌特征, 激发学生的学习积极性,调动课堂气氛,让学生学会 运用所学的有关词汇、短语及句型,并能结合实际生 活进行灵活运用。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 1a1e 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生将图片中人物的外貌特征与相应的单词或 词组连接起来,完成教材 1a

    33、 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Now look at the pictures in 1a and read the words and phrases in 1a aloud.Then match the words or phrases with the pictures.After that,lets ask and answer about the peoples looks in each picture. 2.根据自己所了解的演员、明星的外貌特征,完成 1b 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Do you know some famous people?What do

    34、 they look like?Make sentences about famous people who you know.Work alone or in pairs to write the names of famous person.Then Ill ask some students to read the sentences completed.Your answers can be different. 3.认真听对话,完成 1c 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now we are going to listen to a conversation.They are

    35、talking about the actors on TV.Listen and write Johnny Deans and Tina Browns jobs in the chart. 4.再听一遍对话,完成 1d 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Lets listen to the conversation again.This time please write down what each person looks like in the chart. 5.对听力材料的重点词组或句子进行讲解,然后让 全班学生熟读听力材料,还可让若干组学生进行分角 色朗读表演。(3 分钟) 6

    36、.描述你最喜欢的歌星、影星或体育明星的外貌特 征。 (5 分钟) Teacher:Now,can you describe a famous person who you like best to your partner? Sample: S1:My favorite musician is John Jackson.He is tall and thin.He has short curly brown hair. S2:My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio.Hes of medium height and he has brown hair. 然后

    37、,可让多位同学向全班同学描述自己最喜欢 的歌星、影星或体育明星的外貌特征,以及其他个人 信息,其他学生认真听,猜猜他/她所描述的人物是谁? (这样可以让全体学生参与,提高学生的口语表达能力 和听力水平。) 7.小结训练。(4 分钟) 书面表达。 根据图片和表格中的信息及提示词汇写一篇 60 词 左右的英语短文,介绍一下刘翔,要求描述其外貌特 征、衣着、爱好等情况。 姓名刘翔身高1.88 米 性别男体重74 公斤 出生日期1983.7.13爱好唱歌,电脑游 戏 提示词汇:体育明星 a sports star Liu Xiang is a sports star. He is very popul

    38、ar in China and all over the world.He was born in 1983.He is very tall and of medium build.He has short straight black hair.And he has small eyes and a big nose.He likes singing and playing computer games.In the picture,he is wearing black sports clothes and white sports shoes.I like him very much.

    39、环节说明环节说明:通过听、说训练让学生掌握了本节课 的语言目标,不仅让学生掌握了听力技巧,而且培养 了学生的口语表达能力。同时,将本单元所学的语言 知识运用到写作中去。第四课时第四课时 Section B(2a3b)又一 10.end结尾;尽头 11.real真正的;真实的 12.jeans牛仔裤 13.draw a picture画画 14.in the end最后 15.first of all首先 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.My friend can draw well,he wants to be an artist. 2.Joe drew a p

    40、icture of the criminal,and the police put it on the public(公共的)wall to find him. 3.We can do it in the same way. 4.Can you describe(描述)the picture on the wall? 5.In the end(最后),you can do it by yourself. 6.This shirt is too short. Can you show me another one? 7.First of all(首先),we should make a plan

    41、 for vacation. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 游戏导入游戏导入 每个同学选择班上的一位同学(不必告之姓名),描 述他/她的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点以 及个人爱好;其他同学做好记录,猜猜他/她所描述的 是班上哪位同学;然后叫班上的某位同学根据自己的 记录介绍一下这位同学的身高、体重、发型、面部特 征及着装特点以及个人爱好等。 What does your best friend look like? What does he/she like doing? 环节说明环节说明:通过相互描述同学的身高、体重、发型、 面部特征及着装特点,以及个人爱好导入话题,让学

    42、生能积极思维,运用所学单词、短语及句型,结合实 际生活进行灵活运用;激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学 生的学习积极性与主动性;在学习活动中,学生能通 过交换对不同人物的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师 生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 2a2c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生复习所学的单词,完成 2a 的任务。(2 分 钟) 2.阅读 2b 中的材料,并完成 2b 的任务。(5 分钟) Teacher:Joe Brown has a special job.He is a police artist.Do you know something about it

    43、?Please read the newspaper article and find out which picture shows the real criminal. 3.对阅读材料中的重点词组或句子进行讲解,然后 让全班学生大声朗读阅读材料。(4 分钟) 4.再一次阅读课文,完成 2c 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now please read the article again and write what the words in bold refer to. 5.小结训练。(5 分钟) 阅读理解。 My father is tall and has short gray

    44、 hair.He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框).Here is a picture of him in 1968.What a surprise!In the picture,hes 15 years old.Hes short and he is wearing glasses with small round frames.He has short blond hair and its really straight.Hes wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love” on

    45、it.Im 15 years old now.Im of medium height and I have short hair.My hair isnt blond.Its blue.My father thinks its strange(奇怪的),but my friends think its great.I wear glasses,but my glasses have bright red frames.Theyre so cool!I have an earring(耳环)in one ear,too.I never wear blue jeans.I like big bag

    46、gy pants and long T-shirts.Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them. (C)1.What kind of glasses is the writers father wearing in the picture? A.Glasses with heavy black frames. B.Glasses with bright red frames. C.Glasses with small round frames. (B)2.What color is the write

    47、rs hair? A.Blond.B.Blue.C.Gray. (C)3.What does the writer like wearing? A.Blue jeans and a T-shirt. B.Big jeans and a long T-shirt. C.Big baggy pants and long T-shirts. (A)4.Whats on his fathers T-shirt in the picture? A.The word “Love”. B.Cool earrings. C.Pictures of rock bands. (B)5.Who has an ear

    48、ring in one ear? A.The writers father. B.The writer. C.The writers friend. 环节说明环节说明:通过对本单元话题的阅读训练,巩固本 单元所学的描述人物外貌的常见词汇与句子,让学生 掌握更多的描述人物外貌特征的词汇,培养学生的阅 读能力,提高学生的阅读水平与技巧。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 3a3b 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.阅读短文,完成 3a 的任务。(2 分钟) Teacher:Jack is Bills best friend.What does he look like?Lets read Bi

    49、lls description and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 2.模仿 3a 中的格式,根据以下提示,完成 3b 的写 作任务。(3 分钟) What is your friends name? What does he/she like to wear? What does he/she look like? Why do you like him/her? 3.写作训练。(5 分钟) 根据表格中所给的信息向你的同学介绍你的朋友。 名字Maria 年龄14 籍贯Australia 学校Apple Tree School 外

    50、貌大眼睛,黑长卷发,中等身材,有点胖 爱好喜欢穿红色衣服,喜欢读书,爱好流行 歌曲,网上聊天(chat) I have a friend.Her name is Maria.She is 14 years old.She is from Australia.She is a student in Apple Tree School.She has big eyes and long curly black hair.She is of medium build and a little bit fat.She likes wearing a red dress.She likes readin


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