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    读后续写:我们的友谊(2021.3山东潍坊一模高中英语 原创).docx

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    读后续写:我们的友谊(2021.3山东潍坊一模高中英语 原创).docx

    1、读后续写:我们的友谊(2021.3 山东潍坊一模 原创课件) 少年情怀总是诗。两个年轻的女孩子一见如故。虽然两个人性格迥异,但是相同的丏业 和默契, 使两人成为挚友。 两个人为了丏业少不了争执拌嘴。 在两个人冷静下来的时候, 脾气温和的朋友收到了一个网络信息。“我”忍不住好奇,朋友虽然有点失措,仍然坦 率地让我看了内容。我却震惊于朋友对我的不好的评价,认为是对“我”的背叛。本性 内向的我,执意中断我们的友情。虽然我们心有遗憾,但是我们都没有再次尝试。最后 一次旅行中,我们会怂么处理我们这段戛然而止,却又让我们恋恋不舍的友情呢? 文本特点 本文属于人与社会主题语境下的语境群:人际沟通。学生除了要

    2、掌握必要的学科技能, 还需要形成正确的价值观,幵丐具备一些关键能力。那么沟通幵丐融入社会的能力就是 一个必选项。 本文语境介绍了一种友情中的 dilemma。 一方面两个人都珍惜这份友情, 另一方面, 两个人都有自己的不足之处 朋友对其他人抱怨了“我”的缺点, 而“我” 对朋友坦率的态度视而不见,执意不肯原谅她。这个困境也是以后学生们在社会中将会 遇到的。丑界不是只有纯粹的黑与白,还有很多灰色地带。所以处理好人际关系与社会 交往,能够为自己的人生增色。 教学步骤 第一步是导入活动。 通过学生熟悉的朋友话题引入。人人都有朋友,有朋友就会有摩擦和争吵,那么如何解 决呢。这个话题,学生肯定有话可说。

    3、这个 Brainstorm 活动会引起学生的兴趣。 第二步是阅读活动。分别读取相应的信息:basic elements;plot;feelings;given sentences 及 main theme。 第三步就是写作支撑活动 主要为了发展学生概括描述+细节描述的能力,让文本更加生动具体,感动人心。 本堂课特色 1. 提炼文本要素时:引导学生忽略次要信息。在纷繁芜杂的信息中,一定要提炼出最 重要的,和中心人物最密切的关键信息。 2. 情节与情感发展相结合,交织迚行。 3. 语料库的支撑:不仅仅是通过提供预料,而是通过练习,让学生掌握方法。 学生收获 1. 掌握提取信息的能力。 2. 掌握文

    4、章情节与情感的线索。 3. 通过语料库的支撑,发展语言表达能力,增加丰富性。 第二节(满分 25 分) 47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文. Our friendship runs back to our college days when I first met Rishi. We had our own share “ first impression about each other. Mine wasshes a lovely, charming and full of life personality. Hers wasI look l

    5、ike an arrogant personality. I dont blame her for this. Many of my close friends had the same view when they first met me. Blame it on my bitch face and me being a shy person to some extent. We became really close within a short period of time. Ours was group of four people divided into 2 each durin

    6、g our final year when we both chose advertising as our specialization and the other two journalism. Back then, I was a regular user of BBM messenger and hardly used Whatsapp. On one specific occasion, we had really bad argument about a failed project. The usual blame game was on. We decided to put i

    7、t past us and focus on our studies. During this time, she once handed me her phone to show me a picture. While I was going through that, I came across a message from a particular Whatsapp group that comprises of her and my other two friends. I asked her permission to view the group. She had a blank

    8、expression on her face. But she allowed me to go ahead. I was in shock while going through their messages. Not really positive things were said about me in particular. It shook me. Because these were the people. I considered my friends. I broke down in front of her. She apologised. But I felt cheate

    9、d on. I told her about my decision of not wanting to continue this friendship further. We both missed each other. But neither of us wanted to give the last try. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Then came the Rajasthan IV trip which was our official last trip. _ _ _ _ Its been almost 7 years

    10、 after graduation since we picked up our friendship. _ _ _ _ One Possible Version Para 1: Then came the Rajasthan IV trip which was our official last trip. During the trip, we intentionally avoided each other. However, I couldnt help glancing at her when she turned back and I sensed the same. The em

    11、barrassment was heavy like a dark shadow. I was sitting alone with my head down when suddenly a figure approached. I looked up, surprised to find Rishi in front of me. Blushed, she broke the silence, “I am sorry again. I didnt mean to hurt you.” Tears streaming down, she continued, “I should have ta

    12、lked to you earlier.” I stood up and reached out to hug her, “I am sorry, too. I should have been more generous.” At that moment, we both realized we were an indispensable part of each others life. Para 2: Its been almost 7 years after graduation since we picked up our friendship. Looking back, I am

    13、 always grateful for her stepping up to make up with me. Till now, she has been one of the few people I can trust and count on. Our major offered us the same background so that we supported each other in our professional development. Of course, we had argument from time to time. But deep down, we bo

    14、th know all the argument is just about helping us to grow into a better individual instead of enemies. Therefore, we both learned to be tolerant and brave enough to always forgive. If we really value our friends and friendship, always cherish their presence and show willingness to maintain and nurture the relationship. 温馨提示:独家首发,版权所有。 独家首发,版权所有。如需引用,请标注出处。 欢迎各位有志之士投稿,共建优质交流平台。 投稿邮箱: 视频音频请在此处下载。 本系列仅供个人参考学习,请勿挪作他用。 如需完整版请前往小程序(第一个二维码),搜索关键词下载。 你 点 的 在 看 , 是 对 我们 持 续 分 享 最 大 的 支持 !


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