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    外研版七年级下册英语Module 6 复习总结自测卷一(有答案).docx

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    外研版七年级下册英语Module 6 复习总结自测卷一(有答案).docx

    1、七下七下 Module 6 复习总结自测题一复习总结自测题一 一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇 1. What about going to the _(博物馆)tomorrow? 2. The supermarket is _ (在的对面)our school. 3. Lots of _(游客)come to climb Mount Tai every year. 4. How do you go to work every day? By _(地铁). 5. They are taking a walk _(沿着)the river.

    2、 6. Fathers Day is on the _(第三)Sunday of June. 7. There are lots of people on the _(广场). 8. We will build a new _(铁路)here. 9. Jay Chou is a _(著名的)singer. 10. I go _(经过)the shop every day. 二、单项选择。二、单项选择。 1. _ , could you tell me where to park my car? Sure. Theres an underground parking lot over there

    3、. A. Let it go B. Pardon me C. Excuse me D. On the way 2. I dont know the way _ the zoo. Could you please tell me? A. of B. for C. to D. on 3. Could you tell me the_to the bank? Sure. Go down this street and youll find it. A. way B. street C. road D. stop 4. Excuse me, could you tell me_? Sure. Bus

    4、No. 4 will take you right there. A. how can I get to the zoo B. how I can get to the zoo C. when can I get to the zoo D. when I can get to the zoo 5. When you go _ the busy street, please be careful. A. cross B. across C. through D. to 6. Excuse me. Where is the nearest bookstore? Go _ Center Street

    5、 and you ll find it. A. for B. along C. with D. on 7. I m tired out after threeday work day and night. _ relax yourself? Go out and enjoy the natural beauty. A. Why not B. Why dont C. What about D. Shall we 8. _can I reach the nearest restaurant? You can go there on foot. A. What B. How C. When D. W

    6、here 9. We all know Mo Yan is famous _ a writer. A. for B. as C. to D. with 10. _ the help of modern technology, scientists got a photo of a black hole. A. At B. In C. On D. With 11. We all like the_ water of the lake. You can see the fish in the water. A. clear B. strange C. fresh D. safe 12. Would

    7、 you please_ the light? I cant sleep well with it on. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn to D. turn around 13. Wed better_ our sports meeting because its going to rain. A. put on B. put up C. put off 14. After I _ my homework, I will go to bed. A. read B. do C. finish D. end 15. Here is Zhongshan Park.

    8、You can _ the bus now. A. put off B. take off C. get off D. turn off 16. Can you come to my birthday party tonight? Yes, Id love to. But I have to finish _my English homework first. A. doing B. to do C. does 17. _? Go along this road and youll see it on your left. A. How far is the station B. Which

    9、bus can I take C. Is there a station near here D. Where is the station 18. When he walks _ me, he often says hello to me. A. pass B. past C. across D. through 19. Do you have any _ questions to ask? No, thanks. A. another B. others C. other D. the other 20. Excuse me! Is there_ hospital near here? Y

    10、es, there is_ over there. A. a; one B. the; a C. a; the D. the; one 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 欢迎踏上这次短暂的伦敦之旅。 _ _ this short tour of London. 2. 它在伦敦中间。 It is_ _ _ _London. 3. 当你累了, 游览伦敦的最好方式便是乘船。 When you are tired, _ _ _ _ see London is by boat. 4. 在塔桥下船。 _ _ the boat at Tower Bridge. 5. 左转进入国王街

    11、, 路过一个教堂。 _ _ _ Kings Street and go past a church. 四、四、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. Every year many t come to visit the Great Wall. 2. Please be careful when you go a the road. 3. Its c today. Lets go and fly a kite. 4. Please t left into Center Street. 5. The building is thirty- six m high. 五五

    12、、用所给词的适当形式填空。、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Why not _ (ask) the policeman over there? 2. I want _(visit) the National Stadium, too. 3. Could you tell me how _(get) to the park? 4. You can _(take) a bus or a taxi. 5. Go _(cross) the road, and you can get there. 六、按要求完成下面句子。六、按要求完成下面句子。 1. Can you tell me where the

    13、 post office is?(改为同义句) Can you tell me the _ _ the post office? 2. I can get to the library by bus. (就画线部分提问) _ _ you get to the library? 3. The bookstore is across from the bank. (改为同义句) The bookstore is_ the bank. 4. There are two squares in our city. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ two squares in your city? 5. Co

    14、uld you tell me how I get to the cinema?(改为同义句) Could you tell me _ _ _ to the cinema? 七、七、根据短文内容和首字母提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。根据短文内容和首字母提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。 Dear Friend, I know youll a 1next Sunday. Let me tell you the w 2 to my house. T 3 a taxi from the airport. Youll go p 4 a bank on your right and then go

    15、a 5 Changjiang Street. After you go a 6 a bridge, youll see a big supermarket. Turn left i 7 Huangshan Street. Go along the street and t 8 left at the New Park. Go down Feixi Street and my house is o 9 your right. Its just o 10 the restaurant. It will take you about an hour. Yours, Mary 八八、从方框中选择短语并

    16、用其适当形式填空、从方框中选择短语并用其适当形式填空 1. Whos the boy _? He is my little brother. 2. _ Beijing. Im glad to see you. 3. Please _ and youll see the bank. 4. We often _ the river after dinner. 5. He _ the bus and runs towards(朝) me. 九九、补全对话。 (有两项多余)、补全对话。 (有两项多余) get off, welcome to, turn left, walk along, on one

    17、s right A: Excuse me. _1 B: The bookshop? Its near the flower store, but its a little far from here. A: _2 B: Let me see. Its about six kilometres away. You can go there by bus. A: _3 B: Yes, the No. 16 bus will take you there. A: _4 B: Go down this road and dont stop until you get to the first stre

    18、et. _5 A: Thank you very much. B: Youre welcome. 十、十、完形填空。完形填空。 River Thames is the most important river in Great Britain. There are twenty- seven _1_ over the river. Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894. It is one of the _2_ bridges of all. _3_ makes Tower Bridge so ama

    19、zing(令人惊奇的)? Why do so many visitors A. How far is it from here? B. Where is the bus stop? C. Is there a cinema near here? D. You can see it on your left. E. Where is the bookshop? F. I want to buy some books there. G. Can you tell me which bus I should take? coming from _4_ the world go to see it?

    20、It is because Tower Bridge can open in the middle. It does this to let big ships go _5_ to the Pool of London. It is the only bridge in London that can be raised to allow _6_ to pass. You are _7_ enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air. You can _8_ the wonderful views(景色)o

    21、f the river on it. _9_ its north side stands the Tower of London. They look very old, and you may think they are of the same age. However, you are _10_. The tower is almost one thousand years old, but Tower Bridge is only about one hundred years old. ( )1. A. theatres B. parks C. stores D. bridges (

    22、 )2. A. most famous B. largest C. longest D. highest ( )3. A. When B. How C. What D. Where ( )4. A. all over B. with C. among D. between ( )5. A. along B. over C. out D. through ( )6. A. cars B. ships C. planes D. bikes ( )7. A. famous B. rich C. lucky D. old ( )8. A. enjoy B. like C. take D. discov

    23、er ( )9. A. In B. On C. At D. Of ( )10. A. right B. clever C. wrong D. serious 十一、阅读理解。十一、阅读理解。 A Dear Amy, Today I want to tell you something about my neighbourhood(街区). I live on a big street. On the left of my house is a big park. The police station is across from my house. There is a hotel on th

    24、e left of the park. Between the hotel and a Japanese restaurant there is a small bank. A big supermarket is across from the Japanese restaurant. On weekends, my family often play sports in the park. My mother often shops in the supermarket. What about your neighbourhood? Julia Dear Julia, I live on

    25、a small street. My house is in the middle of the street. In front of my house there is a small supermarket. On the left of the supermarket is a library and on the right of the supermarket is a post office. Behind my house there is a small park with a few trees and a small garden(花园). At the end of t

    26、he street there is a hill(小山)with lots of trees. On weekends, my family often climb the hill. It takes us about 15 minutes to walk there from our house. Amy 1. Julias house is across from _. A. the post office B. the police station C. the supermarket D. the bank 2. _ is between Julias house and the

    27、hotel. A. The park B. The bank C. The supermarket D. The restaurant 3. Julias family often _ in the park on weekends. A. read books B. eat lunch C. play sports D. take photos 4. The park is _ Amys house. A. across from B. in front of C. next to D. behind 5. Its about _ from Amys house to the hill. A

    28、. ten minutes walk B. ten minutes bus ride C. fifteen minutes walk D. fifteen minutes bus ride B 阅读文章,把方框里的词填入合适的位置。阅读文章,把方框里的词填入合适的位置。 Mr. Smith lived in the country, but he worked in an office in a big city. So he went to work _1 train every morning and came home in the same way. One morning he wa

    29、s _2 his newspaper silently on the train when _3 man sitting behind him leaned (倾斜) forward, tapped (拍打) him on the shoulder and spoke to _4 . The man said, “Youre leading a very interesting life. You get on the same _5 at the station at the same time every morning, and you always sit in the same, d

    30、own, by, him, How, train, Because, read, a, say same seat and read the same newspaper. Life is always the _6 to you. ” He put his paper _7, turned around, and said to the man, “Who are you? _8 do you know all these things about me?” “_9 Im always sitting in this seat behind you,” the man answered. “

    31、This morning, I thought it would be good to _10 hello. ” 答答 案案 一、1. museum 2. opposite 3. tourists 4. underground 5. along 6. third 7. square 8. railway 9. famous 10. past 二、二、CCABB BABBD ABCCC ADBCA 三、三、1. Welcome to 2. in the middle of 3. the best way to 4. Get off 5. Turn left into 四、1.tourists 2

    32、. across 3.clear 4.turn 5.meters 五、1. ask 2. to visit 3. to get 4. take 5. across 六、六、1. way to 2. How can 3. opposite 4. Are there 5. how to get 七、七、1. arrive 2. way 3. Take 4. past 5. along 6. across 7. into 8. turn 9. on 10. opposite 八、八、1. on your right 2. Welcome to 3. turn left 4. walk along 5. gets off 九、九、EAGBD 十、十、DACAD BCABC 十一、十一、A A:BACDC B:1. by 2. reading 3. a 4. him 5. train 6. same 7. down 8. How 9. Because 10. say


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