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    (精)2021年春人教版八年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 3)(含听力音频mp3).zip

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    (精)2021年春人教版八年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 3)(含听力音频mp3).zip

    1、单元过关与检测(Unit 3) (时间:120 分钟满分:120 分) 一、听力部分(20 分) .听句子,选择恰当的应答语。句子读两遍。(5 分) Could you please help me move the books? ( A )1.A.Yes, sure. B.No, you cant. C.Yes, please. How often does your mom clean the room? ( C )2.A.Now.B.On weekends. C.Every day. What kind of housework does your father like doing?

    2、( A )3.A.Doing the dishes. B.Hes cleaning the floor. C.Yes, he does. Why doesnt your sister like doing the laundry? ( A )4.A.She thinks its boring. B.She thinks its interesting. C.She is lazy. Do you often go to the movies with your friends? ( B )5.A.No, we arent. B.Yes, I do. C.No, they dont. .听小对话

    3、,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。(5 分) M:Alice, could you please sweep the floor after dinner? W:Sorry, I cant.I have to do my homework. ( B )6.Whats the girl going to do after dinner? W:Dad, could I use your car tomorrow? I want to go to Bettys birthday party. M:Sorry.Ill be using it.I will have an important meeting

    4、 tomorrow morning. ( A )7.What does the girl want to use? M:Lucy, could you take the dog for a walk? W:OK.Im coming. ( C )8.What is Lucy going to do? M:Does everyone share the housework in your home, Sally? W:Yes.My mother usually cooks meals, I wash clothes, my father cleans the house,and my brothe

    5、r does the dishes. ( C )9.What does Sallys father usually do? M:Mom, could I go out to play basketball with my friends? W:Of course you can.But you have to clean your room first. ( B )10.What should the boy do first? .听两段对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,完成第 1112 小题。 M:Mum,could I go out for dinner with

    6、my friends tonight? W:Of course you can. M:Could I go to the movies after that?Its said that the new action movie is great. W:I guess so.But dont stay out late! M:Could I stay out until 11:00? W:I dont think so.Youll have a football game tomorrow.You need to have a good rest. ( A )11.Whats the boy g

    7、oing to do? A.Have dinner with his friends. B.Stay out late. C.Go to the concert. ( C )12.Why cant the boy stay out late? A.Hell have a test. B.Hell have a basketball game. C.Hell have a football game. 听第二段对话,完成第 1315 小题。 W:Hi, Steve.Were doing a survey on students after-school activities.Can you he

    8、lp us and answer some questions? M:Sure. W:OK.Do you often play sports after school? M:Yes.I play basketball on Monday and Thursday.I play volleyball on Tuesday and football on Friday. W:What about Wednesday? M:Oh, I dont play sports on Wednesday.I go to the drum club. W:OK.And how often do you do y

    9、our homework with your friends? M:I never do my homework with my friends.I like to study alone. W:I see.Do you often read in the evening? M:Well, I want to, but I seldom have the time.I have a lot of homework. W:What about TV? Do you often watch TV in the evening? M:Well, I always watch the evening

    10、news at 7 oclock.Sometimes I finish my homework early so I can watch a football match on TV. ( C )13.How often does Steve play ball games? A.Twice a week. B.Three times a week. C.Four times a week. ( B )14.What does Steve do on Wednesday? A.Plays volleyball. B.Goes to the drum club. C.Does his homew

    11、ork. ( B )15.When does Steve watch the evening news? A.At 6 oclock. B.At 7 oclock. C.At 10 oclock. .听短文,补全所缺部分,每空词数不限。短文读两遍。(5 分) We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face the trouble.When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there are six ways to make you feel good a

    12、bout yourself. (1)Look in the mirror and say to yourself,“Im a special person in the world.I can do anything!”It really works! (2)Do something nice for someone. (3)Smile! Be friendly to people you meet. (4)Learn something new! (5)Read and start a diary.Writing always helps to express your feelings.

    13、(6)Stay with your family.Talk with your Mum and Dad or maybe even your cousin. We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face the trouble.When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there are six ways to make you 16.feel good about yourself. (1)Look in the mirror and say to

    14、17.yourself, “Im a special person in the world.I can do anything!”It really works! (2)Do something nice for someone. (3)Smile! Be 18.friendly to people you meet. (4)Learn 19.something new! (5)Read and start a diary.Writing always helps to express your feelings.来源:Z#xx#k.Com (6)Stay with your 20.fami

    15、ly. Talk with your Mum and Dad or maybe even your cousin. 二、单项选择(15 分) ( C )21.Its unfair rule that my parents dont allow me to shop with friends on weekends. A.a B.the C.an ( C )22.You look worried.What happened? I lost my key.As a ,I couldnt get into my house. A.mess B.letter C.resultD.wheel ( D )

    16、23.It was not for her to do all the housework. Youre right.Ill help her with the housework. A.ill B.healthy C.strongD.fair ( B )24.I could my bed and my clothes.(2018 揭阳揭西县期中) A.make;doB.make;fold C.fold;doD.fold;wash ( C )25.Every student can two books from the school library at a time and for two

    17、weeks. A.borrow;lendB.lend;borrow C.borrow;keepD.lend;keep ( D )26.There is some rubbish in the bag.Please . A.take out itB.take out them C.take them out D.take it out ( B )27.Mom,my classmates invited me a trip.May I go with them? OK.(2018 邢台八中期中) A.go on B.to go on C.go in D.to go in ( A )28.Miss

    18、Zheng saves all her money buy a gift for her mother on Mothers Day. A.in order to B.so that C.in order that D.such as ( A )29. we have a few minutes to wait for the train.Lets have a cup of coffee. A.Since B.Before C.AlthoughD.So ( D )30.Do you help your mom with housework at home? Yes,I think doing

    19、 chores can help us learn to look after at the same time.(2018 重庆七十一中期中) A.meB.myself C.us D.ourselves ( B )31.To protect our environment,the supermarkets dont free plastic (塑料的) bags for shoppers. A.takeB.provide C.carry D.show ( A )32.She stopped talking her mother came into the room.(2018 宜宾) A.a

    20、s soon asB.unless C.though ( B )33.Its very dangerous for us the mobile phone while crossing the street.(2018 益阳) A.answering B.to answer C.answer ( A )34.I will never believe in him again.He lets me down(失望). . A.Neither will IB.So will I C.So I will D.Neither I will ( B )35.Could I borrow your cam

    21、era? ,but please give it back by Saturday. A.Im sorryB.Of course C.Certainly not D.No,thanks 答案及剖析: 21.C由语境可知空白处表示泛指,所以用不定冠词 a/an,unfair 以元音音素开头,应用不 定冠词 an。故选 C。 22.Cas a result 结果,为固定短语。故选 C。 23.D根据句意“她一个人做所有家务是不。你说得对,我要帮她做家务。 ”可知,fair(公平的)符合语境。故选 D。 24.Bmake ones bed “整理床铺”与 fold clothes“叠衣服”均为固定搭

    22、配。故选 B。 25.C由语境可知第一个空意为“借用”,所以用 borrow;第二个空意为“借用多久”,所 以用 keep。故选 C。 26.Drubbish 是不可数名词,用代词 it 代指;take out 是“动词+副词”结构的短语,若人 称代词作宾语时,则宾语须放置 take 与 out 之间。故选 D。 27.Binvite sb.to do sth.“邀请某人做某事”,为固定搭配;go on a trip“去郊游”, 为固定搭配。故选 B。 28.A句意:郑小姐把钱存起来是为了母亲节给妈妈买礼物。 in order to do sth.为了做 某事;so that= in orde

    23、r that 为了,后接从句;such as 例如。故选 A。来源:Z.xx.k.Com 29.Asince 既然;因为;before 在以前;although 虽然;尽管;so 所以。根据句意“ 我们还有几分钟等火车。我们喝杯咖啡吧。”可知,since 符合语境。故选 A。 30.D根据句意“我认为做家务的同时会帮助我们学会照顾自己”可知选 D。 31.Bprovide sth.for sb.“为某人提供某物”,为固定短语。故选 B。 32.Aas soon as 一就;unless 除非;如果不;though 尽管。根据句意“她妈妈一进入 房间,她就停止了说话。”可知,应选 A。 33.B

    24、It is+ adj.+for sb.+ to do sth.意为“对某人来说做某事是的”为固定句 型,故选 B。 34.A“Neither +be / 情态动词 / 助动词+主语”表示前面所叙述的否定情况同样适用 于后者;“So +be / 情态动词 / 助动词+主语”表示前面所叙述的肯定情况同样适用于后 者;“Neither +主语+be / 情态动词 / 助动词”表示对前面所叙述否定情况的肯定;“So +主语+be / 情态动词 / 助动词”表示对前面所叙述肯定情况加肯定。根据上句“我永远 也不再信任他了。他让我失望了。”可知,应选 A。 35.B根据 but please give i

    25、t back by Saturday(但是请在周六前归还)可知空白处表 示答应对方请求,故选 B。 三、完形填空(10 分) Lisa is serious about the chores in her house.She gives her children things that they 36 do according to their ages.She started by asking John,the 37 of her two sons,to help with the dishes.It is now an easy chore 38 the 15-year-old.His

    26、13-year-old brother,Dave,now 39 John too.They take turns (轮流) washing the 40 each week.The boys also clean their study tables,make their beds and 41 food from the market on Sunday mornings.Besides (除了) these,the boys also know how to cook easy meals 42 their parents are not at home. The family of 43

    27、 live in a big house but they do all the housework themselves.Lisa says,“When I was young,my father wanted us to do things on our own and learn how to 44 ourselves.Now Im doing it to my kids.”John says“Doing chores is 45.You can learn important life skills and responsibility (责任).” ( B )36.A.mustB.c

    28、an C.may D.will ( A )37.A.elder B.taller C.younger D.shorter ( C )38.A.withB.as C.for D.by ( D )39.A.likes B.finds C.hates D.helps ( B )40.A.hands B.dishes C.fruit D.clothes ( C )41.A.borrowB.cook C.buy D.sell ( A )42.A.whenB.how C.whatD.why ( C )43.A.twoB.three C.four D.five ( D )44.A.work onB.live

    29、 in C.look at D.take care of ( B )45.A.difficult B.good C.bad D.boring 答案及剖析: 36.B根据 according to their ages(根据他们的年龄)可知,分配他们能做的家务。故选 B。来源:Z。xx。k.Com 37.A根据 his 13-year-old brother 可知,John 是长子。故选 A。 38.C“Its +名词+ for sb.( to do sth.)”意为“对某人来说(做某事)是”为固 定句型。故选 C。 39.D根据下文 They take turns washing .(他们轮流

    30、清洗)可知,Dave 现在帮助 John 了。 40.B根据上文 help with the dishes 可知,他们每周轮流清洗餐具。故选 B。 41.C根据文中的 from the market(从市场上)可知,buy(买)符合语境。故选 C。 42.A根据语意可推知:“当他们的父母不在家时孩子们也会做简单的饭”可知,when 符合 语意。故选 A。 43.C根据上文可知该家庭有“两个孩子与父母”共 4 口人。故选 C。 44.Dwork on 从事于;live in 住在;look at 看;take care of 照顾。根据 my father wanted us to do thi

    31、ngs on our own(我父亲想让我们靠我们自己做事)可知:父亲想让我 们学会照顾自己。故选 D。 45.B根据 You can learn important life skills(你可以学到重要的生活技能)可知,做 家务是有好处的。故选 B。 四、阅读理解(30 分) A It was early on a sunny Sunday.Mark got up and decided to do some chores around the house. He thought it would be good to feed the cat first.He got the cat f

    32、ood out of the kitchen.He also gave the cat some fresh water. It was nine oclock.He thought that to do the dishes should be the next.Mark hated doing the dishes.So,he began and finished the dishes in half an hour. Around ten,he started to clean the house.He spent one hour and a half on it.It was dif

    33、ficult to clean the floor because there were lots of cat hairs. Then Mark began to sort (把分类)all of his rubbish.It was an easy chore for him to do,and he thought it was good to the environment,so it was his favourite chore.About twenty minutes later,he finished it. The morning of doing chores was ov

    34、er.What did Mark do next? He had a rest and enjoyed his lunch. ( B )46.Mark first that day. A.cooked breakfast B.fed the cat C.washed the clothes D.walked the dog ( A )47.Some made cleaning the floor difficult. A.cat hairs B.dirty food C.old books D.waste paper ( B )48.It took Mark minutes to do the

    35、 dishes. A.twentyB.thirty C.sixty D.ninety ( D )49.Which chore did Mark like doing best? A.Doing the dishes. B.Cleaning the house. C.Feeding the cat. D.Sorting the rubbish. ( C )50.Mark finished all his chores . A.at about 10:00 am B.in the evening C.before twelve oclock D.after 1:30 pm B In China,s

    36、ome parents do almost everything for their children these days.They look on their older children or sometimes even adults as babies!It is a very common problem in China,because most parents only have one child. Some parents dont let children do chores or go anywhere by themselves.As a result,their c

    37、hildren cant do anything by themselves and have to depend more on them. In fact,no children really enjoy being looked after by their parents all the time.No parents would be happy to know that.As a result of too much care,their children dont know anything about the world!Children need their own time

    38、 to grow into adults and to learn how to deal with problems.Too much care spoils(破坏)their fun when they are growing up.And when suddenly they cant depend on their parents,these children may be in great trouble. It is nice that parents show their care to their children,it is nice that children know t

    39、hat their parents love is out of love,and it will be nicer if the children let their parents know how much love they really need,and how much love is too much. ( C )51.In the passage,the common problem in China is . A.parents only have one child B.older children or even adults look like babies C.par

    40、ents do almost everything for their children D.parents dont really love their children来源:学,科,网 ( B )52.Children cant do anything by themselves because . A.they are too lazy to learn anything B.parents dont let them do chores or go anywhere C.their parents give them too much care D.they are too young

    41、 ( A )53.What does the underlined phrase “deal with” mean in this passage in Chinese? A.处理B.面对 C.提出D.遇到 ( C )54.What does the writer want to tell us? A.Children should depend on their parents. B.Parents should teach their children everything. C.Parents too much love is not good for their children. D

    42、.Children need to know their parents love them. ( D )55.Whats the best title for the passage? A.Help your children B.We dont need love C.Children are always children D.Children are no longer babies C Many kids help parents to do chores in the house.They may take out the trash,walk the dog or sweep t

    43、he floor.In return,some kids get money or other rewards from their parents,such as 20 minutes to play computer games. But some people do not think that kids should get rewards for doing chores.One of them is Jane Smith,a parenting educator and family coach.She believes if kids get rewards,they may t

    44、hink that work isnt worth doing unless you get something in return.For example,kids wont sweep the floor if they see it is dirty.But they will do it if their parents reward them for it. “Every house is a team effort,” Jane said.“A home is a living space for everyone in the family.Its important for k

    45、ids to see that we all have a responsibility to keep our home clean.” Other people hold different opinions.They believe that money or other rewards encourage kids to do more chores.It also teaches them real world lessons.They can learn about how we work to make money. Now,there are also apps that en

    46、courage kids to do chores.The apps give kids points and digital (数字的) gifts that can be used either online or in life.With the app ChoreMonster,kids earn digital points after doing chores.Kids can exchange their points for real rewards,such as time to play video games or a trip to the mall.“Our goal

    47、 is to encourage kids,so they can earn rewards,” says Joe Black,founder of ChoreMonster. “Kids need positive (积极的)power to make them do chores.” ( D )56.Jane Smith thinks that . A.housework isnt worth doing B.kids are not willing to do chores C.kids should get something in return D.kids shouldnt get

    48、 rewards for doing chores ( C )57.ChoreMonster is a(n). A.educatorB.coach C.app D.app founder ( C )58.If rewarded for doing chores,kids can learn to . A.take responsibilities B.use apps well C.make money through work D.understand team effort ( B )59.Whats the purpose of the apps mentioned in the pas

    49、sage? A.To give kids points and gifts. B.To encourage kids to do chores. C.To exchange points for real rewards D.To give kids advice on doing chores ( D )60.The passage mainly talks about . A.how to encourage kids to do chores B.what kind of chores kids should do来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K C.if kids should do

    50、chores at home D.whether kids should be rewarded for doing chores D I have two girls.One is 5 years old.And the other is 12.I also have a boy.He is only 3 years old.We live in a big house with five bedrooms.61.D .Yes,I am a single mother.But,we all enjoy it now. My 12-year-old girl helps me do many


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