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    外研版八年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2教学设计.doc

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    外研版八年级下册英语Module 5 Unit 2教学设计.doc

    1、1 Book 4 Module5 Cartoons 一、教学内容教学内容:Unit2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. 二、课型课型:Listening and speaking 三、三、 教学目标教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: ugly, lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy 2、能读懂以卡通为主题的短文并提取相关信息。 3、能够描写自己喜欢的卡通人物和相关故事。 4、能够展示卡通故事、介绍卡通作品和演示卡通故事。 四、四、 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1、能读懂以卡

    2、通为主题的短文并提取相关信息。 (重点) 2、能够展示卡通故事、介绍卡通作品和演示卡通故事。 (难点) 五、五、 教学准备:教学准备: 课堂整体运用任务型教学模式, 培养学生独立自主的学习能力。 本课指导学生通过听 说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用 各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT 课件、挂图、课 堂练习表格、奖品 六、六、 教学过程:教学过程: 教学教学 步骤步骤 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 设计意图设计意图 Step One Warming -up (3) Lead in 1. Revision: What c

    3、artoon heroes did we talk about yesterday? Which is your favourite? Can you say something about them? 2T: Do you know some other cartoons and the heroes of it? Show some pictures of the cartoons that we are going to talk about today. 1. Revision: Have students talk about their favourite cartoon hero

    4、es. 2. Students watch and think. 以旧引新, 先 引导学生进 入本模块的 主题。 引起学 生的注意和 深思。 Step Two Pre-task (5) Show students some cartoon heroes and show the title of the lesson and lecture the new words as well. Watch pictures learn some new words. eg: ugly, lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy 引导学生谈 论图片,训练

    5、 学生描述事 情的能力。 在 描述的同时 学习新单词 2 eg: ugly, lead, clever, expect, invent, create, satisfy 和句型, 做到 词不离句, 为 学生扫清读 的障碍。 Step Three While -task (24) 1. Scanning (1)Ask students to scan the passage. T: Read the passage and choose a sentence that best summarises it on the book. 2. Skimming Ask students to skim

    6、 the passage and find out the answers to these questions: (1) How many cartoon heroes are mentioned in the passage? (2) Who are they? 3.Careful reading. (1)Paragraph 1: Listen and finish fill in the table: Nemo is a 1._ orange-and-white 2._ and Shrek is an 3._ green animal. They look very different

    7、but they have won the 4._ of young people all over the world. T: Now, lets check the answers. Ask a volunteer to read Paragraph 1 in class and the other students find out difficulties. Solve difficulties: Both of them have won the hearts of young people all over the world. 1)both of/ all of. 1. Scan

    8、ning (1)Ask students to scan the passage and choose the main idea of the passage. 2. Skimming Ask students to skim the passage and finish the two questions. 3.Careful reading. (1)Paragraph 1: Listen and finish fill in the table: Nemo is a 1._ orange-and-white 2._ and Shrek is an 3._ green animal. Th

    9、ey look very different but they have won the 4._ of young people all over the world. T: Now, please listen to paragraphs 1 and finish the passage. Ask a volunteer to read Paragraph 1 in class and the other students find out difficulties. Solve difficulties: 要求学生快 速阅读文章, 把标题和文 段相匹配。 通过学生快 速阅读, 培养 学生获

    10、取主 旨的能力, 突 出本模块的 重点句式。 并 且从整体把 握文章的内 容, 为进一 步学习做好 铺垫。 让学生带着 任务(问题) 去阅读课文, 去找答案, 有 助于学生更 加准确地获 取信息, 提高 阅读效果和 技能。 学生通 过分层次阅 读文章, 获取 具体信息, 把 知识点和课 文理解在分 段学习得以 突破。 而小组 活动能通过 学生间的自 主、合作学 习, 让学生充 分地实践运 3 2) win the hearts of sb. Eg. The handsome boy has won the hearts of the girl. T: Nemo is cute and Shre

    11、k is ugly, but both of them are famous all over the world. Now, lets take a look at other cartoon hero-Monkey King. (2)Paragraph 2: Lets read together and fill in the information card with your partners: Information card Name of the story 1._ _. Name of the cartoon hero 2._ _. Whats the story about?

    12、 He leads a groups of 4_ against the Emperor of Haven and his men. Hows the cartoon hero? Hes 4._, clever and 5._. Ask a student to be “a little teacher” to check the answers. Read by yourself and find out important points. Solve difficulties. 1) lead sb. to do sth. Eg. He leads his team to fight ag

    13、ainst the enemy. 2) make a mess in Eg. The little boy made a (2)Paragraph 2: Lets read together and fill in the information card with your partners: Ask a student to be “a little teacher” to check the answers. Read by yourself and find out important points. Solve difficulties. 用语言, 并激 发学生创造 性思维的发 展。

    14、 4 terrible mess in his room. 3) expect (sb.) to do sth. Eg. I expect to pass the exam. T: We all know that Monkey King is from China. How about Tintin? Have you ever heard of him before? Who invented him? How does he look like? And how long has he been popular? Now, lets read together and find out

    15、the answers. (3)Paragraph 3: Let the students answer these two questions after reading Paragrap3 1) How long has Tintin been popular? 2)Who invented him? 3) How does he look like? 4) When did Tintin appear in China? Students read this paragraph and find out difficult points: 1) He has been popular f

    16、or over 80 years. 2) work for 3) invent inventor 4)black-and-white Tintin book black-and-white TV set Ask a group of six students to read paragraph 3. Solve difficulties. Please read by yourself and see if you have any difficult points. (3)Paragraph 3: Let the students answer these two questions aft

    17、er reading Paragrap3 Students read this paragraph and find out difficult points: 1) in order to 2) set up = build 3) nature park 4) feed the pandas Ask a group of six students to read paragraph 3. Solve difficulties by yourself. (4) Paragraph 4: Lets read the last paragraph 5 (4) Paragraph 4: Lets r

    18、ead the last paragraph together and find out: 1) What is Snoopy actually? 2) Do you like he? 3) How old is he? T: Lets read the whole passage together decide which cartoon hero here is your favourite. together and find out the answers to the questions. T: Lets read the whole passage together and dec

    19、ide which cartoon hero is your favourite. Step Four Post- task (10) 1.Retelling. Let the students decide their favourite cartoon hero here, and then have them say something about them with the help of the picture of the cartoon heros.(Before the retelling, give some time for students to read the pas

    20、sage first.) 2.Writing (1)Which is your favourite cartoon? (2)What is it about? (3)Whos in it? (4)Whats the cartoon hero like? (5)Why do you like it? You may begin like this: My favourite cartoon is And is the cartoon hero 1.Retelling. Let the students decide their favourite cartoon hero here, and t

    21、hen have them say something about them with the help of the picture of the cartoon heros. . 2. Writing Write the short passage. (1)Which is your favourite cartoon? (2)What is it about? (3)Whos in it? (4)Whats the cartoon hero like? (5)Why do you like it? You may begin like this: My favourite cartoon

    22、 is And is the cartoon hero 复述对话能 使学生加深 对课文内容 的理解和记 忆。 适当笔头练 习, 让学生巩 固本课时的 语言点和突 出重点。 Step Five Summary (2) 1.Get the students to sum up the language points. T: What have we learned today? Ss: 2.Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson. 1.Sum up the language points. 2.To choose the be

    23、st groups. 引导学生对 这节课的总 结, 让学生做 自由发言, 培 养学生自主 学习, 自主总 结的良好学 6 习习惯。 简短的评价 使学生的课 堂表现得到 肯定并且可 以激励学生 的学习兴趣, 树立学习英 语的信心。 Step Six Home- work (1) 1. Read the passage after school and remember the new words. 2.To finish writing the short passage : My Favourite Cartoon Finish the homework. 课后作业有 助于学生巩 固已学的知

    24、识, 补充其他 方面的锻炼。 写作是阅读 的拓展, 让学 生最终完全 掌握语言, 实 践运用语言。 七、板书设计:七、板书设计: Module 5 Cartoons. Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years. 1) both of/ all of. 2) win the hearts of sb. 3) lead sb. to do sth. Eg. He leads his team to fight against the enemy. 4) make a mess in Eg. The little boy made a

    25、terrible mess in his room. 5) expect (sb.) to do sth. Eg. I expect to pass the exam. 达标训练题达标训练题 一选择正确的答案: ( )1. The little girl expects _ to Disneyland this summer holiday. A. going B. to go C. goes D. will go ( )2. _ the fans went to see the concert last night. A. Thousand B. Thousand of C. Thousan

    26、ds of D. Of thousand ( )3. Tintin _ popular for over 80 years since the artist invented it. A. was B.has C. has been D. have become ( )4. The children made a big _ in the room. A. mess B. messes C. mass D.masses ( )5. The singer has won the _ of the teenagers. A. hears B. hearts C. cartoons D. heros

    27、 二、短文填空: Pleasant Sheep and Big Big Wolf has been the most popular 1._ in China 2._ it was first on TV in Jane, 2005. The cartoon 3._ is Pleasant 7 Sheep. He is a handsome and 4._ sheep, and he is very good at study. Hes kind and he always 5._ to save his friends. He leads a group of his 6._ to fight agaist the two wolves and he wins all the time. But Big Big Wolf has never 7._ up. The story brings a lot of joy to children as well 8._ the parents. Its very famous all over China and Asia.


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